All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 33

Seeing someone approaching his position, Garrick immediately struggled to get up.

However, the severe pain made him unable to maintain his balance. After several attempts, he finally sat back reluctantly and said to himself in a bitter tone: "Well, I think I\'m half disabled now. According to the woman who examined my wound, I can\'t fight or engage in heavy physical labor for at least half a month. If the curse can\'t be completely purified, what waiting for me will be amputation."

"Amputation? Is it so serious?" Zhang Cheng subconsciously frowned.

Although he expected that the black arrows fired by the elite of the forgotten were absolutely unusual, he never expected that they would be serious enough to amputate.

You know, this is Dalaran, the Magic Kingdom. If even the mages of the kenrito Council can\'t do anything, the research progress of the forgotten in the curse is a little too terrible.

"It\'s just possible, depending on the recovery in the next week or so. In addition, she also recommended a powerful dispelling potion for the curse, but I can\'t afford 70 silver coins for a small bottle." Garrick explained with a sigh.

As a young farmer and militia in a small rural area, the most dirty copper coins he saw in his life were only a few silver coins when he was paid.

As for the Lordaeron gold coin with the head of Terenas Menethil II, he had never seen it in his life.

"Ha ha ha! Relax. All the problems that can be solved with money are not problems. Here, I have some money here. You can take it and cure the injury first."

Knowing that the other party\'s curse was not a technical problem, but lack of money, Zhang Cheng laughed and took out a few gold coins from his pocket and stuffed them into the other party\'s hand.

He just received reesen\'s legacy not long ago. Gold and silver coins alone filled a leather pocket with hundreds of pieces, so he was not short of money at all. At least when Azeroth was young, he didn\'t need to worry about money for the time being.

"No! No! No! How can this work!" feeling the cold touch from the palm, Garrick pushed the gold coin back with a red face.

It may be self-esteem or embarrassment. In short, this young man in his twenties seems to be psychologically resistant to accepting gifts from others.

"Well, don\'t talk nonsense. Take it for you. Remember, get well as soon as possible. Maybe it won\'t be long before we will go back to the town to solve the problem of plague." Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help but put the money into each other\'s pocket, and then turned and left the "hero\'s house" hotel.

He is also very young. He knows that people in their teens and twenties often make fools. Sometimes they even regard dignity as more important than life. They will start to regret when they really cause irreparable consequences

Standing on the slightly empty street of Dalaran, Zhang Cheng had an additional staff inlaid with red crystals on fire.

There is no doubt that this is the "merchant\'s ambition" task reward, which comes from the famous flint staff in the game.

But what he didn\'t understand was how this thing was sent to him and why he didn\'t notice it at all.

Just as he lowered his head and pondered over whether he had missed any details, a portal suddenly appeared in front of him. Less than a second later, an irresistible suction dragged him in.

Darkness, starlight and colorful swirls. Before he could figure out what had happened, the whole man appeared in the middle of the round table with six chairs.

Four of the six chairs were empty, and only two were sitting on them. One of them was ansrem ruinville, the great Dharma Master, and the other was a beautiful woman with long blond hair.

Although he looks very young, his whole body exudes surging magic, as if he is completely integrated with the element of water. With a pair of intelligent eyes, I believe that wherever he goes, he will be the focus of attention.

"Er... Archmage, is there anything important for you to summon me so soon?" Zhang Cheng pretended to be innocent and tried carefully.

Ansrem ruinville glanced at the woman sitting opposite him and gently nodded: "yes, I need you to explain your views on the forgotten people\'s study of the new magic plague, so that some people with illusions can understand that there is no so-called peace between us and the tribe, at least they have no intention of peaceful coexistence with us."

"Young mage, please don\'t care what ruinville said. You just have to say what you know. I always firmly believe that orcs are not monsters. They have the right to survive in this world like us." the woman suddenly interrupted.

"Are you?" Zhang Cheng turned sideways and looked puzzled.

"Jaina, Jaina Proudmoore." the woman smiled and gave her name.


Zhang Cheng\'s head seemed to have been hit hard by a hammer.

He couldn\'t believe it in his dream. He saw the Savior of Azeroth\'s human world so soon. He is known as the most outstanding magic genius in hundreds of years, the ex girlfriend of the Lich King Arthas, and the heroine of the blood elf Prince kylsas day after day, Jaina Proudmoore.

For a moment, he forgot what to say and was stunned.

However, Jaina seems to have been used to a similar situation. She crossed her hands and dragged her chin. She joked in a slightly playful tone: "why, don\'t you forget how to speak the common language? It doesn\'t matter. It\'s OK to speak the Darnassus language of the high elves. You know, I\'m proficient in nine languages."

"Hehe, you\'re really joking. I\'m just a little surprised that Jin will appear in Dalaran." Zhang Cheng, who recovered, quickly smiled and saluted.

"No way, in order to maintain the fragile peace between the tribes and the alliance, I have to go back and forth between the eastern and Western continents." Jaina shrugged her shoulders reluctantly, and then her face suddenly became serious. "By the way, I heard you found that the forgotten are experimenting with a new plague with living people. Is this true?"

"It\'s true! I even brought back samples. Based in talemyr, they are constantly launching raids on the farms in the surrounding areas, and even trying to cut off the connection between the farm and the outside world. If you don\'t believe it, you can go and have a look in person." Zhang Cheng gave a positive reply without thinking.

"Damn it! How could this happen? How could Sal allow this to happen!" Jaina suddenly stood up and hit the table with her fist.

"Dear Ms. Proudmoore, with all due respect, the great chief Sal may not know about the study of the new plague. Even if he knows, he can\'t restrain the behavior of the forgotten. In fact, you never really know the tribe..."