All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 214

Late at night, in the dark and secluded bottom layer of the towering tower, a silver gray shining dragon egg was placed in the center of the huge magic array, surrounded by dozens of iron prisoners bound by ropes.

One by one, they were excited, their eyes were full of fear, struggling desperately to escape.

Unfortunately, no matter how they struggled, they couldn\'t make the rope a little loose. Moreover, because their mouth was blocked, they couldn\'t shout or curse. They could only make a whine of unknown meaning.

"Be quiet! I have said many times. Please don\'t resist or struggle. Doing so will only increase additional pain. Remember, you are atoning for your evil deeds and dedicating yourself to a great experiment. Mortals will die. It\'s better to make a contribution with your own death than hurt others alive, isn\'t it?" While pouring the plasma with strong fishy smell into the groove, Zhang Cheng sarcastically said without looking back.

These prisoners who were about to become the sacrifice of magic ceremony, each killed countless innocent civilians after invading the old town, so there was no anxiety, guilt and other emotions in his heart, let alone a little pity, but only disgust and coldness.

With the dark red blood flowing slowly, the originally quiet magic array suddenly burst out strange black light. The prisoners seemed to be eroded by some evil force. The whole person began to tremble violently, and the blood vessels seemed to explode. They became thick and ferocious. In just a few minutes, the body began to age and shrink, and finally became a lifeless dry body.

The dragon egg in the center of the Dharma array, instead of being adversely affected, revealed a surge of death energy.

Just as Zhang Cheng was going to check the dragon eggs, the closed basement door suddenly made a creaking sound.

I saw moroya in a long black dress passing through the crack of the door, quickly came to the front and reported in a low voice: "master, danilis tangaryan has boarded the ship and followed the Tyrell family towards King\'s landing. According to your instructions, I set a shadow magic on her to prevent accidents."

"Very good! You are much more useful and capable than I expected. It seems that I chose to keep your life is the right choice. At least with your help, I succeeded in getting the second dragon egg." Zhang Cheng stretched out his hand and gently brushed each other\'s pointed chin and slender smooth neck.

"No! Master! It\'s my honor to serve a person like you!" moroya replied enthusiastically.

After a period of training, her thought was completely distorted. She not only forgot her hatred, but also had an almost crazy infatuation.

Of course, this fascination not only has the desire for powerful magic knowledge, but also has the worship and admiration for the master.

With the help of the wonderful charm and hypnosis ability of the pocket watch and a small amount of psychological knowledge, Zhang Cheng successfully created a loyal assistant and qualified cannon fodder for him to die at a critical moment.

It has to be said that at the beginning, he just wanted a puppet with less strong resistance, but I don\'t know why. Since that night, moroya haitar seems to have changed, and even got rid of several of her brothers and sisters, just because they may threaten the rule of the old town.

Zhang Cheng is not a psychologist, nor does he know the magic of others\' hearts. Therefore, he doesn\'t understand what great changes have taken place in this woman. The only thing he knows is that their current relationship is very beneficial to him.

With the help of moroya, the progress has been accelerated, whether it is to carry out various complex research or to transform the attack form of the towering tower.

Feeling the delicate touch from the palm, the corner of his mouth tilted slightly and asked in a slightly ponderous tone, "tell me, what is Beth doing recently? The medicine you prepared didn\'t cause too much damage to her?"

"Beth has lost her memory. At present, she stays in the tavern all day. To be exact, she has forgotten everything that has happened in recent months. The effect of the medicine is very good and there are no side effects at all." moroya vowed.

"Interesting, send someone to observe her every move all the time. I don\'t want anyone to know that there is a hatched dragon egg in the towering tower, okay?" Zhang Cheng\'s tone was with a warning, and his eyes revealed a dangerous light.

Obviously, when he learned that Beth\'s father had hidden a dragon egg, he ordered moroya to be fully responsible for tracing her whereabouts.

After a month and a half of inquiry and surveillance, the silver gray dragon egg was finally found in Dalia\'s coffin.

Unlike the one that hatched Kulo kelba, the egg was confirmed dead when it was found, and there was no sign of life inside.

Maybe for people in the song of ice and fire world, dead dragon eggs have no value, but for Zhang Cheng, dead dragon eggs can be hatched.

The only difference is that the living eggs hatch a normal dragon, while the dead eggs need a series of complex and evil magic rituals to hatch another death dragon with different life forms.

You know, in the world of Azeroth, the scourge Legion has already invented the magic of transforming the frost dragon and the plague dragon.

Dalaran, as the Magic Kingdom, naturally obtained some relevant information through many channels. Zhang Cheng adopted the most direct and simplest one, that is, a large number of sacrifice to living humans to reinvigorate the dead eggs with pain and death.

As for what dragons can hatch in the end, he himself is not very clear.

Moroya didn\'t know how dangerous the young man standing in front of her was trying. She lifted up her skirt and gracefully saluted: "yes! Please rest assured that as long as Beth shows a sign of recovering her memory, I will deal with it myself. In addition, my sister linnis will be back soon. Have you figured out what to do with her?"

"Linnis? The woman who banished Jora Mormon and later fled to become the concubine of trade Prince trig omolen?" a surprised expression appeared on Zhang Cheng\'s face.

"Yes! My sister linnis is a famous beauty. Maybe you can choose not to kill her, but to imprison her. She is more valuable alive than dead." moroya nodded and suggested.

"Yes, let me know when she arrives in the old town. I\'d also like to see how beautiful the woman who can make Jora Mormon fall in love at first sight. Oh, by the way, go to the dungeon and bring some iron prisoners. If I want to hatch the dragon eggs, I need to sacrifice more." after that, Zhang Cheng ignored moroya and focused on checking the condition of the dragon eggs.

After all, this is the first time to try to use extremely dangerous undead magic. He doesn\'t want to create an uncontrolled terrorist monster