All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 222

In danilis\'s slightly exaggerated description, Eric is described as a arrogant, evil, cruel and destructive monster.

He is so bloodthirsty that he won\'t miss any chance to kill. Instead of looking forward to a decent surrender, he might as well take out the last glimmer of courage to fight a fish to death.

In a word, the words of "dragon mother" completely extinguished the luck of the nobles.

No one realized that all they heard was a good play written and directed by someone. As for the purpose, of course, it is to make these cannon fodder do what they should do, rather than thinking about playing tricks such as turning against the enemy all day.

As a person who deeply understood the essence of the feudal system, Zhang Cheng never expected the loyalty of these big and small Lords.

Because he knew that nothing was more important than the continuation and prosperity of the family in this primitive social environment that needed close unity to survive.

Once the nobles found that they could not defeat the enemy in any case, they would not hesitate to abandon the so-called dignity, kneel down and beg the enemy for mercy and forgiveness, and then patiently wait for the opportunity to make a comeback.

In fact, betrayal is as easy for them as eating and drinking water.

Throughout the history of Westeros, it is not difficult to see that almost all ancient families that continue to today grow in conspiracy and betrayal again and again. Lannister\'s ancestors created this family that is revered by the world through naked deception.

Zhang Cheng doesn\'t want to worry about a fire in the backyard when he goes all out to fight.

However, judging from the expression of the "guests" when they left, they will not consider contacting Eric in a short time, nor will they easily make betrayal. At least they will not do so until they find out whether what "dragon mother" said is true

With the sun slowly setting from the sea level, the pre war mobilization meeting finally came to an end. Danilis stood on the balcony, looked down at the leaving crowd, and asked without looking back, "are you sure they\'ll go all out to fight?"

"No, of course not. You know, human\'s psychological tolerance is very limited. Normally, an army can bear 20% of casualties and still fight, so it can be called elite. How much do you think the non affiliated coalition forces outside can bear without collapse?" Zhang Cheng asked with a smile.

"In that case, why did you bother to let me play the play?" Denise frowned and her eyes showed a trace of doubt.

"It\'s very simple. The play is just a smoke bomb to cover up my real purpose." Zhang Cheng turned back to his seat and gently rotated the armrest on the right.


The shelf of the desk suddenly made a clicking sound, and the whole bookshelf began to rotate slowly. Then the "Red Snake" Oberon came out of it.

As he looked up and down at danilis, he joked with a smile: "isn\'t this the person you want to introduce to me?"

"Mason, why is he here?" daenerys asked in a low voice.

"Take it easy and listen to me." Zhang Cheng raised his hand and motioned them to keep quiet. He picked up the bottle and poured a glass of wine for Oberon. "I know that under the witness of the sea king of bravos, you signed a secret agreement with Wallis, the governor of pantos, illio mopatis, Jon Clinton and the commander of the gold regiment, MIS toin. When veselis returns to compete for the iron throne, Dorn will raise troops for it, and he will marry Dorn\'s Princess Ariane Martel as his queen, right ?”

"Oh? Where did you get the news?" Oberon took the glass and took a sip. His eyes showed strong vigilance.

After all, only a few parties were present when the agreement was signed. He couldn\'t figure out who would reveal the secret to an outsider.

"It doesn\'t matter where I got the news. What matters is whether Dorn plans to continue to fulfill the secret agreement? Although Wesley is dead, his sister, danilis, who inherited the blood of the real dragon, is still there." after saying that, Zhang Cheng made a bow to the young girl around him with one hand touching her chest and clearly expressed his attitude.

"Do you mean... Support danilis to return to the Iron Throne and restore the tangaryan dynasty?" Oberon said tentatively in an uncertain tone.

"Why not? You should know that although daenerys also has a series of shortcomings, such as innocence, childishness and lack of ruling experience, she is more likable than cersei, who is vicious, short-sighted and unscrupulous. Now just answer me, if I have a plan to invade King\'s landing without difficulty, will the matel family join?" Zhang Cheng didn\'t mean to beat around the Bush and gave his choice directly.

Oberon obviously didn\'t expect the young man in front of him to open his cards so quickly. His face showed a hesitant look. It was a full minute before he said: "Before answering you, I need to know what\'s the matter with your ambiguous relationship with Lannister? And what role does the Tyrell family play in this plan?"

"You are more cautious than I expected. But it doesn\'t matter. I\'d be happy to explain."

Zhang Cheng put the bottle back where it was, then looked at the golden afterglow on the sea and said without looking back:

"First of all, I have never reached any covenant with Lannister, but only reached an oral agreement with tywin himself. The content is that as long as he is alive, I will choose to stand on Lannister\'s side in all conflicts. Unfortunately, he is dead now, and I naturally do not have to continue to perform the agreement.

Secondly, my relationship with the tiller family is not as close as you think. Although I married erro tiller, I never touched her. Do you understand what this means?

Finally, and most importantly, I made a promise in a few months that I would help danilis regain the iron throne when she set foot in Westeros. Although she has lost her army and three dragons, I don\'t intend to break my promise.

Perhaps many people think that the coming war may be very tragic, but no one is aware that this is actually a good opportunity to launch a coup to seize Junlin.

At present, the old town has attracted all the attention in the seven countries. You just need to sneak into Junlin with your merchant ships disguised as refugees, and then capture the Red Fort after the war, eradicate all important members of Lannister and tiller family, including cerxi, and avenge your sister Oberon.

Believe me, no one would have thought that the reinforcements sent by Donne would launch a silent raid on Junlin at this time. "

There is no doubt that Zhang Cheng\'s sudden decision to intervene in the power struggle in Junlin city was definitely not a whim, but the mysterious parchment suddenly began the 168 hour countdown a day ago.

This means that about a week later, he will leave the world of the song of ice and fire.

In order to get more benefits at the end, we must obtain more rights and status as much as possible within the deadline, and the easiest thing to get is to have a young and beautiful queen and then make ourselves the Queen\'s legal husband