All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 67

A few minutes later, in the deepest secret room under the restaurant, the witch Catherine was lying on the sofa, listening to Ralph\'s description without expression, glancing at the werewolf shivering on her knees from time to time.

Even people who don\'t know the situation at all can clearly feel that there is a rising flame called "anger" in her heart.

In order to avoid being accidentally injured by the hostess\'s violent anger, Carls moved quietly towards the door and kept himself away from the prisoners as far as possible, saving a while from being accidentally involved.

He had seen with his own eyes the terrible gesture of the hostess when she was angry. It could be life-threatening if he was a little closer.

In this extremely depressing atmosphere, Ralph told the story of the group in the basement of the old house, without losing even the slightest detail.

When the last word falls!

A manic idea dragged the werewolf kneeling on the ground. Although he struggled desperately to breathe fresh air, he was like a newborn baby without resistance in front of the witch\'s terrible power.

"Tell me! What exactly does your leader want to do? Who is behind him? The sooner you say it, the easier it will be for you to die, otherwise I will let you taste the pain ten times worse than death." Catherine\'s eyes were purplish, obviously extremely angry, and even didn\'t give the prisoners hope to live.

"I... I don\'t know..." the werewolf jumped out a few words intermittently from his throat.

Suffocation and poor blood circulation made his brain lack of oxygen. He had no way to think, but answered subconsciously.

However, Catherine was obviously not satisfied with the answer. She raised her right arm and made a rotation out of thin air.


One of the prisoner\'s arms was rotated 180 degrees on the spot, like a twist, and there was a crisp sound of bone cracking.


The werewolf started to howl without accident. The severe pain made him choose to change. He opened his big mouth full of sharp teeth and frantically bited the idea of blocking his neck.

But unfortunately, the mind has never had any fixed form, and it is impossible to be touched by teeth or claws.

In less than three or five minutes, his ferocious eyes began to turn white, his mouth was watering, and finally he slowly stopped struggling and entered a state of shock.

"Hum! Waste!"

With a wave of the witch\'s arm, the unlucky man fell hard on the solid wall. The huge impact made him spew out a mouthful of blood.

Looking at the half dead prisoners who fell to the ground, Catherine exuded a dangerous smell all over her body. After a long time, she said, "Carls, tell me, what the hell do you think the damn werewolf leader is doing? Is he going to occupy a territory in New York by relying on a dozen hell devil babies?"

"No, madam, it is absolutely impossible for parliament to allow this to happen. Personally, I prefer that someone knows that Senator miles is dying and secretly plans a conspiracy to create some chaos before the war game begins, so as to make the Lords of Brooklyn more suspicious. It would be better if there were a few more who can\'t help but do it." Carls analyzed with a dignified expression.

"You mean... This is a conspiracy against me?" the corners of the witch\'s mouth tilted slightly, showing a funny smile.

"Maybe, maybe not. No one can be sure until we find this guy. I suggest you\'d better say hello to the Parliament and inform your allies to be ready. Maybe the war has begun now..."

When he said this, Carl\'s eyes flashed with undisguised excitement and expectation, as if he especially looked forward to the bloody scene in his heart.

"Very good! If the war has begun, let\'s take advantage of the enemy to get rid of Cassandra, a little bitch. She has been secretly against me. Inform the wolves who swear to be loyal to me to attack Cassandra\'s territory from tomorrow. Let\'s see who can take the lead in this chaos." Catherine licked her seductive red lips and gave orders.

Without saying anything, Carls immediately bent down and bowed deeply: "as you wish, my supreme hostess. Oh, by the way, Zhang also told me that the devil he encountered calls himself Bolun. You can find someone to help check the application record. Although I don\'t think it will be the real name of the evil devil, maybe you can get some unexpected clues."

Catherine gently nodded her head: "OK, I see. It seems that my little wizard is still very useful, isn\'t it? Don\'t be too stingy and give him more rewards. Now, I need his strength."

"Hehe, I\'ll do it even if you don\'t say it. You know, it\'s too difficult to recruit a powerful wizard who is not very greedy these days." after that, Carls turned and waved to Ralph.

The latter quickly saluted the Witch and followed him into the dark tunnel.

After a few minutes, they returned to the bar entrance one after another.

Just as Ralph was about to go in and greet Zhang Cheng, who was sitting at the bar drinking juice and chatting with the young girls around him, Carls grabbed him and whispered, "remember! Don\'t reveal a word just heard in the lady\'s room, especially Zhang, otherwise you know what will happen."

"Of course! I am your man and will never betray you and the witch," Ralph vowed, bending down.

"Very good! I like smart people! I hope you won\'t be smart, but you will be mistaken by smart people. Get close to Zhang as much as possible, pay close attention to his every move, and don\'t forget to tell me if you find any suspicious signs. Here, give this to him for me, that\'s the lady\'s extra reward for his mission." after that, Carls handed over a bracelet inlaid with green gemstones.

Ralph took it in his hand and immediately felt the faint energy emitted from the gem. One couldn\'t help exclaiming: "magic... Magic items!"

"Yes! Madam thinks highly of him and even wants to win him over, but he can\'t be a spy sent by others. Well, I have other things to do. You can solve the rest by yourself."

Seeing Carl\'s slightly old back disappear into the darkness, Ralph sighed with a bitter smile: "gold dinars and magic items, is this the treatment that a wizard with great power can get? It\'s really different from me. If... If I can get such power."

With a trace of reluctance, he took a deep breath, quickly adjusted his mood and walked towards the bar.