All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 343

The content of the note was not much. It took madias Shaw only half a minute to read it all, and a dignified expression soon appeared on his face.

Although he had expected that there would be a black hand behind the stupid orcs, he never thought it would be a dragon, two terrible adult black dragons.

As a human, he will never forget how those veterans who survived the second Orc war described the scene of the Dragon roar clan attacking the Alliance Army on a red young dragon!


Hell of despair!

There is no hope of victory at all!

The only thing I can do is pray that I can die as glorious as a real soldier!

Fortunately, the heroic mage ronin and his teammates destroyed the spirit of the artifact demon in time, so that the Red Dragon Queen alexstasa got out of control and reversed the war situation in one fell swoop.

The destructive power of young dragons is still so. Naturally, not to mention adult giant dragons, hundreds of deaths can be caused by a breath of dragon breath.

No one wants to be the enemy of the dragon, especially the fallen Black Dragon

Madias shor frowned. After five minutes, he took a deep breath and asked seriously, "how did you get this information? Don\'t tell me. You can easily spy on the secrets of two adult black dragons by going around the burning plain."

"Ah, of course not. I joined their camp myself." Zhang Cheng pursed his lips and replied meaningfully.

"Join?" a glimmer of vigilance flashed in the eyes of the leader of mi7.

"That\'s right! One of them invited me, and I readily agreed. To some extent, I should be a double agent now." after that, Zhang Cheng took a sip from his glass, but the smell of inferior rum immediately made him frown.

"You mean that you will provide us with information about the black dragon as well as our information?" madias Shaw quickly realized the subtext of what he had just said. Instead of asking questions, he showed an expression of interest.

Zhang Cheng put down his glass, smiled and nodded: "yes! Just understand that the dragon is an extremely proud and conceited creature, so he hasn\'t asked me any information about the Alliance for the time being, but at the same time, I don\'t promise I won\'t ask in the future. In addition, I\'m not interested in subverting the monarchy, so I\'ll never participate in it."

"I see, thank you. If they really ask one day, please be sure to say everything you know. I don\'t want to lose an indispensable source of intelligence because of a little concealment."

Madias Shaw is worthy of being the brain of the whole mi7. He made the most rational judgment in the blink of an eye.

In any case, it is better to have a channel to understand the enemy than to have a black eye, even if it will reveal some of its own secrets.

"Don\'t worry, I\'m not the kind of fool who will give my life for some unknown reason, and I won\'t sacrifice anything for this kingdom. If there\'s no other doubt, I\'ll leave first. It\'s estimated that Countess Catalana Presto is waiting for me to visit."

With the last word falling, Zhang Cheng stroked his chest with one hand and leaned slightly. He turned around to open the door and leave the humble tavern.

But before he took two steps, madias Shaw suddenly raised his head, lowered his voice and asked, "since you have determined the identity of the enemy, do you know how to expose their true colors, especially the one who controls the storm City Council?"

"Sorry, I don\'t want to provoke a deadly enemy, let alone expose myself to the opponent\'s line of sight, so please find a way slowly. Finally, I\'ll give you a hint. Marshal Reginald Windsor once saw an illusion about the future in karazan, and he is the key to ending all this." Zhang Cheng gave a hint quietly.

"Marshal Reginald Windsor? Damn it!" madias Shaw suddenly changed his face and quickly began to look for the information written in various secret words on the table. He quickly found one of them and gnashed his teeth: "asshole! How can it be so coincidence? Marshal Reginald Windsor was captured by the black iron dwarf in an attack six days ago!"

Hearing this, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help laughing. He usually laughed and joked: "isn\'t this just right? You can let those adventurers pour into the burning plain and the black stone tower under the guise of Marshal, and find out the situation inside by the way. Moreover, I think your excellency Marshal will surprise you."

"Hire adventurers?!" madias Shaw\'s eyes lit up slightly.

"Yes. There was an interesting legend in my hometown. A long time ago, a country was looted by evil dragons many times. In order to protect his country, the king began to recruit warriors and promised that whoever could kill the dragon would marry his favorite daughter to each other and give half of the treasure of the National Treasury. Soon, there was a famous soldier He thought he was competent and went to the palace to accept the task. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Cheng deliberately paused, showing a trace of ironic smile on his face.

"In the end, the warrior killed the dragon?" madias Shaw asked with interest.

As a conspirator hiding in the corner, he always felt that the answer would not be too simple.

Zhang Cheng stretched out a finger and shook it gently: "No, in the end, the warrior easily died under the flame of the dragon. But the king did not place his hope on one person. He recruited thousands of warriors at one go. Finally, the dragon was seriously injured in the round battle and killed by the last guy who picked up a bargain. This story tells us two very important messages. First, never Place your hope on one person; second, when you use wealth, status and beauty as rewards, people often burst out with unprecedented strength... "

"Interesting! I must admit, your story is very enlightening. I think I know what to do." madias Shaw\'s eyes suddenly became deep.

People entrapment has always been the specialty of mi7. You don\'t mind using adventurers who stay in hotels all day to make trouble to achieve your own goals.

"I wish you a smooth move." Zhang Cheng whispered without looking back, followed by putting on his hood to cover his face, pushing open the door and disappearing into the narrow alley of the old city.

Instead of returning to the hotel immediately, he walked in the direction of the palace fortress of storm city.

Now that he has a convenient identity, how can he not see the famous Black Dragon Princess Onyxia with his own eyes