All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 425

"Let go... Let go! I... I can\'t breathe..."

Xini felt that the arms of card master\'s neck were like two iron tongs. No matter how she struggled, she couldn\'t break free.

There is no doubt that this is not the strength and physique that a normal caster can have, and even far exceeds the limit that normal humans can reach.

"Hum! Tell me, who wants to plot against me behind my back?" Zhang Chengfei did not loosen it, but squeezed it tighter. Just now, it was hard to suppress the strong impulse to destroy everything again.


Red blood!

Only death and destruction can calm his restless brain!

"Yes... It\'s deltagore zellund! He secretly incited Sanming\'s powerful wizard to launch an assassination after midnight." Xini said everything she knew with the little air left in her lungs.

"Deltagar zelund? Lord of the East Tower!" Zhang Cheng\'s mouth tilted slightly, showing a cruel and cold smile, and released his right hand at the same time.

Although he has not conducted a systematic investigation on the internal forces of the arcane brotherhood for the time being, he is very clear about how many people can threaten himself inside the tower, which looks like withered trees. Deltagar zelund is one of them.

This guy is one of the few top mages who can cast nine ring spells, and is one of the masterminds of plotting to overthrow the rule of Akram Grice.

Obviously, he chose to do it at this critical moment, on the one hand to test, on the other hand to distract Akram Grice\'s loyal men.

"Cough, cough..."

Xini coughed violently on the ground. Through the mirror hanging on the wall, she could clearly see the red to purple fingerprints on her neck. She knew that she had just walked through the gate of hell, and her whole body trembled slightly involuntarily.

Looking at the frightened magic apprentice, Zhang Cheng seemed to suddenly think of something. He slowly took out a bottle of magic potion emitting silver brilliance and the beautiful "deep sea Queen\'s tears" from the magic pocket and said with a smile: "Since you want to be my apprentice, I\'ll meet your requirements. But before that, you have to pass my test, or help me complete a small experiment."

"Real... Experiment?! no! Don\'t! Let me go!"

The panicked Sydney, ignoring her image, turned around and ran to the door.

She is not an idiot. She knows what the so-called "experiment" means. There are 80 apprentices who die under various "experiments" of her tutor every year.

"Hehe, you can\'t refuse."

With the dragon\'s far more terrible power than ordinary people, Zhang Cheng easily blocked the woman in the house, grabbed each other\'s chin and forced the magic potion into it.

In the blink of an eye, Xini, who was still resisting, suddenly calmed down, her pupils expanded rapidly, and stood quietly in place, as if she had lost her soul.

"Great! I hope not to fail this time." Zhang Cheng nodded with satisfaction, followed by gently placing the blue "tears of the queen of the deep sea" on the woman\'s forehead.


This sphere composed entirely of pure energy began to release bright light!

In less than a minute, it began to dissolve slowly and penetrate into the skin and blood along the pores.

About thirty seconds later, Sydney\'s body began to change strangely.

First of all, the freckled skin began to dry and fall off rapidly, and grew a new white and delicate skin again, and the pupils of the eyes gradually changed from brown to dark blue.

Secondly, her hair was slowly covered with a kind of green like seaweed, and there was an unspeakable surge of vitality.

Finally, and most importantly, there is an extra layer of webbing between her fingers and toes, and her body also presents an extremely beautiful curve.

There is no doubt that "tears of the queen of the deep sea" forcibly transformed Sydney from human beings into a mixture between human beings and some water element life.

It can be said that at present, she has not only changed from "ugly duckling" to "white swan", but also full of strange temptations, just like spiritual Charm Magic.

"Interesting! Is this the real purpose of the tears of the queen of the deep sea..." Zhang Cheng touched his chin and his face was full of curiosity.

He doesn\'t understand why this thing only works for women, specifically virgins with pure hearts.

The function of the bottle of medicine just now is to temporarily and completely erase the memory of the female apprentice and return it to the state of being born. A baby who has no concept of right and wrong of good and evil naturally successfully deceived the identification benchmark remaining in this pure energy.

Just when he was going to draw some blood for further research, the effect of the magic potion finally disappeared. Xini suddenly woke up with a shock, stared at herself in the mirror, and asked in panic: "what did you... What did you do to me? Why did I become like this

"Don\'t be nervous, I just gave you a small gift. Close your eyes, feel the power flowing in your blood vessels, and then tell me what you feel?" Zhang Cheng reminded without panic.

"I... I feel the power! The power of water! The power of the sea!" Sydney waved her hands aimlessly.

Soon, a clear water appeared in the room out of thin air, constantly changing its shape.

After five minutes, she opened her eyes again and shouted with ecstasy: "from today on, the ubiquitous water will obey my orders!"

The voice just fell!

In mid air, the water suddenly rushed to Zhang Cheng\'s position, which seemed to wrap him completely from top to bottom.

"Overestimate yourself!" Zhang Cheng sneered, glanced his mouth, raised his hand and gently snapped his fingers.


A hot flame immediately burst out of his fingers and evaporated all the water into a white mist on the spot.

In addition, for some reason, Xini\'s body can no longer maintain human form and slowly dissolve from her feet.

"No! No! No! I was wrong! Please forgive my rudeness! Great master, I am willing to be your slave and eradicate all threats for you." she fell on her knees and begged bitterly.

Zhang Cheng stepped closer, stretched out his right hand, gently touched the smooth cheek of the female apprentice, and said meaningfully: "Remember, Sydney, this is the first time, and I hope it is the last time. If you dare to show off your poor little intelligence again, I promise that death is only the beginning of your pain. Now get up and catch those idiots who plotted to assassinate for me, preferably alive."

"Understand! Your will is my command!" Sydney noticed that her dissolving legs had returned to normal, and quickly nodded with force.

She knows that before she finds out the changes that have taken place in her body and what the terrible man has done to herself, it\'s best not to act rashly. Unconditional obedience is the wisest choice