All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 46

"Aha! I caught a little mouse!"

He turned into a hated pharmacist, grabbed the female assassin\'s unbroken leg and lifted her up.

Although Sophia struggled desperately and tried to break free from her huge palm, it was a pity that compared with the strange force that hated terror, her strength was like an ant. Even if she didn\'t stop the dagger stabbing into her palm, she couldn\'t cause substantive damage.

Even in just a few seconds, the wound healed slowly under the action of shadow energy.

As one of the highest masterpieces of channeling magic, hate has a strong ability to resist physical attack. As long as the shadow energy in the body is not exhausted, no matter how serious the damage is, it will slowly recover as before.

If you want to kill them, the best way is to burn them with a high-temperature flame, or break them into pieces in a short time. It\'s best to grind them into pieces.

Obviously, Sophia\'s short sword, which was only one foot long, was obviously impossible to do, so she shouted without hesitation: "help me! Help me!"

The ferocious and terrible hatred opened his mouth, gently shook his arm, smiled and asked, "this woman is asking you for help. What are you going to do? Give up resistance and surrender? Or be a selfish and cold mage and give up her?"

"What do you think?" Zhang Cheng glanced at the female assassin full of desire for survival. Instead of directly answering each other, he threw back the question.

It may be from the perspective of the bystander from the beginning to the end, or it may be cold-blooded. In short, he is very calm at the moment. He doesn\'t care about Sophia\'s life or death. All he thinks about is how to grab the deer skin backpack full of data.

"Me? According to past experience, you selfish mages only care about yourself and don\'t care about the life and death of others. Of course, if you two are lovers, then it will become very interesting. You know? I once caught a pair of young lovers and took a small test on them. Guess the result?" There was an undisguised irony on the ugly face.

"What\'s the result?" Zhang Cheng asked with great cooperation.

"It\'s very simple. I gave them a bottle of plague potion and let them choose who to drink. As long as one of them drank it, I let the other one go. As a result, the man grabbed it without hesitation, drank it first, and fell to the ground in pain and wailed. But what about the woman? The woman didn\'t even look at him, turned and ran away, but before she ran out for 50 meters, the man turned into a man Ghouls, catch up and devour her alive. How about it? Isn\'t it very interesting? Their so-called love of Mountain Alliance and sea suddenly shows its original shape in the face of life and death. "

When talking about this matter, his disgusting eyes revealed a light of great enjoyment. Needless to ask, he knew that his heart had been tortured by some terrible experiences.

In fact, behind every forgotten person, there are many unknown pain and sadness. Some even continue to endure the torture brought by the remaining human nature and conscience. Over time, they will inevitably choose to go to extremes.

Just as the pharmacist of the forgotten expected to find the expressions of fear, disgust and panic on Zhang Cheng\'s face, he suddenly found that he was staring at himself with sympathetic eyes.

In an instant, a nameless anger sprang up from the bottom of my heart and roared wildly, "what are you looking at?"

"Nothing, just suddenly feel that you are very sad." Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders and replied.

"Sad? Where am I sad? I\'m a senior member of the Royal Pharmacists Association! I have unparalleled power! As long as I move my fingers, I can crush you!" I hate waving my strong arm and can\'t wait to prove my strength.

Zhang Cheng smiled and said in a very plain tone: "But these are not what you desire most in your subconscious mind. Although I don\'t know what happened when you were alive, one thing is certain that you are jealous of those lovers in love and try to find happiness in the process of breaking up and torturing them. In fact, you can\'t get even a little happiness except torturing yourself..."

"Ah!!!!! Shut up! Shut up your stinky mouth!" disgust was obviously poked to the pain, and the thick trunk was whipped wildly.

Zhang Cheng, who had been prepared for a long time, would stand in place and wait to be beaten. While rapidly withdrawing from the opponent\'s attack range, he continued to stimulate: "what? Did I guess it accidentally? When the scourge of the dead comes, the woman you love will not happen to leave you and run away alone?"

"Kill... Kill you! I\'ll kill you!" the enraged pharmacist threw Sofia down and rushed straight like a moving meat mountain.

"Great! This is what I want..." Zhang Cheng raised his mouth and muttered in a voice that only he could hear.

Angering his opponent and making him lose his mind is the result he most wants.

After all, although hatred is powerful, it is easy to deal with compared with a pharmacist with combat experience. At least he has several ways to kill hatred in his mind at the moment.

No hesitation!

At the moment when his opponent was about to rush to the front, Zhang Cheng came to hate in a flash, risking being killed. He grabbed the deer skin backpack hanging at his waist, turned around to the side, and successfully escaped by taking advantage of the inflexible turning of "fat man".

As soon as he returned to a safe place, he immediately shouted at the water element: "melroas! Cut!"

"Yes, master."

The huge water element responded through the spiritual connection and began to let the water rotate and erupt at a high speed around the body to form a sharp water knife.

When it collided with hate, the anti-corrosion liquid and broken meat splashed everywhere like raindrops. In the blink of an eye, it crushed a large piece of blood and flesh on the hate chest and abdomen, revealing the beating black heart inside.

Unlike the heart of the forgotten, the surface of the pharmacist\'s heart is densely engraved with evil dark runes.

It is through the power of these runes that he can support such a huge body.

Zhang chengminrui caught the fleeting gap and successfully released the piercing ice arrow. He punctured his heart on the spot, and a large amount of black blood spewed out two meters along the crack.

When the height of the blood jet slowly decreased and finally only slowly flowed, the changed pharmacist finally returned to normal.

The only difference is that his pupils no longer have any expression. He lay powerlessly on the ground and became a real corpse. His ugly face still retains an incredible expression