All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 542

Late at night, in the presidential suite of a five-star hotel in Queens, New York, an old woman who looked 70 or 80 years old was wearing glasses, carefully unscrewing the medicine bottle and pouring a drop of violet liquid on a pure diamond.


The diamond emits a dazzling light!

It took a minute to get dark!

"Mom! How\'s it going?" Venus, who had been waiting for a long time, quickly asked.

"My silly daughter! Don\'t you see how bright the light just now? There is no doubt that this is a bottle of advanced magic potion, even more powerful than the powerful potion made by master gitson." the old woman took off her glasses and gave a meaningful evaluation.

In fact, at first, she was determined not to believe that a young man in his early twenties could become one of the few alchemists, but she couldn\'t help believing it after testing the potion called powerful arcane potion.

After all, in the underground world, the birth of any new medicine will be quickly transmitted in the circle. It won\'t be long before everyone will know who the inventor is.

In particular, advanced magic drugs can only be made by alchemists. There is no way to pretend or forge them.

But the powerful arcane Potion on the table is obviously not any known advanced potion, and no alchemist announced that he had invented a new potion.

This means that someone invented it from scratch!

At the thought of her daughter getting closer to a young alchemist in advance, the old woman\'s wrinkled face showed a satisfied expression: "you did very well! Much better than I expected! Tell me, how much do you know about him?"

Venus pondered for a moment, quickly smiled bitterly and shook his head: "sorry, mom, I don\'t really know much about him. All I know is that he seems to master a magic knowledge system completely different from the wizard Association and has the ability to control the flow of time. Even the great wizard shows strong fear."

"No! What I asked was not his strength! But his habits! Preferences! Personality! You should understand that for alchemists, strength is no longer important. Their magical hands are the most powerful weapons in the world." the old woman looked at her daughter angrily.

"Hey, hey! I think as a young man, he likes nothing more than those things, and beautiful women are definitely one of them." Adam took the initiative to put in a mouth.

"Fool! Don\'t imagine everyone as yourself!" Venus scolded his brother mercilessly, then frowned and thought: "As far as I know, he has little strong preference except some interest in some ancient knowledge. He doesn\'t smoke, drink or bang drugs. It seems that he has a younger girlfriend, but I\'m not sure how close their relationship is."

"Don\'t worry, take your time. Everyone has his own weaknesses and hobbies, even the alchemist." speaking of this, the old woman turned and stared at her little son. "Adam, don\'t run out and fool around for a while and help your sister complete this arduous task."

"I see!" the young man did not try to bargain, but agreed directly.

"What about these high-grade potions? He entrusted me to help publicize them!" Venus seemed to suddenly think of something and quickly frowned and asked.

"It\'s very simple! Just don\'t tell them the maker of this medicine. Think about how many people would believe that a young man in his early twenties would be an alchemist before the truth was announced." the old woman smiled and gave a perfect solution.


On the other side, docked on a huge cruise ship in New York port, laforn is also waiting for a man to test several new drugs just delivered.

More than ten minutes later, the expert in his fifties, who combed his hair meticulously, reported excitedly: "sir! I\'m afraid you won\'t believe it! These are all high-level magic drugs!"

"What? All!" Laverne turned and glanced at the hundreds of medicine bottles that had crashed into the safe, with an expression of surprise on his face.

Because all these potions were sent by Zhang Cheng to the ship six or seven hours ago. It is said that they were made out during a short break in the afternoon to exchange some gold dinars.

He couldn\'t understand how a young man who was an alchemist not long ago became a real alchemist so soon.

"That\'s right, sir! It\'s all! From improving strength, agility and vitality to greatly replenishing magic, curing serious trauma and improving magic power. Most importantly, each kind appears for the first time." the appraiser introduced one by one.

"Good! Put it away and put it in the warehouse! In addition, inform the person in charge of the designated auction order to put these drugs at the front."

After giving the order, Laverne quickly returned to his luxurious room and tapped on an old bronze mirror.

Soon, the surface of the mirror burst out a light ripple, followed by a figure, went straight through, went to the sofa, picked up the apple, took a bite, and asked with a smile: "what happened? Actually let you start an emergency contact!"

He is no one else. It is Faust who signed a covenant with Zhang Cheng some time ago.

Laverne unscrewed a bottle of whisky, poured half a glass for his old friend, and explained without looking back: "there was a little accident! To be exact, our children gave us a big surprise."


"Yes! He just sent a batch of potions! After inspection, they are all high-grade magic potions, and each one is newly invented. I believe you should know what this means, don\'t you?"

"Alchemist! He really became an alchemist?" Faust raised his head and drank up the wine in the glass, with a trace of shock on his pale face.

No one knows how difficult it is to become an alchemist better than he, a necromancer.

We not only need to have a very deep understanding of a wide variety of materials, but also understand the relationship between material and energy, as well as deeper life and soul.

Especially the last one, often needs time to sharpen and experience.

"I\'m not 100% sure at the moment, but I believe it should be true. In addition, when the auction starts after Christmas, I\'ll confirm it myself. What we need to discuss now is how to ensure that an alchemist continues to work closely with us. I\'m a little worried that he will be tempted by his forces. The Marcus family has to prepare It\'s done. "

"Marcus? Hum! It\'s just a bunch of fools who indulge in the glory of their ancestors! Don\'t worry, I\'ve left a very useful chess piece. If things really go that far, let the Marcus family disappear from the world..."