All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 53

Although the lawyer\'s voice was very small, it was no less than a bolt from the blue for Zhang Cheng, and the whole person was stunned.

He couldn\'t believe that Catherine told a stranger about her mastery of magic power so rashly.

Bolman noticed this, smiled and explained, "please don\'t worry, I\'m a kind of person with you. It\'s inconvenient to talk now. Please allow me to send the two policemen away first and then explain slowly."

The voice just fell!

He quickly took out a folder from his briefcase and stuffed it directly into Clive at the door: "Here, officer, this is my client Mr. Zhang\'s birth certificate, driver\'s license and insurance account. As a citizen of the United States of America, he has the constitutional right to remain silent. If you continue to harass my client, I will complain to you and send you to the dock when necessary."

"What... What?!" Clive\'s surprised eyes almost opened.

Of course, his surprise was not the threatening tone of the lawyer, but the detailed information in his hand.

Anyone with a little brain will not believe that a guy who was suspected of being a black family a few minutes ago has a complete set of identity certificates in an instant, and even his credit card consumption record has not been broken.

What\'s more, as soon as the front feet of the two people came, the information of the back feet was sent. It was obvious that someone had tampered with it.

Always suspicious, Elena quickly took out the phone and asked her colleagues in the police station to help verify. Just a few minutes later, the opposite gave a positive reply. All the information is true

Even the mother of the so-called "Mr. Zhang" lives in the famous upper east side of New York and is a well-known rich Chinese businessman

For a moment, not to mention the two detectives, even Zhang Cheng\'s face showed an incredible expression.

He knows that he doesn\'t have any relatives in this world, let alone the so-called legal identity.

Obviously, the identity information in the hands of lawyers is 100% forged, but I don\'t know why, even the judicial system can\'t find any problems.

There is no doubt that everyone at the scene knew that this information could not be true, but the police could not produce evidence to prove that it was false, and lawyers and Zhang Cheng would not take the initiative to admit it, so the two sides fell into a stalemate.

When the atmosphere became more and more embarrassing, there was a sudden rush of footsteps at the end of the corridor. About ten seconds or so, two men in black suits appeared at the corner.

The first guy came to Clive quickly, took out a certificate from his suit pocket and said impolitely, "good morning, detective. I\'m Jason, a field agent of the FBI. I believe you\'ve been notified. From now on, we\'ll be responsible for this case."

"Falk! Elena, let\'s go." after seeing each other\'s documents, Clive whispered a curse, pulled up his partner and left.

Although the latter was a little unwilling, he turned around and left the dilapidated apartment.

Seeing them go far through the dirty glass window, the man who claimed to be Jason flashed an imperceptible mockery in his eyes, then unexpectedly turned around, opened his arms, laughed and gave the lawyer a warm hug: "ha ha ha! Long time no see, Polman, how are you doing recently?"

"Not bad, but the weight gain is a little fast. Besides, why are you here? Are you afraid I can\'t handle the two detectives?" Polman joked with a smile after hugging.

"No, it has nothing to do with the two detectives. The werewolves went a little too far. The parliament sent us to deal with it." Jason explained and looked up and down at Zhang Cheng standing not far away.

"Oh? Is parliament going to do something?" Polman raised his eyebrows.

Jason shook his head gently: "action is not enough, just to prevent the situation from expanding. After all, at this sensitive time, any disturbance may cause a struggle among the Lords of Brooklyn. By the way, who is this young man? Why haven\'t I seen him before?"

Polman smiled mysteriously: "sorry, old friend, I can only tell you that he is Lord Catherine\'s man. If you want to know more, you\'d better ask the lady yourself."

"Catherine the Witch of desire?!" Jason was obviously surprised.

"Oh, yes, I advise you not to make any wrong ideas, otherwise Ms. Catherine won\'t let you go. Well, we have other things to talk about later." after that, Polman winked and couldn\'t help saying that he pulled Zhang Cheng out of the apartment.

However, Zhang Cheng, who hid a lot of sensitive items in the room, could not relax and quickly whispered, "wait! I have something to deal with. Can you give me half an hour?"

"What\'s so urgent? Can\'t wait to come back?" Polman frowned slightly.

From the eager expression on his face, he didn\'t like staying with Jason at all.

"Sorry, I\'m afraid I can\'t. I\'ve hidden something that can\'t be seen. Once the police find it, I\'m afraid it\'s not something that a lawyer can handle."

Although Zhang Cheng also wants to leave this place of right and wrong with each other, he asks about how the underground world works and how even the famous FBI has been infiltrated.

But he also doesn\'t want his hard-working baby to have any mistakes, especially the seeds of various herbs.

"Don\'t worry, leave it to me." Polman directly ordered his silent assistant: "habby, stay here until Mr. Zhang comes back, okay?"

The latter nodded without thinking: "understand!"

Seeing someone guarding the door for himself, Zhang Cheng stopped insisting. Stepping on the creaking floor with the lawyer, he quickly got into a black car and drove slowly towards the restaurant.

When the car left the alley and entered the main road, he finally couldn\'t bear it and asked in a curious tone, "Mr. Polman, how did you deceive the police with the information you took out? And who are the two FBI agents?"

"Ha ha!" when he heard a series of questions, Polman immediately laughed proudly and explained, "it\'s very simple. The information is not forged at all, but true. I just changed the photos and the memory of a lady."

"You mean, impostor?!" Zhang Cheng instantly understood the other party\'s meaning.

"Yes! People with the same name and surname died as early as six months ago because of an accident.

In order to cover up the truth, I modified the memory of all relevant personnel to make them think that this person had gone a long way.

Now, you can just borrow his identity to integrate into the society.

As for Jason, he is a member of Parliament and is responsible for ensuring that no matter what happens, the underground world will not be exposed to public view.

If you have to use a word to describe it, he is a killer, a scavenger... "