All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 236

"Asha, the land of shadows?"

Zhang Cheng repeated this strange and familiar geographical term in a low voice, with a trace of surprise in his eyes.

The reason is very simple. Although there is almost no mention of the place of shadow or the name of the city of Asia in the whole story of the song of ice and fire, in fact, whether it is the place of shadow or Asia, it is the most incredible place passed down by people. At the same time, it is also the southeast of the known world and the birthplace of the giant dragon.

It is said that there is always shrouded in black shadow. It is impossible to tell when it is day and when it is night. The land is full of ferocious and unusable ghost grass, so it is difficult to grow decent crops.

The water there also showed an incredible black, so black that it would not reflect a little light even in the dazzling midday sun.

As for a small number of blind and twisted strange fish growing in the water, no one will want to eat them except crazy people.

It can be said that in such a harsh living environment, few normal life can survive, and even livestock will die without exception before they reach the real shadow.

The bachelor named "magician" malwin once mentioned in a report that the death of these livestock may be related to the black river, which may be full of some terrible magic and curses.

Asia is the only port city standing on the edge of the normal world and the shadow land. It relies entirely on passing merchant ships to maintain its operation. Foreign merchants bring food, slaves and drinking water to exchange gold and gemstones with local people. Once the trade is interrupted, famine will break out instantly.

Although it takes two years to go back and forth from pantos, a free-trade City, and it still needs to face terrible storms and sea monsters on the way, it still can\'t stop businessmen from pursuing wealth.

Some of them are just to make huge profits, while others are to buy some special commodities that can\'t be bought in other places, such as dragon eggs.

Danilis got the three dragon eggs from the legendary city of Asia.

Of course, none of the above is the most important. The most important thing is that Yasha is the only place in the world where the song of ice and fire has no exact origin history. In particular, all buildings in the whole city, like the towering tower and Longshi island fortress, use similar black bricks and stones. If anyone asks the local people about the origin of Yasha, They will tell you that this city has existed since the birth of the world until the day when the world is destroyed.

In Asia, magic is never mysterious. There are a large number of people who master supernatural forces, including wizards, wizards, alchemists, moon chanters, Red God priests, black alchemists, necromancers, cloud air mages, fire magicians, blood witches, priestesses, night walkers, black goats, believers of pale holy children and night lions.

If there is a place in the world where the song of ice and fire still retains a large number of magic inheritance, it must be Yasha.

For some time, Zhang Cheng also came up with the idea of going to Asia to exchange and study with those magic users. Unfortunately, he didn\'t work hard later.

He never expected that when he was about to leave, a man claiming to be from Asia would suddenly appear, and this man disguised as a housekeeper and lurked around him for nearly half a year.

Delhi kept a cautious defensive posture, continued to extract the energy stored at the bottom of the tower, and replied with a smile: "yes! To tell you the truth, my goal from the beginning was the towering tower, but I didn\'t expect you to see through its real purpose, so I had to take risks to seize the energy in case it was completely consumed by you."

"What do you want so much energy to do?" Zhang Cheng narrowed his eyes and asked with a smile.

"Sorry, it\'s my business and has nothing to do with you. If you can, could you please step back a little? Too close will make me nervous. I believe you should know very well how serious the result will be in case of an accident of huge energy under your feet." Delhi gave a warning without moving a voice.

Obviously, he is as like as two peas.

It\'s like that both countries have nuclear weapons and can ensure mutual destruction. People with a little sense will not choose to launch a real war against each other.

However, it is a pity that Delhi underestimated the madness of the other party, and underestimated the terrible of a person who takes gaining power as his lifelong pursuit.

The corners of Zhang Cheng\'s mouth tilted slightly, showing a chilling expression, followed by gently throwing the bottle with violet color in his hand.

"Damn it! How dare you!!!!!" Delhi roared in panic.

He couldn\'t believe why the young man who looked smart and rational in front of him would make such a crazy move. Isn\'t he afraid of dying together.

Maybe he doesn\'t know what the strange energy contained in the water is, but it doesn\'t mean he doesn\'t understand what terrible accidents will happen when two different energies are mixed together.

In order not to let the terrible scene be performed in front of him, he couldn\'t care to maintain the operation of the magic ceremony, and opened his arms to try to catch the water bottle falling from the sky.

Seeing Delhi\'s slightly clumsy action, Zhang Cheng flashed a trace of irony in his eyes, suddenly centered on himself, like bone chilling ice around him.


In the blink of an eye, everything within a few meters is frozen in place by white frost, and Delhi is no exception.

Taking advantage of the moment he couldn\'t dodge, Zhang Cheng took out the magic sword hanging around his waist and burst through the other party\'s heart.

He hit quickly and accurately, and the other party couldn\'t move at all, so he achieved his goal easily.

Feeling the sharp pain from his chest and the loss of vitality, Delhi stared and seemed unable to believe that he had been killed so easily that he couldn\'t even cast a powerful spell.

Instead of pulling out the sword in a hurry, Zhang Cheng took out his handkerchief and wiped the blood from Delhi\'s mouth. He said with a smile: "you know, you have made at least three fatal mistakes today.

First, you should not be too eager to extract energy. If I were you, I would choose to steal it bit by bit. This may be a little slower, but it is difficult to be found.

Second, you shouldn\'t continue to maintain the magic ceremony after seeing me. It\'s like a target. I have several ways to kill you.

Third, you shouldn\'t threaten me with energy explosion, because I don\'t care. Even if the whole old town is blown up, what does it have to do with me? Do you think I will be injured and killed in the explosion? No, I promise no matter how big the explosion range is, I won\'t hurt me... "