All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 632

There is no doubt that the violent energy explosion has brought disastrous consequences to the whole philas and even the eastern continent.

In particular, Yueyu fortress on the island was almost completely engulfed by the huge waves caused by the earthquake. Some hate Naga who hated the night elves also took the opportunity to rush up and kill many people. Most of the supplies, weapons and armor of the whole fortress were washed into the endless sea.

You should know that this is not a dispensable place such as a temporary outpost camp, but the second largest military area after danasus. It not only has a large number of troops, but also shoulders the responsibility of controlling every move along the west coast of Kalimdor continent, but also a transit station on the sea of the Alliance.

So one month after the big bang, they still didn\'t give up the plan to find the behind the scenes, and also used powerful ancient war trees to block the surrounding areas of the hammer of doom. It seems that they plan to dig three feet.

But they didn\'t know that the culprit had left the world long ago. At present, the only guy who knew the truth in Azeroth was no one else, Carla Cape, who had joined up with his compatriots in moshatcher camp.

Obviously, the appearance of a mage surprised these Tauren who advocated primitive nature and directly sent them back to thunder cliff for questioning by chief Kane Bloodhoof.

In any case, Kara cape is not a nobody.

On the contrary, although his reputation and status in the black water pirates are not well known, he is no stranger to the top of most forces.

Therefore, the tribe is very curious about his sudden return to his hometown and becoming an arcane user. At the same time, it also hopes to obtain more knowledge and training system about magic.

You know, due to the planting and contradictions secretly created by the seven military intelligence departments before, the orcs, Tauren and trolls are full of doubt and mistrust towards the forgotten. In addition, the mages in the dark spear trolls are rare and unsystematic, which makes the tribe seriously lack the support of magic power at present.

What\'s more terrible is that the battle of quicksand broke out not long ago, so that those idiots who advocate strength and muscle finally realize how powerful the power of magic is.

The large-scale snowstorm and flame storm set off by the alliance\'s spell casting forces alone easily hanged tens of thousands of insects, which is far more destructive than any sword.

As for Zhang Cheng, already sitting in the luxury restaurant on the high floor of the Empire State Building in New York, while eating delicious food, he smiled and asked the woman wearing sexy evening dress across the table: "how, are you still satisfied with the world?"

"Hum! I smell corruption! If I hadn\'t seen it with my own eyes, I couldn\'t believe that the technology respected by dwarfs and goblins could reach this level. What, should I break into these humble mortals and help you control the whole world?" Onyxia in human form stroked her long black hair, His eyes showed strong ambition and desire.

"Mastery of the world? Ha ha ha! No, dear princess, you see the part of the world floating on the water and do not see the part that is submerged underwater. I guarantee that if you try to make a vigorous transformation of the existing order and regime of the world, soon someone will come to talk to you. Maybe you can handle one or two of them, but they can join them. Together, the final result will never be much worse than what happened in storm city. "Zhang Cheng laughed and shook his head.

He could hardly understand why the Black Dragon Princess was always so keen on power and intrigue behind her back.

"You mean... There are people like you in this world?" Onyxia was not a fool. She immediately realized the subtext of the words and subconsciously frowned.

"Yes! The world is much more dangerous than you think. You know, someone once warned me that some ancient gods sleep in a corner of the planet, and their power is no less than that of the titans of Azeroth. Therefore, I sincerely suggest you to pretend to be an ordinary rich man and never try to do anything dangerous What you did. "

After that, Zhang Cheng ignored the Black Dragon Princess and turned his eyes to the demon hunter next to him.

Because of the relationship of wearing a fraud pearl, hilna is now completely like a princess from the fairy tale world. She not only has platinum blond long hair and exquisite facial features that make the world marvel, but also has fair and transparent skin and a good figure, which makes many guests and waiters surprised and extremely envious.

The only drawback is that her eyelids are always closed and she can\'t see the eyes known as the window of her heart.

"I am very satisfied with the world! Although I am bored by the obscene sight of many people, it is still within my tolerance on the whole. I don\'t understand why you take great risks to go to those extremely dangerous worlds in such a highly developed civilized world?" the female hunter gracefully puts a piece of pudding into her mouth, A curious expression appeared on his face.

She paid a great price to get rid of the world full of war, killing, hatred and death, and even died once.

Zhang Cheng smiled and explained without thinking: "for more knowledge and more powerful power, you have come into contact with human beings. You should understand that we are an insatiable species. Our short life has cast our hungry desires, such as power, money, beauty, power, etc. they are like a pot of boiling water until they are completely dried."

Hilna nodded thoughtfully, "I see! What about me? What do you need me to do?"

"No, I don\'t need it for the time being. Enjoy life. I\'ll call you if necessary. Remember, don\'t use the power that ordinary people can\'t understand if it\'s not necessary." Zhang Cheng took up the cup and drank it in one gulp, with a strange light shining in his pupils.

Two days ago, he had contacted his two other allies. When the temperature in the Atlantic began to warm up, he went to sea to find the whereabouts of the sunken ship, and tried to settle the matter about the entrance of the golden city around June and July this year.

If there is no accident, he will stay in his own territory in the past few months and try not to run around, so as not to encounter any emergencies.

"I see!" hilna didn\'t like to talk nonsense. She stood up and pretended to pick up the blind man\'s crutch and walked out.

Some ill intentioned guys also got up and settled the bill, far behind her. It seems that they are ready to take them away in a place where there is no one and no monitoring, and then enjoy the girl who looks like an angel.

After all, for the truly powerful and powerful people in the United States, strong X has never been a big deal. First, let alone whether the victims have the courage to call the police. Only by controlling the resources at hand, public opinion and the news media can say that the black is white. Coupled with a luxury lawyer group, even if they are convicted, they don\'t have to go to prison at all.

Of course, this time they chose the wrong target.

Seeing those ugly bastards disappear around the corner, Onyxia disdained and said, "a group of garbage dominated by low-level desires! Oh, by the way, I\'m getting married this Saturday. Are you going to attend my wedding?"


Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help but spit out the drink in his mouth: "what? Marry?! with whom?"

"An old man in his 60s. Don\'t worry, I have controlled his mind with magic. In a short time, more than $2.5 billion will become my pocket..."