All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 348

"Feel it? Your new body!" Zhang Cheng narrowed his mouth and asked with a smile.

As an outsider who has a deep understanding of Azeroth\'s history, he is undoubtedly very aware that the so-called human beings, dwarves, elves, trolls and other human creatures in the world actually come from a powerful supernatural force called "flesh and blood curse".

At first, the purpose of Titans\' transformation of the planet was not to protect life on the planet, but to protect the souls of their own kind from being eroded by the ancient gods.

What they want is not a group of fresh lives with their own thoughts and desires, but a group of slaves who can strictly follow the rules.

Therefore, no matter the Earth Spirit, the viku, or the mechanical dwarf, when they were first created, they were inorganic organisms, such as rocks, metals and so on.

But with the advent of the curse of flesh and blood, the earth spirits gradually became cavemen and dwarves, the viku became human, and the mechanical dwarf became an ordinary dwarf.

It can be said that without the help of ancient gods, now I\'m afraid the whole Azeroth is just a huge and lifeless prison. The guardians left by the Titans strictly abide by the pre-determined procedures and carefully monitor the operation of the whole world until the new Titans awaken their self-consciousness.

Unfortunately, their plan failed.

Just like a line in Jurassic Park, life will always find its own way out.

Under the effect of the curse of flesh and blood, all kinds of intelligent life began to survive, multiply and grow in Azeroth, creating one brilliant civilization after another. Even the exiled element lords can escape from their prison through a series of methods.

The Titans\' extremely selfish behavior not only failed to play a great role, but also provided countless tempting targets for ancient gods, such as the famous "wing of death" nesario, and the degeneration of countless green dragons and druids in the emerald dream.

To be rude, these Titan creations called guardians are simply vulnerable to the ancient gods. There are few normal ones left at present.

Of course, from the perspective of life evolution, human beings affected by the curse of flesh and blood are indeed degraded. They have neither eternal life nor a body that will never get sick.

The medicine made by Zhang Cheng is to use the radiation of crystal energy to activate the power hidden in the blood and restore the ability of some ancestors to a certain extent.

It has to be said that his idea was successful. The experimental subjects not only obtained the unique magic resistance of the viku, but also showed signs of rocky skin.

"Incredible! It\'s incredible! Master, how did you do it?" Simon asked, squeezing the legs of the table on the ground into powder.

In the past, he could not have such a strong grip, but now he can do it easily without much force.

"Hehe, believe me, the specific principle is too complicated for you. You just need to know that the talent contained in this body is what all soldiers dream of. Now, I\'ll give you a vacation, whether it\'s going out for adventure or hunting powerful monsters alone. In short, it\'s the only way to fight more fierce battles You can become strong as soon as possible. Oh, by the way, take Kim with you. "

After that, Zhang Cheng glanced at the dog headed man squatting in the corner and carving all kinds of totems.

"As you wish! Don\'t worry, I won\'t disappoint you." Simon patted his chest hard and gave his guarantee.

He believes that with his new body, he will be able to learn more and more powerful martial arts, even the legendary shield wall, lethal strike and bloodthirsty that only the most elite soldiers can learn.


At the same time, far away in the night Town, a fratricide between brothers, which had been saved for a long time, finally began slowly.

With the help of the brotherhood assassins, Baron Carlton succeeded in getting rid of his loyal servants and housekeepers in just half a day. At the same time, he captured altaia, who was in control of the night watchman force. Coupled with the magical power of his daughter Zenobia, no one dared to challenge his rule.

Sitting in a chair that didn\'t belong to him, he looked down at his brother covered in blood and said after a full minute: "You know, ello, whether you believe it or not, in fact, I didn\'t want to hurt you and Altea at first, and I didn\'t want to end our brotherhood in this way. But you are too cowardly and disappointed me. I must stand up to overthrow your rule and prevent the family that has been inherited for hundreds of years from dying."

"Fool! What you\'re doing now will bring the family to ruin! Stop! Carlton! Before it\'s too late!" Duke ello eblock struggled to raise his head and shouted.

He still can\'t believe that his own brother will launch a coup one day.

"Hahaha! No, it\'s too late, my dear brother. Just half an hour ago, I killed the tax official sent by storm city and officially announced my separation from the rule of storm kingdom. Now the only way I can go is to overthrow the decadent aristocratic Parliament and re-establish a new country with Edwin van Clive. And I will become the country of this country Carlton laughed wildly and raised his hands as if to embrace the brilliant future.

Staring at the strong desire in his brother\'s eyes, Duke ello eblock painfully closed his eyes and did not continue to choose persuasion.

Because he knows better than anyone that no matter what he says, he can\'t stop the other party\'s inflated ambition. Unless he encounters a decisive failure, he can\'t wake up.

But Carlton obviously didn\'t think his choice was wrong. He stood up, took out his sword and put it on his brother\'s neck. He lowered his voice and asked, "do you have any last words?"

"Can you tell me what you\'re going to do with Altea?" Duke ello ebrock struggled to raise his head again.

"Don\'t worry, I won\'t kill her, let alone hurt her. When I defeat the decadent aristocratic Council of storm city and become a new king, I will return to night Town and let her continue to rule." Carlton promised with a serious expression.

He doesn\'t have too much resentment against his brother and niece, so he doesn\'t intend to eliminate the root with too fierce means, even if the other party will resent him all his life.

"Well, in that case, I\'m relieved. Although I know you\'ll be very unhappy to say so, I still want to say that your plan with Edwin van Clive will not succeed. The storm City aristocratic Council has far more power than you think. Even if it looks so weak, it can easily quell a civil unrest. Well, do it. I\'m ready to see you Father. "

"No! We will succeed! Remember to bring me a greeting when you see my father. By the way, tell him that the eberlock family will go to glory under my leadership!"

With the last word falling, Carlton raised his sword and cut off his brother\'s head