All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 6

Just when Zhang Cheng devoted himself to learning the theoretical knowledge of magic, a caravan from Hainan town was approaching the cabin in the forest.

The scale of the team was not large. There were only five carriages, five Coachmans and coolies, two guards wearing leather armor and holding long swords and shields, and finally a lovely girl about 13 or 14 years old with long blond hair.

Despite the High Commission for hiring guards, in order to ensure that their goods will not be attacked by undead, beast and syndicate criminal organizations, the caravan owner old George reluctantly gave up and hired two local soldiers with good strength.

Of course, there are two main reasons for doing so. One is that some goods on the car are special. As long as they can be safely transported to the destination, they can not only get rich rewards, but also establish close contact with the mages of the kenrito Council. He doesn\'t want to make a mess of the opportunity he tried hard to win.

The second is to send your beloved little daughter to Dalaran, which is under reconstruction, to settle down. If you can, you\'d better join a mage as an apprentice.

Of course, it would be better to marry a noble mage.

You know, as the undead who call themselves the "forgotten" occupy the ruins of Lordaeron, the residents from the Alterac Valley to the Hillsbrad hills are suffering terrible attacks all the time.

Last month alone, at least six poor farmers on the farm were killed by the sudden attack of the dead.

Only Dalaran under the protection of magic shield has no record of civilian casualties. Those damn undead can\'t even get close, let alone rush in to kill.

Old George is a businessman and a very realistic man at the same time.

In his opinion, the poor troops in Nanhai town alone are not enough to protect their lives and property, so it is natural to find another way out.

In fact, three months ago, he had sent his eldest son to run a shop in windstorm city further south, and his second daughter followed her husband to run a leather business in minehill port in the wetland.

Although the children are far from each other, it is quite troublesome to see each other, it is much better than the whole family getting together and being killed.

Don\'t think this is a joke. For ordinary people who have just experienced the scourge of the dead and the invasion of the Burning Legion, they can most realize the fragility of life. Therefore, nothing is more important than protecting the safety of themselves and their families

"Hello! Dear Mr. employer! It will be dark in two hours. Where shall we spend the night tonight? Don\'t tell me you\'re going camping in the wild." a male guard who looked in his early thirties suddenly stopped, turned and asked loudly.

Old George touched the back of his head with slightly sparse hair and replied in a slightly tired voice: "don\'t worry, I\'m not stupid enough to expose the caravan to the sight of the damn dead in this dangerous season. As long as you go a little further, you can see a small wooden house in which a reclusive mage lives. We can spend the night."

"Hermit mage? I\'ve been in Nanhai town for half a year. How come I\'ve never heard of it?" another young guard showed doubts in his eyes.

"Ha ha! What\'s so strange about this? It seems that your excellency doesn\'t like to socialize with people, so he seldom goes out on weekdays, but all the businessmen and tourists who often pass by here know about the forest cabin. We just need to offer a trivial gift, to be sure, daily supplies, in exchange for his shelter." old George explained with a laugh.

"I see..." the young guard nodded thoughtfully, followed by a communication with his companions with very vague eyes.

The latter made a calm gesture and continued to follow the rear of the team silently. While everyone was not paying attention, he threw a round metal badge on the ground.

About ten minutes later, when the caravan was far away, a petite masked woman suddenly emerged from the grass.

Without saying a word, she immediately picked up the badge and checked it carefully. She soon found the small words engraved on the back and muttered, "hermit mage? Did she escape from Dalaran when the disaster came? Or did the kenrito Council notice our activities? No! This matter should be reported to the Duke as soon as possible..."

Before Hua finished, another masked man came out, grabbed the badge, sneered and asked, "what? Are you afraid?"

"Damn it! Give me the badge quickly! In addition, the action tonight must be stopped. You don\'t understand who the enemy we are going to face!" the masked woman snapped.

"Hum! If you are timid, you are timid! I knew that a woman like you is not suitable to stay in the organization at all. Maybe pleasing men is what you are best at, isn\'t it?" he said. The man suddenly took out a dagger and opened the woman\'s mask with a lightning speed.


A beautiful face with a trace of danger was exposed to the setting sun.

Black short hair, emerald green eyes, small nose, attractive red lips, coupled with concave convex tight leather armor, like a thorny rose, reminds the guy who wants to pick to be ready for injury or even death at any time.

"You want to die!"

Obviously irritated, the woman took out the short sword pinned to her waist and rushed up like a leopard.

No doubt she has received quite professional fighting training. Every attack is close to the key. If her opponent doesn\'t pay attention to it a little, she will die immediately.

"That\'s right! Hahaha! That\'s right! Do you know what I like most about you? Because you are more rebellious than ordinary women, and I like women who will resist best, because it can bring a lot of extra stimulation and conquest." the man waved the dagger calmly, parrying, dodging and flirting.

His fighting skills were even better. He not only avoided all attacks, but also fought back while the attack was empty. In just two or three minutes, he picked out all the skin armor and clothes on the woman, and exposed a large amount of white and attractive skin, especially his chest, which was almost released.

"Asshole! Remember!"

The woman knew that if she went on, she would suffer the loss, so she threw out the short sword in her hand, turned and got into the grass, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The man didn\'t mean to chase at all. He just raised his dagger and sniffed it. He said to himself with a happy face: "What an intoxicating fragrance! Dear Sophia, whether you or the whole organization will belong to me sooner or later. Under my leadership, the great Alterac nobles will restore their previous status and glory. I will get rid of anyone who dares to take the road..."