All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 388

One is to obtain much-needed information, the other is to save his life

In this way, two guys who were hostile a few minutes ago finally signed their names on a fairly binding magic contract.

You should know that although the hell monarchs are insidious, cunning, cruel and evil, they are always meticulous in the execution of the contract. Even if they treat their most trusted subordinates and direct descendants, they will not hesitate to kill them.

So when the contract came into effect, Zhang Cheng was not worried that Bolun would risk his death to inform the great demons in hell.

On the contrary, he not only won\'t snitch, but also will try his best to ensure that what happened today is not known by outsiders. Otherwise, once the content of the contract is discovered by another hell devil, he will instantly become a traitor in hell. Let alone continue to climb up, he may have to go to a chaotic place to escape hunting.

Watching the burning of sulfur smelling parchment in the air, Bolun\'s nervous tension finally relaxed and began to look at the covetous doomsday guards, demons and hell hounds around him.

After a while, he stared at two yellowing eyes and said, "are they really from the Burning Legion? Is there really an evil force in the universe comparable to hell?"

"What do you think?" Zhang Cheng asked meaningfully.

In fact, this earth full of supernatural forces is surprisingly similar to the earth he grew up in. For example, both have experienced two world wars. After the war, the two superpowers of the Soviet Union and the United States dominated the global order. Finally, the superpower named the Soviet Union took the lead in decline and division, Even many famous economic and political events are the same.

But I don\'t know why. Maybe it\'s the secret suppression of Parliament, or it\'s a coincidence. In short, none of the fantasy books, film and television works and games that should have been published have appeared so far.

Whether it is the magic ring known as the ancestor of fantasy, or the desktop game rules of dragon and dungeon, which are popular in European and American markets, all mysteriously disappeared.

Therefore, those things created and derived from the above two, such as world of Warcraft, Bode\'s gate, winter free night, Diablo and so on, naturally no longer exist.

Therefore, the famous "Burning Legion" on another earth is unknown in the world.

More interestingly, the witch trial, which should have developed vigorously in the dark middle ages, also did not appear in the world. Instead, the newly established parliament launched the "great cleansing" campaign against Catholicism.

In order to recover the growing influence of heaven on the world of ordinary people, they continuously hunted and suppressed churches around the world, killed bishops with powerful supernatural forces, and aroused people\'s exclusion of religion by exposing and creating scandals in the hundreds of years from the Renaissance to the first industrial revolution.

After entering the 20th century, the Roman Church, which was once brilliant, has changed from a monster with terrible influence to a symbolic symbol full of historical significance. It no longer dare to try to manipulate people\'s thoughts.

Zhang Cheng does not intend to make too many comments on what parliament has done in history, but there is a lack of fantasy books, games and film and television works about the world. But it made him very happy.

This means that no matter he uses the magic knowledge and power system obtained from Azeroth or elsewhere, he does not have to worry about causing hostility and panic, let alone who will doubt that he can shuttle through different fantasy worlds.

But unfortunately, Bolun didn\'t know this. He still didn\'t stop the remaining light from the corner of his eyes, looked at the demons close at hand, secretly compared them with the female peers who seduced mortals to fall in hell, and finally came to a conclusion.

The other party is far higher than the vast majority of female demons born from lust in hell in terms of charm, scheming and means.

Therefore, he began to believe that the "Burning Legion" really existed, and the young wizard standing in front of him was the spokesman of this evil force, and began to consider the comprehensive invasion at some time in the future.

After all, the reason why there is no large-scale war between heaven, hell and Parliament at present is just that they contain each other. Just like a stable triangular framework, if one party attacks the other party, it is likely to be taken advantage of by a third party. Under such a situation, a slightly rational leader will choose to be patient temporarily.

But now

An evil force called the "Burning Legion" has discovered the earth, and the unbreakable balance will soon disappear.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, this means the disappearance of peace and the advent of war and disaster.

But in Bolun\'s eyes, it means chaos and opportunity!

And it\'s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Since the tragic war in ancient times, the limited position of demon monarch in hell was almost completely controlled by the survivors at that time. If they did not die, the new demons born later had no chance at all.

But an all-out war is enough to change that.

He believes that once the evil force called the Burning Legion invades the earth, it will inevitably lead to a fierce response from the top of hell. In particular, the seven great monarchs who claim to bear the original sin of mankind will never allow anything more terrible and evil than themselves.

At that time, there will be no more. As long as one or two people die, there will be a huge power vacuum in hell. I can realize my hidden ambition by secretly cooperating with the young people in front of me.

Bolun, the great king of hell!

He likes that others can add such a loud title when shouting their names

It has to be said that the devil is really a very strange life. It seems that from the moment of birth, he has a strong motivation that is difficult to describe in words. Unless he dies, he will never give up his desire for power and power.

From the other party\'s eyes, Zhang Cheng saw the burning desire, smiled indifferently, raised the worn leather container in his hand again and asked, "now, tell me, what is it?"

"As you can see, it\'s a water bag, but the material used is a little special," Borun replied with a pursed corner of his mouth.

"Material? Do you mean this leather with a strong smell of death?" Zhang Cheng subconsciously frowned.

"That\'s right! I believe you have heard Greek mythology. Hades, the king of the underworld, has a hound with 50 heads, named Cerberus.

But later, this terrible monster was killed in the war in ancient times and died near the source of Styx. It is said that the terrible force of death polluted the nearby area. Any guy close to it, even the dead soul, will be ruthlessly swallowed up.

And many descendants with three heads were born from its body, that is, the modern underworld hound domesticated by the parliament.

This water bag is made of a piece of leather cut from the body of Cerberus by a powerful ancient wizard who risked his life. It has the power to control the water of Styx.

As for me, I found it by chance and exchanged it from an ordinary collector... "