All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 442

As the arcane brotherhood elected its nominal leader, the chaotic situation in the city soon returned to normal.

To be exact, after the high-level mages led by deltagore summoned several commanders who ruled the city and showed a little powerful magic power, all the rumors about the rebellion and Akram Grice\'s injury and escape disappeared.

No one who lives in luscan is a real idiot who will offend the current authorities for a lost dog.

Soon, under the order of the brotherhood, the whole city began to prepare for a possible war.

At the same time, a large number of low-level mages and apprentices secretly cooperated with mercenaries and began to investigate suspicious places in the surrounding areas. For this reason, they even offered a high reward.

In just two or three days, several strongholds of unknown forces were uprooted. The personnel were either killed on the spot or arrested and sent to the cell for secret interrogation.

With the incomparable bewitching and hint of broken magic crystal, no one can keep a secret at all.

So, plans and conspiracies that should have been hidden in the dark were exposed to the sun

"Look! The Lord of the North Tower is right! These damn harpists are collecting our intelligence, especially from the army. It is estimated that they are really going to declare war." deltagger directly threw a pile of interrogated Confessions on the table for everyone to read.

"I also just got the news that the fleet of deepwater city is gathering, and it seems that it is possible to set out at any time." another agent who is not very high quickly provided the information in his hand.

As an evil organization that regards the annexation of the north as the highest goal, the arcane brotherhood established a huge intelligence network long ago and continuously sent intelligence to the spire through one agent after another. Therefore, things like the Navy assembly of deepwater city can not hide the ubiquitous "eyes".

"Interesting! So our old opponent is ready for a naval battle?" Yaru Talas narrowed his eyes and spit out his forked tongue.

I have to say, I don\'t know if it\'s because of the accident. She is getting closer and closer to the snake man both in her actions and habits.

"Sorry, dear Lord of Sita, we can\'t be sure for the time being, because in addition to deep water city, juedong city is also mobilizing their urban defense forces, so it\'s difficult to ensure that they won\'t jointly launch attacks from both sea and land." the agent who spoke before quickly gave his own judgment.

"Jue Dong City and deep water city join hands? It does sound a little bad." del tagger touched his beard on his chin and subconsciously frowned.

You know, a deep water city is enough to make luscan face a great enemy. Coupled with the well-trained urban defense army of juedong City, even he feels a headache.

Glancing at the gloomy expressions of several people present, Zhang Cheng flashed a trace of imperceptible contempt in his eyes, and took the initiative to suggest: "I think maybe we can use the prisoners of the harpist alliance to set up a trap and maybe catch some big fish in advance. As for the navy of deepwater City, there is no need to worry. With me, no matter how many warships they have, they will only become coffins at sea."

"Oh? Are you going to do it yourself?" Yaru Talas looked surprised.

Although she knew that the real identity of the young man sitting in front of her was a terrible black dragon, she never thought that the other party would be willing to meet the fleet of deepwater city.

After all, deep water city has not only a huge population, prosperous trade and well-equipped army, but also famous legendary mages such as Kelburn and Lyra.

If a blind dragon attacks the deep water city, 80% of them will be beaten into flesh and mud by dazzling powerful spells before they fly over the city.

No fool will choose to do things in a city guarded by terrorist magic forces such as deep water city or silver moon city. Even entering the sight of some big people will be life-threatening.

"It\'s hard to say, but I\'m going to see the hero captain and stay on his ship for a while. If the situation is really bad to a certain extent, I\'ll do it." Zhang Cheng replied equivocally.

Del tagger stared into each other\'s eyes as if to judge the credibility of this sentence. He nodded for about ten seconds: "well, in that case, I\'ll give you the battle on the sea. If any pirate captain doesn\'t obey the order..."

"Don\'t worry, I know what to do." after saying that, Zhang Cheng stood up, took Xini who had been following behind his ass, and gradually disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Seeing the two leave, Yaru Talas asked with a smile: "do you believe him?"

"There is no trust, just as he is using me, I am also using him. I believe you should feel that he is not an ordinary dragon. At least I haven\'t seen a dragon who is not interested in wealth, so he must have an unspeakable secret." deltager spread his hand indifferently on his face.

"So what are you going to do?" there was a strange light in Yaru Talas\'s eyes.

"It\'s simple! Observe! I won\'t act rashly before he betrays. In addition, what he said before is right. We can use the prisoners of the Harper alliance to set a trap to lure those idiots who boast of kindness and justice to die." deltagger said, gently touching the broken magic crystal in his hand.

Since he got this dream artifact, he believes that no one in the whole tower will be his opponent. Even in the face of the voters of the legendary magic goddess, he may not lose the wind.

Of course, all this is the result of clinchinipen\'s constant hints.

All holders of broken magic crystal, without exception, will be hypnotized by the fantasy given in their dreams, and unconsciously become more and more arrogant and arrogant.

What\'s more terrible is that it can read a person\'s desire hidden in the depths of his heart, and turn this desire into achievable steps and guidance bit by bit.

However, it\'s a pity that Del tagger didn\'t realize this at all. Instead, he believed that he had enough ability to control the broken magic crystal, defeat all the enemies with the help of the power of artifact, and finally come to the north to establish a huge and powerful empire.



And power!

He has never been able to feel clearly what he wants.

"You have changed..."

After a long silence, Yaru Talas gave a meaningful evaluation.

"Nothing is immutable. Each of us is changing. Please remember, now I am a leader. Don\'t try to provoke my authority and bottom line, otherwise you will find that I will be a very terrible enemy."

With these warning words, deltagore raised his hand, snapped his fingers and disappeared from his seat in an instant.