All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 208

"If you don\'t mind, can you tell me what happened? Where are your followers, troops and dragons?" Zhang Cheng said curiously after a moment of silence.

He really wondered why a woman who thought she was the Savior and the only legitimate ruler of Westeros appeared alone in the old town and even suffered so much.

Danilis took a deep breath and replied in a slightly trembling voice, "dead! All my followers are dead! As for the army and dragon, I\'m afraid they have been controlled by the monster and become a tool for him to achieve his goal."

"What?!" Zhang Cheng raised his eyebrows in surprise and asked eagerly, "can you explain in detail who killed your followers and who took your army and dragon?"

"His name is Eric. He claims to be someone\'s servant and asks me to fulfill the contract I signed with the tangaryan family a long time ago. I mercilessly refused him, and the terrible killing suddenly began. If Sir Jora Mormon didn\'t fight to save me, I\'m afraid I wouldn\'t be able to escape alive. You\'d better be careful. He can not only become a half dragon and half man And can force the dragon to obey orders. "Danilis didn\'t mean to hide it at all, and quickly told me everything she knew.

As a subjugated princess who has tasted gain, loss, gain and loss for many times, she knows her situation very well. At the same time, she knows that the man in front of her is her only hope, whether it\'s revenge or recapturing her throne.

"Eric? He\'s not dead!" hearing this very familiar name, Zhang Cheng\'s face suddenly became dignified.

Because he knew that there was only one possibility for him to survive an injury of that degree, and that was cronada\'s powerful blood magic.

How powerful is a half dragon who has received the blood of a real dragon?

Although he hasn\'t seen it with his own eyes, he will never be much easier to deal with than the "Black Death" Belle Ryan. What\'s more terrible is that the other party obviously has the ability to hatch dragon eggs. Through collection and high price reward, he can form a young dragon army in a short time.

Three dragons can conquer a continent!

What about thirty?

At the thought of the picture of the Dragon covering the sky and blocking the sun flying over his head, he couldn\'t help sinking and sending out bursts of cold all over his body.

"Do you know him?!" the excited danilis suddenly stood up from the water and completely forgot that she was helpless.

Of course, Zhang Cheng is not in the mood to appreciate each other\'s concave and convex figure at the moment, and gently nodded his head: "yes, I know him, and I almost killed him myself. But I didn\'t expect that this guy\'s life is really hard enough, and he can survive the painful human body reconstruction after such a serious injury. In addition, I suggest you\'d better sit down, otherwise you may be very embarrassed in a while."

Danilis glanced at the scarf slightly lifted up in the water, with a smile in her eyes, lifted the long hair covering her chest, showed her sexuality and beauty openly, and then bent down and lowered her voice to tease: "why is it embarrassing? No, I don\'t feel embarrassed at all, but I think this is the best and most direct compliment to me."

There is no doubt that as a young and beautiful woman, she intends to use her body in exchange.

You know, as early as when she married Ma Wang, she had learned a lot of skills to please men from the maid. Now she has no psychological obstacles at all.

After feeling a soft little hand across his chest and began to explore between his legs, Zhang Cheng immediately issued a serious warning: "Please believe me, your majesty, if you move your hand down another inch, you will be directly thrown out of the bath. Please remember, don\'t try to get information and help from me with some boring little hands. I\'m not Jora Mormon, who is obsessed with flowers all day. I believe in love at first sight, and I\'m not a fool dominated by the desire of the lower body. I\'m willing to win Spend a night with you and lose everything. In my eyes, your beauty and body are far less valuable than the valerian blood flowing in your blood vessels. If I can choose, I will choose to draw all your blood for experiments, not just to get pleasure from the original mating, okay? "

When he said this, his pupils kept releasing energy like substance, forcing daenerys to retreat for several steps before she managed to keep her balance.

In particular, the ice cream on the skin of her right hand made her fully realize that it was no joke.

She can\'t believe that there are normal men in the world who can refuse themselves, their attractive bodies and the inhuman beauty of the tangaryan family.

Staring at the beautiful face full of panic, Zhang Cheng put away the energy he had just deliberately released, stood up and walked towards the exit without expression. When one of his feet had stepped out of the door, he suddenly stopped, turned back and said meaningfully: "Danilis tangaryan, although you have a series of resounding titles, such as the queen of andar, loina and ancestors, the legitimate ruler of the seven kingdoms, kalisi of the Caohai, the shackle breaker, the non burning, the mother of the dragon and so on, you are still the fragile subjugated princess. Look now, after losing the dragon, the army and the most followers, What do you have left and what can you do? I sincerely suggest that you take advantage of this time to figure out who you are, what you desire, and what price you are willing to pay for this goal. When you figure it out, talk to me about cooperation and alliance. My previous commitment is still valid. "

With the last word falling, Zhang Cheng quickly put on a coat and disappeared at the end of the tower corridor.

"Who am I... What do I want... What price am I willing to pay..." daenerys repeated a few words over and over again in a low voice, as if the whole person was in deep thinking.

After all, she is so helpless now. The Dragon regarded as a child was taken away by the enemy, and the loyal follower Jora Mormon also died. She can neither wield a sword to fight nor have enough prestige to rebuild an army. The only thing she has in her life is tangaryan, a somewhat famous family background.

For a moment, danilis suddenly found that she was not as strong as she thought.

On the contrary, she is so weak that she can\'t guarantee her own safety. What can she do to defeat the traitors who overthrew the tangaryan dynasty?

As for Zhang Cheng who threw out these problems, he went directly back to the control center of the towering tower, gently stroked the huge horn - "dragon bonder" placed on the display rack, sneered and said to himself: "come on, old friend, let me see what else means. A mere servant can\'t beat me..."