All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 315

After noon, in the cabin of the warship to be built in the deepest underground of the death mine, Edwin van Clive was sitting at the table, patiently waiting for the arrival of the high level of the FIDIA brotherhood.

Due to the positive action of mi7 of Stormwind City, many important members were arrested in prison, including even the right-hand man like Bakir Slade.

At present, most of the remaining dead in the mine are hired thugs and technicians.

For example, the stupid and stupid ogre laczo, the logging machine driving expert - sdeni, the goblin craftsman responsible for making weapons - kilnig, and so on. For example, the Tauren Deputy heavy fist, the fish man cookie, and the goblin green captain who is proficient in navigation and gun control.

Although these guys are far superior to most brotherhood members in terms of combat effectiveness and professional skills, their loyalty is very questionable. In particular, a few Goblins who are open to money will never live and die with the brotherhood. Once they find that the situation is bad, 100% will turn around and run away.

In order to ensure that the "just revenge" in his heart can be realized, Edwin van Clive had to gather these people together at regular intervals to listen to their suggestions and demands on the one hand and confirm that they have not betrayed themselves on the other hand.

As time goes by

Soon, Mr. heavy fist, who was straightforward and liked to fight, followed by three goblin leaders, Sidney, kilney and captain green, and it was the ogre laczo who came late.

As for fish man cookies, they are not qualified to participate in such meetings for the time being. They patrol at the bottom of the ship to prevent spies from sneaking into the mine from underwater to inquire about information.

Glancing at the different expressions on the faces of the people, Edwin van Clive coughed deliberately and said in a slightly low voice, "now that everyone is here, I declare the meeting open."

The voice just fell!

Kilnig, the goblin craftsman, immediately questioned, "are they all here? No, I remember there\'s another warlock? Where has he gone?"

"Yes! What about the young man named Mason?" Sidney echoed.

Obviously, the Mason in their mouth is no one else. It is Zhang Cheng who joined them not long ago.

However, instead of using his real name, he chose to use the pseudonym used by the world of ice fire Song - Mason.

After all, he just took this place as a temporary shelter. If he accidentally got on the blacklist of mi7, the gain would not be worth the loss.

"Damn it! Vanessa! Have you informed Mason?" Edwin van Clive rubbed his forehead and shouted at his only daughter.


Accompanied by a choking white smoke, the girl with short black hair suddenly appeared in the cabin and replied seriously: "well, of course! He said he would come after lunch."

"Cough! Cough! God! What strange thing are you playing with again?" Edwin van Clive coughed violently, covering his nose.

In fact, not only him, but also the unresponsive ogre laczo, the rest held their breath to prevent these strange smoke from entering their bodies.

"Strange? No, father, this is a new toy Mason gave me. It only takes a drop or two to make me transparent." Vanessa raised the silver glittering potion bottle in her hand.

"Can you make people transparent?" Edwin van Clive subconsciously grabbed it, carefully pulled out the plug and dropped a drop on his hand.


His hands began to become transparent and nihilistic, and finally completely disappeared, followed by slowly spreading to his arms, body, and even his leather armor.

Such a strange change, not to mention himself, even a centripetal heavy fist stood up involuntarily.

However, as a client, Edwin van Clive could feel that his body did not really disappear, but produced a wonderful light, which was completely integrated into the surrounding environment like the skin of a chameleon.

As a thief, he was too aware of the wide use hidden behind this bottle of potion. Whether it was assassination or sneaking in to spy on intelligence, it was a rare help.

You know, reality is not a game. Players just need to click stealth skills to sneak from the sun into any place they want to sneak into.

In fact, the so-called stealth is just the use of light, shadow and the surrounding environment to achieve the purpose of hiding yourself.

If there is neither shadow nor shelter around, even if master madias Shaw comes, he can\'t sneak, and 100% will be found by the guards.

When Edwin van Clive was very interested in the unknown potion, a slight sound of footsteps suddenly came from outside the cabin. About half a minute or so, a familiar sound echoed in everyone\'s ears.

"Sorry, there was a little accident. I seem to be late."

After that, Zhang Cheng, dressed in the blue mage\'s robe, walked in unhurriedly from the door.

I don\'t know why, his appearance is like a black hole, which firmly attracts the attention of everyone present, especially the deep and evil left eye, which emits an invisible gas field all the time, speeding up the beating speed of the heart and increasing the subconscious desire several times at once.

Edwin van Clive, who has always been extremely sensitive to danger, quickly stepped back and asked vigilantly, "what\'s the matter with your eyes?"

"Oh, nothing. I\'ve just learned some skills to control the power of demons in my body. In addition, I\'d like to give you a piece of advice. Don\'t stare at me, otherwise..."

When Zhang Cheng\'s words were finished, the tall ogre suddenly flopped down on his knees and shouted in a frenzied tone: "great master! Servant lakzo is at your command at any time!"

"Laczo! What are you doing?" Edwin van Clive yelled in amazement.

"Don\'t be nervous. He\'s just seduced by the devil\'s eye." Zhang Cheng took the initiative to close his left eye as he explained.

When the bloody runes around the eyes began to shine, the ubiquitous evil disappeared without a trace.

The ogre was forced to lie on the ground for a long time, and finally recovered his consciousness and returned to his seat.

At this moment, Zhang Cheng realized why the Burning Legion chose the mentally retarded ogres and orcs as cannon fodder. These brainless guys are too easy to be tempted and controlled.

No wonder the orcs were the same during thrall\'s reign. Instead, Garush Hellscream quickly changed to another look.

The root cause is that in the eyes of most orcs, the people who lead themselves should be the most powerful, not the wisest. They confuse the difference between political leaders and military leaders