All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 243

"Surpass everything? Should you laugh at your arrogance? Or should you praise that you have an ambition that ordinary people can\'t reach?" the soul detaining messenger joked in a smile rather than smile tone.

As a magic sword that devours countless masters, it has seen many stupid mortals lose themselves slowly after gaining power, and also seen lunatics who resort to all means in pursuit of greater power. Therefore, it has long been accustomed to similar remarks.

In its eyes, mortals are always stupid, constantly pursuing what they can\'t control, whether it\'s power or power, and will eventually fall into the abyss of self destruction.

At least so far, none of the masters it has followed has been able to escape the play of fate. I believe this time is no exception.

The only thing that interests it is whether the young man can go further than his predecessors.

Zhang Cheng is not an idiot. Naturally, he can hear the abuse and playfulness revealed in the words of the magic sword, but he didn\'t get angry. Instead, he responded meaningfully: "it doesn\'t matter whether it\'s arrogance or ambition. Time will prove everything. But you, do you remember how you were created? Who was your Creator? Is he or she still alive?"

"Hehe, you want to find out my origin? Die. You don\'t deserve to know the real secret until you reach a certain height. Well, instead of wasting your time on me, you\'d better finish your magic ceremony quickly. That guy is about to lose his support." after that, a faint light flashed in the humble groove of the soul arrest messenger\'s sword handle, It seems to imply something.

"Hum! Pretending to be mysterious..." Zhang Cheng pretended to disdain and turned his eyes to airy, who was on the verge of collapse.

The unlucky guy had no arrogance at the beginning at the moment. He knelt on the ground and shouted with open arms.

The crazy influx of tens of thousands of souls has overwhelmed his own unfinished soul, as if it could be torn up, swallowed up and completely dissipated in the world at any time.

Moreover, because he accommodated too many souls, he had completely lost control of his body, and the two cold lights in his eyes turned into white vortices, and ferocious faces appeared from time to time.

Even without getting close, Zhang Cheng can clearly see that countless souls are fighting, tearing and swallowing each other, trying to seize the control of the body, but no soul found that some of their most valuable things are rapidly losing in the process of swallowing, slowly forming a channel and bridge to closely connect Eric with the Dragon of death.

As the passage became larger and clearer, about a third of the souls suddenly collapsed and turned into a silver flash in the sky. The rest seemed to be aware of something and ran crazy in all directions.

However, it was a pity that before they took a few steps, they were firmly bound in place by the huge magic array enveloping the central area of the city. No matter how hard they struggled, it was useless.

Watching the fear, despair and resentment of these ordinary souls from the inside out, Zhang Cheng showed a rare serious expression on his face. Holding his right hand firmly holding the staff, he began to concentrate on guiding the most important and final step in the ceremony, completely erase Eric\'s character and memory, and create a new evil soul like white paper.

In fact, the magic technology he used was the result of Dalaran archmages\' research on capturing the bodies of the first generation of death knights from the battlefield during the second Orc war. The essence is still not divorced from the scope of psychic magic, that is, he uses the death energy generated by desecrating the dead to give the bodies new life, and then injects an evil soul into them.

According to the formal process, orc warlocks usually kill powerful human officers first, or find their left bodies for special treatment, and then inject the souls of accidentally killed orc warlocks with the help of psychic spells. Such a death knight with terrible power is completed.

In the past, with this magic technology, the orcs conquered cities and territories in the second war and won victory again and again. Among them, the most well-known is the first born Death Knight - Talon blood demon.

However, Zhang Cheng is obviously not satisfied to create a death knight in an ordinary sense, because the human body in the song of ice and fire world is far less powerful than that in the Azeroth world, and it must be made up in some way, otherwise even if it is made, it is an out and out war residue.

Of course, Eric, who has the physique of a half dragon man, has theoretically reached the minimum requirements for becoming a death knight, but he also wants to make his works more perfect and powerful, so he added a little change

With one soul after another dissipated in the air, burst into dazzling silver light!

The struggling Eric finally stopped shaking and knelt dead. His eyes, mouth, nostrils and ears kept emitting a chilling black fog. Even the dragon of death seemed to be affected by some kind of influence, and the silver gray scales were completely transformed into the black symbolizing death.

After seven or eight minutes, he suddenly trembled, then slowly stood up, looked up at the sky shrouded in dark clouds, and asked in a magnetic hoarse voice, "I... who am I? Where am I?"

"From today on, your name is xiuma, and I am your Creator and only master." Zhang Cheng pursed his mouth and gave an answer that he had prepared for a long time.

"Xiuma? Creator? Master?" the newborn death knight was obviously still in a state of extreme confusion, and his face was full of doubts.

Anticipating a similar situation, Zhang Cheng smiled and nodded: "yes! I created you! Look at the surrounding scenes. All this is the price paid for your birth."

The death knight subconsciously glanced at the ghouls, zombies, abominations, and huge corpse monsters everywhere in the port area of the old town, as well as the distortion and evil emanating from the land under his feet. He seemed to understand something. He knelt down on one knee and said in an extremely pious tone: "Great master, thank you for all you have done. From today on, I am your most loyal servant - xiuma."

"Very good! Take your dragon to hunt and kill everything that can move in the street, whether he is alive or dead." Zhang Cheng gave an order without thinking.

Since the task was completed, he naturally began to clean up the aftermath, especially the highly contagious magic plague. Once it leaked out, I\'m afraid there will be no living people in the whole Westeros continent in a short time.

In addition, his name of xiuma is not inspired by the famous black lion king in Azeroth, but the famous hero of Klein world in the Dragon gun story series, a real dragon knight