All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 323

The old city, originally the storm city site occupied and destroyed by the orcs during the opening of the dark gate, was later integrated into the new storm city system after a series of transformation and restoration.

However, due to the retention of too many old buildings, the area with the largest area of storm city looks a little wrong and complex. In particular, various dark and narrow alleys give birth to some invisible things. For example, gangs and pornographic Services

Of course, it was through secretly controlling these gray channels that mi7 had enough funds to maintain its operation and would not be strangled by Countess katlana presto.

You know, with her influence in parliament, Princess black dragon has repeatedly used the means of threatening to reduce military spending to force the officers and Marshals in storm city to succumb to her power.

If Azeroth is not a magical world with the supremacy of power, she can become an excellent politician and ruler with this mature and sophisticated political skill alone.

But unfortunately, compared with her father who was keen on destroying the world and his brother who liked biological research, Onyxia was still a little weaker, otherwise she would not become the first adult dragon whose head was hung on the city gate.

Appreciating the funny clothes of girls engaged in special service industries on both sides of the road, Zhang Cheng recalled the so-called "plot" and considered what purpose madias shoeryo had.

He would not believe the message on the note, nor would he think that the ace assassin asked himself out just to express his gratitude, although the magic plague could indeed create a huge rift and distrust between the orcs and the forgotten.

Just when all kinds of speculation kept coming out of his mind, an arm silently stretched out from the darkness, covered his nose, and dragged him from the road into the dark alley.

As a person who has been assassinated many times, Zhang Cheng did not show any panic at all. Before the other party had the next move, he immediately used flash to break free, and supported the cold ice body and Mana Shield. The crystal at the top of the staff glittered with dangerous violet light.

"Relax, young man, if I have hostility, what I just stretched out is not an arm, but a dagger across my throat." as he said, the masked man took off his mask and showed a familiar face.

He\'s no one else. It\'s madias Shaw, the leader of mi7.

"Damn it! Can\'t you fucking say hello in a normal way?" Zhang Cheng gnashed his teeth and cursed in a low voice.

It\'s no wonder that there is a lot of anger. If you don\'t feel obvious hostility or murderous gas, the first spell you used just now is not flash, but instant lethal spells such as Arcane Explosion, Frost Nova, shadow burning and death winding.

"Sorry, I\'m being watched closely now, so I can only meet you in this way." madias Shaw sighed helplessly.

"Oh? You are the leader of mi7, and there are still people in the whole storm city who dare to monitor you?" Zhang Cheng raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Madias Shaw smiled playfully and replied in a slightly ironic tone: "There are always a few people in the world who think they can control everything, so when they are in power, they will do everything possible to put their eyes on it. Unfortunately, there is such a person in the storm City, and she persuaded the parliament that the rights of the seven military departments need to be made, so there have been more and more flies in my office recently."

"I see. You\'re being watched by our dear countess, aren\'t you?" a light flashed in Zhang Cheng\'s eyes.

In fact, since its establishment, mi7 is different from most intelligence organizations. Instead of hiding in the dark, it stands in the sun and announces its existence to everyone.

Even after madias Shaw accepted it, he launched a public opinion campaign, so that even children knew that there was an invisible dagger protecting the residents of the city, so it was not surprising that Princess black dragon was staring at them.

"Hum! No matter what the woman is planning, she really annoyed me this time." the assassin\'s King\'s tone revealed undisguised annoyance and disdain.

Obviously, he didn\'t know that he was not facing an ordinary female aristocrat this time, but a life-threatening Black Dragon Princess, guarding the most powerful black dragon in the Dragon King - "death wing" nesario\'s only daughter.

But Zhang Cheng didn\'t remind the other party. Instead, he smiled and echoed: "it seems that I\'m going to mourn for the countess. She provoked a dangerous enemy that shouldn\'t be provoked."

"I wish she could be as smart as you. Forget it, I didn\'t come to you today to say that. Here, this is a small gift I promised you. I hope you like it." after saying that, madias Shaw threw the gift box prepared in advance.

"Eh? This is..." after Zhang Cheng opened the box, he immediately showed an incredible expression.

Because the box contains nothing else, but a container with an evil smell. Specifically, it is the soul bag used by the Warlock to hold soul fragments.

Because soul fragments are different from other magic items, especially some souls who master strong magic power, they are likely to break the shackles and escape. The function of soul bag is equivalent to a prison to firmly bind the souls in the fragments.

This means that most of his warlock power, which he thinks is very hidden, has been found by mi7.

"Well, do you like it? One of my assassins executed a forgotten warlock who tried to sneak into the wetland not long ago. This interesting gadget is the booty found from him." madias shor said meaningfully.

"Great gift, thank you." Zhang Cheng quietly threw away the box and fiddled with the soul bag sewn with unknown leather on his hand.

"Just thank you? Don\'t you need me to write a letter of recommendation for you? After all, the slaughtered lambs don\'t easily trust an outsider, especially the outsider is also a mage of the kenrito Council." seeing that the other Party chose to remain silent, madias Shaw took the initiative to unlock the first card.

Zhang Cheng twitched slightly at the corner of his mouth and said without raising his head: "do you still have contact with the warlock guild?"

Madias Shaw nodded his head gently: "of course! They are one of the important allies of mi7. Many die hard elements who don\'t want to speak only need to be sent to them to say everything. However, I\'m a little surprised. How did you suddenly become a warlock in such a short time?"

"I\'m also curious. Where did you learn that I have the power of a warlock?" Zhang Cheng asked reluctantly.

"Ha ha! You are such an interesting young man. Why don\'t we exchange information with each other?"

"I can\'t wait!"
