All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 37

The bag covered with moss is not big. It is only the width of an adult\'s palm, but it feels very soft. It smells like a trace of grass and trees, which makes people think of the green forest.

Since he became a mage, Zhang Cheng was particularly sensitive to energy and immediately noticed that there was a faint force of nature around the cloth bag.

Obviously, this is not an ordinary bag, but a bag blessed by natural spells. To be exact, it is an evergreen bag. Many Druids like to carry one with them to save those rare and precious plants.

Its function is to make the seeds of plants take root and germinate quickly under any conditions, and then transplant them to other places when the plants grow to a certain extent.

As for the black soil, nature is the famous Angolo crater soil.

Due to the perennial eruption of Huoyu mountain, a large amount of nutritious volcanic ash is brought out, coupled with the magical energy crystal radiation, which makes the soil in this area very special. Even if a dying plant is planted, it can come back to life in just two or three days, which is very, very magical.

All these knowledge and knowledge were recorded in a book called Azeroth geography. When Zhang Cheng went to the library to return his notes, he borrowed them and read them in pieces.

Just when he wanted to ask where he got the evergreen bag in his hand, old George, who stood in place and calculated silently for a long time, suddenly said, "Sir, after careful consideration, I think there are only two kinds of goods on hand that can interest you. Even if the rest is for you, you won\'t want it."

"Oh? Which two?" Zhang Cheng raised his head with interest.

"The first kind is precious stones, including malachite, tiger\'s eye, shadow stone, green agate, moonstone, emerald, topaz and ruby. There are 130 or 40 pieces, worth about 60 gold coins. If you are willing to accept them as collateral, I can give you a discount and make it 50 gold coins. As for the second kind, it is more troublesome to deal with it The small gold ingot smelted is worth 100 gold coins. I originally planned to sell it to the Goblins who often appear in Nanhai Town, but I don\'t know why the damn little green man didn\'t appear for two months in a row. Similarly, I\'ll give you a discount, even 70 gold coins. "

Old George took his time and said the most valuable goods on his head, which were also overstocked for a long time.

Perhaps in the eyes of people on earth, whether gemstones or gold, they are all valuable goods, and they don\'t worry about being sold at all.

But in Azeroth, whether gold or precious stones, although they are valuable things, it is not easy to sell them.

Especially in the eastern continent where the alliance is located, there are only a few skilled dwarf craftsmen and Elven jewelry masters in silver moon city who are able to deal with gemstones rich in magic energy.

Unfortunately, the dwarves themselves are good at digging holes and mining. They rarely purchase from the outside world, and silver moon city has a tense relationship with the alliance. Recently, they have cut off all trade exchanges, resulting in a large backlog of gemstones and a sharp drop in prices.

Not to mention gold, since the founding of several human kingdoms, the upper ruling class has always firmly controlled the coinage power.

At present, in the alliance, in theory, only the gold coins forged by storm Kingdom, Dalaran, the extinct kingdom of Lordaeron, kurtiras, torrent castle and Ironforge castle are legal and can be used for circulation. The rest are all illegal coins. Once found, the whole family, old and young, will be hanged.

Therefore, after the gold is mined, it is either sold to the mint at a low price, or used as Duanzao and decoration materials. The bolder ones can also be secretly transported out and sold to those greedy goblins.

Although they kept the price low, it was a little higher than the acquisition price of the mint.

After buying it back, the goblins will forge their own currency, take it to the tribal territory to buy all kinds of goods, and then sell the goods to the alliance with the help of the so-called "neutral" convenience, so as to make a steady stream of profits.

It is estimated that orcs, Tauren and trolls who do not know anything about complex finance do not know that unconsciously, their economic lifeline has been controlled by these little green skinned people. As long as the other party uses a little means, they can make their market turbulent and fall into an unprecedented price crisis.

However, for Zhang Cheng, these valuable and small gold and gemstones are the best things to carry when leaving.

After pretending to hesitate for a while, he reluctantly nodded: "well, for the sake of helping me get herbal seeds, evergreen bags and Angolo crater soil, I agree. But one thing, you must send the goods. I\'m busy recently and need to concentrate on a magic experiment. I don\'t have time to deal with trivial things."

"Of course! No problem! Thank you again for your generosity. I\'ll make up the rest within two months. If there\'s nothing wrong, I\'ll leave first. I\'ll personally deliver the gold ingots and gemstones to your home tomorrow morning at the latest." old George bent down and bowed deeply.

He couldn\'t believe that the things he had kept in his hand for more than two months were so easy to get rid of.

No careful temptation, no bargaining, no endless negotiation!

A few words, a verbal guarantee, the transaction is completed!

Holy light! If only all trading partners could enjoy themselves like this

"Now that the transaction is completed, let\'s stop our conversation today." after saying that, Zhang Cheng grabbed the things on the table, got up and walked towards the basement.

Before he took a few steps, old George shouted at the top of his voice, "master! Wait! I have one more thing! Jenny will start her apprenticeship next week. I hope she can live in tonight, okay?"

"Yes! In addition to the basement and the first room on the right on the second floor, she can choose any room as her bedroom, as long as she doesn\'t disturb my research." Zhang Chengtou promised without reply.

"My dear baby! What are you waiting for? Go and move your luggage in!"

After getting a positive answer, old George twisted and laughed and waved his arm to his beloved little daughter, with joy in his words.


The girl who couldn\'t figure out the situation waited for her two big eyes, answered softly, picked up her beautiful white lady skirt and trotted back to the door. A few seconds later, she dragged two heavy wooden boxes back to the living room.

This Laurie, who has never been in contact with magic, doesn\'t know how many hardships and dangers will await her in the future