All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 545

Just when everyone is immersed in the shock of just a few seconds!

The blood, broken meat, internal organs and bones scattered on the ground seem to fall into a state of time reversal, and they are put together back to the state before the explosion in the blink of an eye.

Anthony, who came back from the dead, stood in place with an unbelievable face. He couldn\'t believe that the other party killed himself without hesitation! Kill the immediate heirs of the Marcus family!

Looking at the completely dull idiot, Zhang Cheng glanced contemptuously and said to the girl across the table, "honey, see? This is the real double doll. If it had been the one at the auction just now, it would have become a pile of garbage with him."

"Well... I don\'t think it\'s the time to talk about it now." Elizabeth tried to soothe the beating heart in her chest, and then pointed to the unlucky man who had just been blown to pieces.

Although she doesn\'t quite understand what happened just now, one thing is certain that this guy\'s attitude just annoyed his dangerous boyfriend.

"You mean... Kill him again?" Zhang Cheng asked with some uncertainty.

Before Elizabeth could respond, Laverne came up from behind and said with a serious face, "enough! Do you want to go to war with the Marcus family?"

"Why not? Maybe kill all these annoying bedbugs and the underground world will become more wonderful." Zhang Cheng narrowed his eyes and made no secret of his madness and killing intention.

"Calm down! I don\'t doubt that you can do it, but the problem is that it\'s not worth it. Besides, Anthony didn\'t mean to annoy you just now, I promise." Laverne undoubtedly felt the smell of death and took the initiative to be a peacemaker.

Although Zhang Cheng is very happy to mercilessly sweep away the face of the Marcus family, killing an ancient family rooted in North America for hundreds of years is another matter.

The war in the underground world is not like that in the ordinary people\'s world. If you can\'t fight, you will negotiate, and if you can\'t agree, you will surrender. You have no face and integrity at all.

On the contrary, once the war in the underground world begins, it will inevitably end with the complete destruction of one of them.

No negotiation!

No surrender!

There are only merciless killings!

Kill the last living member of the other party, and the war will naturally end!

Zhang Cheng touched his chin and thought for a few seconds, and soon showed a thoughtful smile: "I need compensation!"

"Yes!" Laverne agreed without thinking.

"Very good! I hope to see enough gold dinars when the auction starts in the afternoon. Now, you can take this fool away. Remember, never let him appear in front of me and the garbage of the Marcus family."

With these words, Zhang Cheng ignored them, picked up the menu and began to discuss with Elizabeth what to eat at noon.

Seeing that he didn\'t want to pursue any more, Laverne was a little relieved and hurriedly pulled Anthony, who was like a wooden man, out of the restaurant and back to his own luxurious guest room.

As soon as he closed the door, Anthony couldn\'t help shouting curses: "Fark! Who does the Oriental think he is? How dare he treat me with such an attitude! To the great Marcus..."


Before he could finish, laforn took his arm and gave him a big mouth. He growled darkly: "shut up! This is what you call a good talk? Do you know how much trouble you almost caused? Your family almost died because of you!"

"What... What?"

Anthony was blindfolded and stared, desperately trying to figure out why he was not wrong and why he had to be treated so rudely.

"Do you remember the collapse of the debris world not long ago? It was all done by Zhang alone! He has enough power to destroy a world!" Laverne sneered and told the truth that he had covered up.

Hearing the news, Anthony immediately trembled and muttered to himself, "but I don\'t understand! Why did he suddenly want to kill me? Where did I offend him?"

"Idiot! Remember the girl you ignored? She is the descendant of Catherine, the Witch of desire! Think about it, what is Catherine\'s favorite thing to do?"

"Damn! It\'s desire! They want to have each other!" Anthony was not a fool after all, and immediately realized that he had made a great mistake.

"It\'s good to know! I reminded you before that he\'s not that easy to approach, and he\'s ruthless in killing people, but you still screwed up everything because of your arrogance. Now go back to your father and never go back to New York again. As for the compensation, I\'ll deduct it from the money you brought." after that, Laverne waved impatiently.

"I\'m very sorry for the trouble," Anthony bowed deeply and quickly turned away from the room.

Although his heart was filled with anger and a strong sense of humiliation, like a poisonous snake constantly eating away the remaining reason, he did not dare to take childish revenge at all.

Because a person who can destroy the debris world must also be able to uproot the Marcus family.

Many times, political influence can not be completely transformed into strength, especially on the premise that the enemy has overwhelming power.


It has always been the only standard to measure the relationship between people and forces in the underground world!

When Anthony\'s footsteps faded away, Faust, hiding on the other side of the mirror, immediately came over and asked with a playful look: "my dear old man, why don\'t you unite with our little allies and directly kill the Marcus family? Don\'t tell me what you\'re afraid of. If the three of us work together, even if all the North American Supreme Council go out, we won\'t necessarily get any advantage."

"No! It\'s not time yet!" Laverne shook his head without hesitation.

"Well, North America is your territory. You has the final say. But speaking of our little ally, don\'t you think he has been surprised at his recent performance? If I remember correctly, he has been like a clockwork clock, trying hard to make himself stronger, but he seems to have relaxed recently." He hinted without looking back.

"Don\'t forget, he\'s only in his twenties. He\'s already a true alchemist, not to mention the powerful devil sealed in his eyes. It\'s no surprise to relax and enjoy life. Think about what we were doing when we were twenty?" laforn shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, maybe I\'m worried. Remember, according to the schedule, in another year or so, the golden city will open again. I don\'t want to miss it."

"Don\'t worry, I don\'t want to miss it."

"To break the limits of mortals!"

"To be one of the gods!"


