All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 309

After a simple night\'s rest in ghost town, the next day the team regrouped and set off, heading deep along the path of the cemetery.

You should know that crow ridge cemetery is the resting place for countless nobles and civilians in the storm Kingdom, covering an area of more than 3000 square kilometers, especially the tomb extending from the center to the depths of the earth. It is said that tens of thousands of alliance soldiers and heroes who died during the orc war were buried. If they were all transformed into undead, even if the storm city sent regular troops, they would suffer heavy losses.

Fortunately, not all the bodies of the tomb * * were transformed by mysterious forces. In addition, the plague destroyed many resurrected bones and ghouls, so we didn\'t encounter too many obstacles along the way.

When the party arrived near the entrance of the tomb, Zhang Cheng had not even used any magic. With his magic sword, he easily killed more than 20 low-level undead and swallowed their painful and desperate souls.

Feeling the excitement transmitted by the soul arrest messenger after eating, he quietly inserted it back into the sheath, raised his hand and snapped his fingers.



The originally extinguished torches and braziers in the tomb lit up!

Taking advantage of the night watchman\'s stunned Kung Fu, Varna chenge suddenly leaned over and said in a low voice, "I can\'t see that you can also be good at swordsmanship. Sometimes I really doubt whether you are a human."

"Oh? Why, do you doubt that I am a dragon in human shape?" Zhang Cheng asked with a smile on his lips.

"Ha! Who knows..." the fairy winked playfully and resolutely ended the dangerous topic.

She had a hunch that if she continued to get to the bottom of the matter, she would suffer.

Zhang Cheng did not try to explain anything because he understood that it was only a matter of time before his performance aroused suspicion.

After all, human beings are not elves. They don\'t have a life span of hundreds or even thousands of years. Especially others are so young, but they have become a senior member of the kenrito Council and an elite mage of Dalaran. At the same time, they also master the technologies including alchemy, primary enchantment, the production and improvement of magic items, and even have a good sword skill.

Although more than half of these knowledge are forcibly instilled into the brain by parchment, others are the results of research with the help of various external forces, and only a few are his own creations.

But others don\'t know this. They only know that Zhang Cheng has shown a terrorist talent far beyond his peers in some fields. He doesn\'t look like a human in an ordinary sense at all.

Of course, as a transcendent who is determined to acquire knowledge and power at all costs, Zhang Cheng does not care much about what others think. The only thing to do is to focus on the strong who stand at the top of each world, and then surpass one by one until he gets rid of the control of the parchment owner.

Once again, he took a deep breath and stepped into the dangerous entrance of the catacombs alone, ignoring the nervous shouts of the night watchmen.

The closer he was to the depths of the tomb, the more clearly he could feel what seemed to be calling himself. Perhaps this was the reason why the parchment scroll suddenly gave tasks and rewards.

Walking along the dark and smelly passage, Zhang Cheng found that the scattered undead along the way seemed to be driven by some mysterious force. Instead of attacking the living, they wandered around aimlessly. Even if they touched them with their hands, the undead would not react at all.

Obviously, this situation is absolutely abnormal.

According to the description in the book, the dead have an innate hatred for the living. Unless there is a stronger force constraint, the low-level dead can\'t control themselves from attacking the living.

"It\'s interesting. I didn\'t expect that Azeroth had a second person besides the Lich King who could control the dead..." Zhang Cheng whispered, speeding up his steps and throwing away the people behind him.

When he reached the end of the tomb, he saw a black Sarcophagus, which was different from the ordinary coffins around him. The coffin was very large, almost ten times the ordinary pipes on the top. The surface was not engraved with the name of the dead, but full of dense arcane runes.

But I don\'t know why, a few near the seal became blurred, and a strong smell of evil and death spread continuously through the gap.

Out of curiosity, he gently put his hand on the coffin and immediately felt countless cold voices echoing in his ears.

"The weak... Obey my will..."

"Destroy the rune... Open the coffin..."

"Let me out... I will give you great strength and eternal life..."

These sounds are like mental attacks, constantly impacting the brain, trying to affect Zhang Cheng\'s consciousness and judgment.

Unfortunately, he was not moved at all. Instead, he passed on his consciousness and asked, "who are you? Why are you buried here?"

"My name is okare! I am a powerful Orc warlock! One of the members of the Shadow Council! I was plotted by Guldan! This damn liar asked me to lead the army to the alliance! But he himself went to the tomb of Sargeras to find the power of the dark Titan! Release me! Mankind! I swear I will give you strong power! Real power!" The orc warlock who called himself okare roared angrily.

"Oh? How do I know you\'re not lying to me?" Zhang Cheng pretended to be interested.

"Cheat you? No! The great okare never disdains to cheat a weak Human Mage! Come, put your hand near the seal, I can give you some warlock knowledge and power first, and then you will understand my strength."

Listening to the arrogant guy boasting, a funny smile appeared on Zhang Cheng\'s face. He bent down to look at the runes around the coffin and confirmed that the fuzzy runes would not affect the overall sealing effect, so he put his hand on it.

Okare obviously felt the warmth of the living, and laughed wildly: "ha ha ha! Close your eyes and feel my greatness! There is no power in the world that can compare with a warlock!"

The voice just fell!

Vast amounts of knowledge poured into Zhang Cheng\'s mind through spiritual connection.

Shadow arrow, sacrifice, summon devil, weak curse, corrosion, fear, life diversion, pain curse, absorb soul, create life stone, life channel, reckless curse, devil breath, burning pain, magic armor, fire rain, kilrog\'s eye, absorb mana, detect invisibility, language curse, exile, create flame stone, element curse, shadow curse

What\'s more terrible is that in addition to knowledge, there is a terrible evil energy that also enters the body and runs around recklessly, completely out of control.

One of his eyes revealed the dark green symbolizing evil energy and devil several times, which was very frightening.