All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 229

Waiting for a long time will inevitably make people feel irritable, especially hiding in the dark secret Road, completely unaware of what happened to the outside world.

Just as the endurance of these soldiers from Dorn was about to reach the limit, a boy in rags ran through the tunnel where he could not see his fingers, ran to Oberon, handed a scribbled map, and explained in a low voice: "This is the secret road to the Red Castle. This is the shift change time and patrol route of the guards during the day and at night. Since Lord Wallis is not in King\'s landing at the moment, there is only so much we can do. In addition, if you plan to do it at night, we can sneak into the kitchen and put some laxative in the guards\' food, but it may scare the snake. You\'d better consider it clearly Make a decision. "

"Oh? You can do that!" Oberon stared at the sketch with a surprised expression on his face.

I can\'t help but be surprised!

You should know that the castle is the root of an aristocratic family. It is not only a fortification to protect its own security, but also a symbol of power, status and wealth.

As long as the castle is not broken, even if a family is besieged by the enemy, it will not lose control of the territory. Once the enemy retreats, they can use the castle as a base to recapture the lost land in the surrounding areas, and no one can reverse this process.

Because the castle is so important, no family will let outsiders know the real internal structure of their family castle, and the real escape secret way is usually known only by the owner.

Although the Red Castle was built by the tangorian family and later captured by Robert baratheon, it did not fall into the hands of the Lannister family until his death. Cersei did not know that some of the hidden passages were not strange, but it was a little unreasonable for the plane structure of the whole castle to be leaked.

"Hey, hey! What\'s this? Don\'t mention the Red Castle. We can even enter the bedroom of the king and queen. Once I saw the queen mother having an affair with one of her cousins in bed, as if her name was Lancel." the boy proudly showed off.

"Incest? This is really interesting news. I don\'t know how our regicides will react when they hear it..." Oberon pursed his mouth and showed a sarcastic smile.

With the end of the battle of the five kings, the news of the brother and sister incest and secretly leaving three illegitimate children has long spread all over the seven countries. Although many people are skeptical about this, most people have been convinced that they just don\'t dare to talk about the current status of the Lannister family.

As an avenger, he didn\'t mind that while eradicating the Lannister family, he also let the other party lose his reputation and completely become a laughing stock and despised object in people\'s mouth.

"How, can we start?" danilis asked impatiently when she appeared behind her.

The woman known as "inhuman beauty" is wearing a slightly yellow brown wig and a wide robe to cover all the concave convex curves. Her white skin is covered with dirty dirt, and she can\'t see any beauty at all.

It was with almost perfect disguise that she managed to escape the investigation of the golden robe and sneak into the city.

However, everything has a good side and a bad side. Although the disguise covers up her true identity, it also brings great inconvenience. In particular, the sour smell emitted by not taking a bath for several days is an unbearable torture for a woman who loves beauty and cleanliness.

"Yes, my queen. You see, with this, cersei Lannister will soon become a prisoner at the bottom of the steps." Oberon didn\'t have any nonsense and handed over the sketch on his hand.

As a member of matel\'s immediate family, he knew very well that his brother had never had the intention to spy on the Iron Throne. They planned all kinds of conspiracies in private for only one purpose, that is revenge.

The doens, who have integrated the lineage of loina, are more patient and tenacious than people anywhere in Westeros. Even in the face of the terrible dragon, they do not give in easily. When the enemy is stronger than themselves, they will choose to bear it. Once the enemy is weak, they will immediately set off the anger of revenge.

Unfortunately, tywin, who called himself a "wise man", ignored this. In order to win Robert\'s trust, he allowed his knights to brutally kill Elia and set up a terrible enemy for the family.

Danilis took it, glanced at it, and hurriedly asked, "when shall we do it?"

"Tonight! Exactly after midnight, I don\'t want to encounter too strong resistance. After all, we only have 2000 people. If we lose too much in the raid, we can\'t control the huge King\'s landing. Oh, by the way, your fiance seems to have given you a small gift before leaving. Maybe it\'s time to take it out now." Then Oberon looked at each other\'s neck.

"Now?" daenerys subconsciously touched the jewel pendant hidden in her clothes.

Oberon nodded without hesitation: "yes, right now. We need to find out who are the enemy and who are the friends before launching the attack, and that list is very important."

"OK, take it." danilis hesitated a little, immediately opened the pendant and took out a crumpled note from it.

As for the content above, it is naturally a long string of names of different lengths, some of which are aristocrats, some are businessmen, and some are officers in the urban defense army.

Needless to ask, these people are the guys that Zhang Cheng wooed through threats, bribes and other means. Maybe there is no loyalty, but when the Lannister family falls, they certainly don\'t mind swearing allegiance to the new master of the Iron Throne.

Oberon narrowed his eyes and linked his name to his memory one by one. After about three or four minutes, he showed a smile and sighed softly: "Mason, my dear friend, you are really a sinister and cunning guy. You buried so many pieces in Junlin city quietly. With this list, once you win the Red Castle, you can quickly control the whole city. It seems that you have the idea of sneaking attack on Junlin."

"What are you going to do next? Contact these people first? Or take the Red Castle first?" daenerys asked softly.

"Of course, take the Red Castle first! Lannister and I have a big old account that needs to be calculated!"

While saying these words, Oberon held the spear in his hand and released his naked killing intention all over his body.

"Big... Sir, if you don\'t have anything else to tell me, I\'ll withdraw first." the boy was obviously frightened, and his voice trembled a little.

"Go on, remember to add something to the guards\' dinner." Oberon gently touched the little guy\'s head, and his eyes burst into terrible light.