All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 540

"Dear zhang, don\'t you want to kill the guy following us?"

After observing for some time, Venus seemed to notice something, and a playful expression appeared on his face.

"Any questions?" Zhang Cheng turned and asked.

"Of course there\'s a problem! My brother is sitting in the car behind. I\'ll be very sad if you kill him." Venus said the owner of the silver gray sports car directly.

If someone said to kill Adam, she would take it as a joke and see if she could make her brother suffer.

But the danger in front of him is too high. If he doesn\'t pay attention, his lovely brother will become a headless body and dare not take risks anyway.

"I see..."

Hearing that it was the other\'s brother, Zhang Cheng immediately reduced the speed, gave up his original plan and began to enjoy the charming night scenery on both sides of Long Island.

As one of the two places where the rich are most concentrated in New York, long island is different from the bustling steel jungle in Manhattan. It is full of peace and tranquility. Large tracts of grassland, various trees and flowers can be seen on both sides of the road.

Unfortunately, it has been completely covered by white snowflakes, leaving only villas standing on the earth.

Obviously, if you can afford a house here, the worst is the middle class with an annual income of more than 200000 US dollars. Otherwise, you can\'t afford the house price starting at 500000 and not capped.

Some villas covering a large area need more than tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars. It is said that several of the most expensive villas in the world come from this place.

Of course, the real estate tax is also very high. Even according to the minimum standard of 1%, a villa worth $10 million, even if no one lives, has to pay $100000 a year. If it is a villa of 100 million, it is $1 million.

Generally speaking, only real billionaires have the strength to buy luxury villas on Long Island.

After traveling along the silent road for about ten minutes, the car finally stopped at the door of a huge seaside villa.

Zhang Cheng roughly compared the address at the door and immediately turned to Venus in the co pilot\'s position and said, "madam, your home is here. Please get off."

"Oh, no, honey, this is not my home, but your home." Venus smiled and took out a copy of the property right transfer from his small bag.

Since the original house property certificate is usually not available for house purchase in the United States, it can only be confirmed through copies, notices of notary companies and online inquiries.

Looking at this $36 million mansion, covering an area of more than 20 acres, about eight hectares and more than 80000 square meters, Zhang Cheng\'s face showed a playful expression.

After a full minute, he asked, "why? Don\'t tell me it\'s a Christmas present."

"Ha ha! That\'s right! In fact, it\'s a Christmas gift. Don\'t think about it. I just express my goodwill on behalf of the wizard Association and hope that we can cooperate and trade more and reduce conflicts and disputes in the future." Venus didn\'t try to hide his intention, but gave the answer.

"Well, I accept this kindness. These potions will be used as a gift in return. Please take them."

For the wizard Association, Zhang Cheng subconsciously has always been vigilant. He doesn\'t intend to accept gifts from each other for no reason, so he took out six bottles of powerful arcane potions prepared a few days ago.

Since the first batch of mengyecao has entered the mature stage, he secretly prepared many advanced medicines in Dalaran\'s Alchemy formula, and the powerful arcane method is only one of them.

"This... This is!!!!!"

Venus was obviously not those idiots who knew nothing about magic drugs. He immediately realized how precious these liquid with violet charming light were.

Although most wizards know a little about alchemy, there are only a few people in the world who can really mix powerful magic drugs. Each bottle is worth nothing and can\'t be bought in dollars.

Zhang Cheng was undoubtedly satisfied with the strong reaction of the other party. With a smile, he introduced: "powerful arcane potion! It can greatly improve the power of all spells of the caster within an hour. How do you like it?"

"I like it very much! I\'m sorry, I seem a little rude. These potions are too precious, and a villa is too shabby compared with them." although Venus tried hard to regain her composure, her hand tightly holding the potion bottle betrayed her mood at the moment.

"It doesn\'t matter! The meaning of gifts is to shorten the distance between people. If you don\'t mind, help me publicize it with your relatives and friends. I\'ll send some to the auction in a few days."

"No problem! I\'m glad to help! It must be the greatest luck of my life to know you."

"No, I\'m lucky to know a lady like you who integrates intelligence, beauty, temperament and strength."


After saying a few sarcastic and flattering words to each other, Venus quickly left Zhang Cheng\'s car and gently knocked on the window of the silver gray sports car parked not far behind: "Adam! Open the door!"

"Hi, my dear sister, why did you come back so soon? I thought you would go into the villa with the Oriental and have a wonderful night together." the young man joked in a frivolous tone as usual.

"Idiot! Do you think everyone, like you, is thinking with his lower body all the time? Look what this is!" got into the co pilot\'s Venus and took out six bottles of powerful arcane potions.


Adam\'s eyes were completely attracted by the violet liquid. After a while, he burst into a rough sentence: "shet! This is definitely a fucking high-grade magic medicine! Did he give it to you?"

Venus nodded excitedly: "yes! Can you believe it? A mere $36 million villa has bought six bottles of advanced magic drugs! Now I can be sure that he is not only a powerful wizard, but also a unique alchemist. Do you remember how the great wizard described the alchemist in our Wizard college class?"

"No one will refuse the friendship of an alchemist! They don\'t even need to kill themselves. As long as they say each other\'s name, hundreds of people will rush to do it."

With these words, Adam shivered uncontrollably.

He seems to have seen how crazy the whole underground world will become when these drugs appear at the auction.

"Yes! This is the charm of the alchemist! Now, there is an opportunity to get closer to the alchemist. What do you think we should do?"

"Hold it! Hold it firmly!"

"What are you waiting for! Drive quickly! Tell your mother the news right away! We must seize the opportunity before everyone while we are a few days away from the auction!"