All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 635

Zhang Cheng ignored the almost frozen expression on the old man\'s face and pressed the power start button.


All kinds of lighting facilities and advanced electronic equipment have been started one after another.

Especially the 3D projection technology from Marvel Universe and the artificial intelligence designed by iron man almost made Leonid jump.

"Good afternoon, sir. It\'s my pleasure to serve you." artificial intelligence appears in the hall with a fuzzy projection.

"Good afternoon, X. let me introduce you. The gentleman next to me is Leonid. From today on, he is the second person you need to obey 100% besides me, and is responsible for providing remote support and advice to him and his men." Zhang Cheng gave the order directly.

After all, he is not a child who likes to be surprised. He won\'t regard artificial intelligence as a real human, so he doesn\'t need to consider superfluous things such as "feeling" and just give orders directly.

"I see! Facial recognition import! Iris recognition import! Fingerprint recognition import! The secondary authority has been entered. Hello, Mr. Leonid, I\'m X. I\'m very glad to cooperate with you." Ai took the initiative to make a brief self introduction.

"My God! You... You are artificial intelligence?! how can this be possible!" the old man stared with incredible expression.

As an intelligence worker, he can\'t believe who can create such realistic artificial intelligence with logical thinking ability with the scientific and technological strength of the world at present.

What shocked him even more was that the secret base was incredibly large. The weapons and equipment piled up in the corner were enough to arm a regular army of more than 30000 people. Next door, there were even a series of production lines of bullets, shells, firearms and explosives. As long as there were raw materials, energy sources were continuously produced.

"Yes, sir, please don\'t doubt that I\'m an artificial intelligence assistant." x obviously didn\'t have the function of lying and gave a positive answer without thinking.

Leonid stood there and forced himself to calm down for a few minutes. He quickly raised his head and asked in an extremely eager tone: "How did you get these things? I swear that even the most advanced scientific research institutions in the United States can never reach such an advanced level. There is no doubt that you have mastered the technology that has been ahead of the whole world for more than 20 years. In addition, where is this base located? Is it in danger of exposure?"

"Sorry, I can\'t explain the source of these equipment, but I can tell you the location of the base. It\'s under an uninhabited desert island in the South Pacific. There are no sea or air routes, and there are no U.S. military bases and radar stations nearby. At the bottom, there are several permanent portals that can send you and your people to any corner of the world Landing. As for those planes, they all take off and land vertically. Each has two functions: radar stealth and visual stealth. That is, you can drive it into the airspace of any country without fear of being found. Most importantly, there is a very advanced lie detector, which can 100% help you distinguish who can trust and who is a traitor. How So, are you satisfied with these? "

Obviously, Zhang Cheng put all the things he got from the Hydra and the things he got from trading with the s.h.i.e.l.d. here.

"Satisfied! Of course satisfied! I guarantee that with these, you will soon have the most powerful intelligence agency in the world."

In saying this, Leonid\'s eyes revealed strong ambition and desire.

Zhang Cheng quickly noticed this and nodded with satisfaction: "Good! Remember your promise! I\'m a person who only looks at the results and doesn\'t care about the process, so you\'d better do what you say. In a while, I\'ll launch several multi-functional private satellites. At that time, you will have a communication and reconnaissance system that will never be monitored around the world. Now I\'ll give you the first task to get as many countries as possible about the Atlantic region The text and image data of the field. You have about four months. "

Then he put a simple map covered with shadows into the old man\'s hand.

The latter took a few glances and replied without hesitation: "no problem! Four months is enough. But before taking action, I need you to give me some time to rebuild the team. With $2 billion a year and the advanced equipment in the base, no intelligence agency in the world will be our opponent."

"Ha ha! Having ambition and desire is a good thing. It is one of the driving forces for human progress. As I mentioned before, I don\'t care about the process. Whether you are selling arms, smuggling drugs, buying and selling intelligence, or directly involved in the mercenary industry, infiltrating and subverting the political power of some countries, that\'s your business. But one thing, don\'t cause too much trouble, I don\'t want to I want to wipe your ass, do you understand? "Zhang Cheng warned meaningfully.

"I see! If I need your help after all this, is it too incompetent." Leonid raised his mouth slightly and showed a confident smile.

"Oh, I almost forgot. In order to make you work better, I\'m going to give you a little gift at the end."

The voice just fell!

Zhang Cheng suddenly stretched out a finger and gently clicked on each other\'s forehead.

In the blink of an eye, a faint magic mark slowly emerged, followed by the old man\'s appearance and began to become young. In one breath, he changed from 70 to early 50.

Feeling the rejuvenation of the old organs, Leonid\'s pupils contracted violently, raised his head and said in an uncertain tone, "what have you done to me?"

"It\'s very simple! I have given you new vitality and extended your life. As long as your work efficiency is satisfactory to me, you don\'t have to worry about aging and death. But if I find that one day you betray me, this gadget left in your soul will absorb all vitality."

"Magic? I see!" Leonid nodded thoughtfully, showing neither surprise nor resistance.

Because he knows that this is a means of controlling himself, which is essentially not much different from the previous KGB control of its spies and agents.

In contrast, this kind of control has been quite mild, and has gained extra life, and even a sense of making money.

"Well, let\'s stop talking today. You can directly tell x about the use of various facilities and equipment in this underground base. Don\'t worry about the problem of electricity and energy. The underground oil depot here stores enough gasoline for 20 years, and the electricity is generated in a way you can\'t understand and will never run out. Take a picture as soon as you go back When a contact arrives in New York, if it is not necessary, I will not contact you directly, but through him or her... "