All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 212

"Enemy? Do you mean Denise targaryan?

With all due respect, maybe she and her three dragons have great potential, but you seem to be a lot worse than you. At least I don\'t think she can threaten you.

I don\'t fully agree with you that power is just an appendage of power.

Power is power. It is a standard that can affect and change the relationship between people, not a vassal of anything.

If you master the power, you don\'t need to do everything yourself. Many times, as long as you give an order, your subordinates will rush to do it. You can use the saved time to continue to study profound magic, or enjoy all kinds of happiness.

In fact, power is much more useful and important than you think. After all, most of the time, power is controlled by power, otherwise it may cause great disaster in turn.

Perhaps you are still young and do not understand the value of power and the great energy it contains.

Please believe me, when you really start to taste the taste of power, you will soon be trapped and unable to extricate yourself... "

Olena redwin assumed a human posture and described to Zhang Cheng the benefits of gaining power. She did not realize that the reason why the young people standing in front of her did not care was not that they were not interested in power itself, but that they were not interested in power that could not be maintained for a long time.

Zhang Cheng knows very well that with the death of Geoffrey and tywin, the time he can stay is running out. If he guesses correctly, the deadline is probably after killing Eric.

This means that even if he takes the iron throne, he can only be king for a few months at most. Let alone enjoy the benefits of power. It\'s strange that he can\'t deal with a lot of mess just because he is interested.

In fact, from the perspective of pragmatism, he very much agrees with the definition of power by the "Queen of thorns". Many times, power will bring many benefits. In particular, the study of magic needs to consume a lot of resources. The more it is consumed in the later stage, the more terrible it is. Often, the loss of a large-scale experiment failure is enough to make a rich country feel flesh pain.

Obviously, the speed at which mages accumulate wealth is certainly far from the speed of consumption, so many mages either join powerful caster organizations or become advisers to kings and nobles in exchange for each other\'s wealth support.

But it\'s better to rely on yourself. A very few mages were clearly aware of this and began to use the power of magic to obtain power and even control a country, allowing thousands of subjects to continuously provide human and material resources for expensive research.

Although so far, Zhang Cheng doesn\'t use such huge resources, he knows what power can bring to himself. Therefore, he began planning early in his heart and plans to lay a foundation in several magical prosperous worlds so that he can get what he needs in the future.

Unfortunately, the world of the song of ice and fire is not one of them.

First of all, magic in the world has passed the most prosperous extreme. Judging from the periodic visit of red comet, it is absolutely impossible to produce an advanced magic system with complete system theory like Dalaran.

Secondly, there are no precious magic materials in the world. Whether it is valerian steel or Dragon Crystal endowed with mysterious characteristics, it is far less than the countless magic minerals in Azeroth. Instead of wasting time here, it is better to devote more energy to improving their status in Dalaran.

Finally, and most importantly, except for the strange ghosts in the north, he has collected almost 80% of the knowledge related to magic in the world. There is no need to get it all.

Zhang Cheng has no collection addiction, let alone obsessive-compulsive disorder. The reason why he collects different magic knowledge is not to learn it all, but for reference and reference, so as to establish his own magic system.

Of course, it is very difficult to do this, but he is still young. He has plenty of time and opportunities to slowly supplement, try and improve the huge knowledge base needed to establish the magic system.

"Lord Mason, I have said so much. I wonder if you will change your mind and join hands with the Tyrell family to create a new dynasty?" olena redwin said confidently, aware of her mistake.

It is estimated that in her eyes, no one can refuse the temptation of power. Those who are not interested in power either have not tasted the taste of power, or are dazzled by a series of strong feelings such as anger, hatred and love.

Looking at the other party\'s cunning eyes, Zhang Cheng shook his head without hesitation: "sorry, I\'m afraid I\'ll disappoint you. I still choose to stick to my position just now and won\'t touch the Iron Throne. In addition, I\'m afraid your news is not very well informed. Danilis has been defeated by another person and lost her dragon and army. This talent is my strong enemy."

"What?!" the queen of thorns grew up in shock.

She can\'t believe who can defeat the dragon mother who has three dragons and an army of dirt free people.

"It\'s amazing, isn\'t it? Don\'t worry, the more interesting is still ahead. I\'m afraid you don\'t know yet. Danilis targaryan lives in the towering tower at present." said Zhang Cheng, with a playful expression, turned and winked at moroya.

The latter understood and immediately left the control center. About ten minutes later, she brought danilis, who was wearing a long white dress and had an elegant and decent manner, into the room.

"Seven gods! You... You\'re crazy! How dare you take in the princess of the tangorian family?!" when she noticed the Dragon Mother\'s iconic hair and pupils, Margaret couldn\'t resist her inner shock and shouted out.

"Ha ha! Why not? You know, wesselis always believed that once he commanded a large army to return to Westeros, the Tyrell family would be the first aristocrat to stand up and support him. Now, the real dragon with pure blood is standing in front of him. Why are you still hesitating? Kneel down and swear allegiance quickly." Zhang Cheng joked with a tone of schadenfreude.

Without knowing what had happened, daenerys subconsciously frowned and asked in a low voice, "what\'s the matter? Why did you call me here? And who are these two guests?"

Zhang Cheng deliberately patted his forehead and replied in an exaggerated tone: "Ah! I almost forgot to introduce you! This is Mrs. olena redwin, the mother of the Duke of Gaoting, and the controller of the Tyrell family. The other is the young and beautiful queen Marguerite. You know, our queen has married two kings successively. Interestingly, both kings are dead. If there is no accident, it will not take long Marry the third king, and the king will eventually die. What a magical and bumpy fate, if I were a poet, I could not help writing a poem to describe the legendary life... "