All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 227

"Illusion, prophecy?!" an incredible expression appeared on Zhang Cheng\'s face.

You know, the eight clawed spider has always been famous for its aversion to magic and supernatural forces. Who would have thought that his motivation to support the restoration of the tangaryan family would have something to do with the illusory prophecy and illusion.

It\'s just as incredible as a materialist who cries for the supremacy of science all day when he is suddenly found to be an admirer of mysterious power.

Wallis no doubt knew how frightening what he had just said. He quickly squeezed out a smile and explained: "Don\'t make such a fuss, Lord Mason, you don\'t know what I\'ve been through, let alone how terrible it has had on my life. Indeed, I hate magic because it brings me endless pain, but that doesn\'t mean I won\'t see its power."

"Oh? Can you tell me more about your experience, especially the mysterious illusion. I really want to know what kind of prophecy will make you so afraid." Zhang Cheng narrowed his eyes and deliberately pretended to be curious.

"As I said just now, you will not understand. It was a war between ice and fire, light and darkness, and an eternal struggle between gods. In the illusion, I saw two results. One was that the messenger of the king of light won the victory, which continued human civilization, and the other was that the terrible enemy won the victory, and the whole world was shrouded in darkness, cold and death ……”

When he said this, Wallis trembled slightly all over his body, and his eyes showed unbearable fear.

Obviously, this matter left a considerable shadow in his heart. Whenever it was mentioned again, it would lead to a series of rejection.

Zhang Cheng carefully observed each other\'s faces and tried to find out some elements of acting, but soon found that this was definitely not acting, but originated from the tremor in the deepest soul.

Especially when it comes to the world shrouded in darkness, cold and death, the eight clawed spider seems to have experienced it personally. His hands are clenched with fists, and even his breathing becomes urgent.

Another person might immediately believe what he described.

Unfortunately, Zhang Cheng didn\'t believe a word at all.

He had already seen kronada with his own eyes and decided that the dragon who had lived for many years was the so-called king of light.

It can be inferred that the so-called God of cold and death is also a similar powerful magical life. It may be a giant dragon controlling ice and death energy, or it may be an unknown magical creature. Anyway, it is absolutely impossible to be a real God.

According to his understanding, a true God should not only have a strong power beyond the limits of mortals, but also have a will and idea that belongs to him alone, and tirelessly transform the world according to this will and idea.

According to such standards, the ancient gods and titans of Azeroth can barely be regarded as one of the true gods, but most of the messy belief systems such as the song of ice and fire are made by human beings. Even if a few show some incredible abilities, they have no obvious intention to change the world, just through some invisible means, For example, prophecy and suggestion are used to gain the awe of believers.

As a power seeker, what Zhang Cheng hates most is this mysterious trick. Before Wallis finished speaking, he interrupted with a sneer: "please stop! According to your meaning, the predicted Savior, the reincarnated and reborn Azor yahai, is the only descendant of the tangaryan family - danilis?"

"Yes!" the eight clawed spider nodded without thinking, followed by another way: "at least I think so, and Ginwala agrees with my choice. Of course, melisandra chose Stannis. Because the prophecy and illusion are not so clear, everyone who sees will have a different understanding, and each of us firmly believes that we are right."

"Oh, interesting. Well, since you think the prophecy is true, I\'ll take it as true. Tell me, can you help danilis and Oberon capture the Red Castle?" Zhang Cheng obviously didn\'t bother to explain anything and went straight to the point.

After all, he doesn\'t have much time left. The sooner he gets everything done, the sooner he can ensure that he can get more benefits.

"Please don\'t worry, my little bird has been waiting for them at King\'s landing. As long as they can get into the city, my people will lead them into the Red Castle from the secret road and control the important members of the Lannister family in one fell swoop." Wallis gave a guarantee without hesitation.

If anyone else can master all the intricate secret roads under Junlin, it must be him.

As early as the reign of the tangaryan Dynasty, he was already the chief intelligence officer of the court, responsible for inquiring for the crazy king. From iris\'s mouth, he knew almost every secret road leading to the exit. Even if Robert became the new king later, he was far less than he knew.

To some extent, Wallis is a time bomb that can detonate at any time.

Zhang Cheng doesn\'t understand why Robert, tywin and cersei didn\'t quickly get rid of this unstable factor that was enough to affect their own security. Instead, he got rid of the eight clawed spider that had mastered countless secrets at the first time after controlling the situation.

However, the idea was his own. He had no plan to put it into practice for the time being. He nodded quietly: "very good! With your help, I think the plan of sneaking attack on King\'s landing will be a complete success. Next, let\'s discuss the war in front of us. Let\'s say, to what extent do you want to weaken my strength?"

"It\'s easy! At least half of your troops must be killed or injured, and the towering tower must be destroyed. As long as these two points are achieved, I will start to help you deal with the enemy." Wallis quickly offered his own conditions.

"Yes!" Zhang Cheng hesitated for a moment and immediately agreed.

You know, for him, the army was originally a group of cannon fodder, even if it was all dead. Although the towering tower is very precious, it can\'t be taken away, so it will be destroyed if it is destroyed. It\'s enough to find out the magic technology used inside.

"Thank you very much for your understanding. If there is nothing else, I\'ll leave first. Blanc will continue to stay with you and be responsible for contacting."

After getting the answer he wanted, Wallis slowly stood up, saluted, turned and went out.

Before he took two steps, Zhang Cheng suddenly shouted from behind, "wait! Can you please do me a little favor?"

"Please!" Wallis turned back with a false smile on his face.

"I\'m a little impatient to help that idiot make a decision on an all-round attack." after saying that, a cruel and bloodthirsty light flashed in Zhang Cheng\'s eyes.

When Wallis saw it, he trembled subconsciously and replied in a deep voice: "give me a day! At this time tomorrow at the latest, you will see an endless army pouring into the old town. Oh, by the way, be careful of your housekeeper..."