All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1344


With a loud noise, the energy vortex was quickly transformed into a powerful shock wave, centered on the devastated buildings of the Council, and rapidly spread around.

All places, whether buildings or life, are squeezed and deformed by huge external pressure.

In the blink of an eye, the original bustling Magic City Center disappeared, replaced by a huge pit with a radius of several kilometers and a depth of hundreds of meters underground.




Just a few seconds later, those residents living outside the city finally recovered and began to flee like crazy. Others looted wealth and killed their former enemies and competitors in the midst of chaos.

Cruel facts have proved that the order and civilization that the darentes have managed to establish over thousands of years are not much stronger than the enemies they conquered and destroyed.

On the contrary, they are very similar in essence, without much difference.

"Damn it! You... What have you done?"

Looking at the city center as if it had been hit by a meteorite, the speaker\'s eyes showed great anger.

He couldn\'t believe that the boy who was once considered to follow the rules without any danger and aggression had left his sight for a short time. How did he become crazy now.

"What am I doing? What a naive and ridiculous question! Have you forgotten the races that were conquered and destroyed by the expeditionary army? How did you answer when they asked similar questions?" the boy asked back with a grin of contempt.

"We are different from them! We are..."

Before the speaker had finished speaking, the boy interrupted impolitely: "no! You have nothing to do with listening to them, but not in essence. At least in my eyes, there is no difference. Only you are luckier than them and first developed higher knowledge, technology and power, so now you plunder them, not vice versa."

"You want to destroy our civilization?!"

The speaker was not a fool. He suddenly realized the strong hostility expressed between dialects and sent out a dangerous smell all over his body.

"Hahaha! That\'s right! I\'m going to destroy you! Enjoy the last wonderful time. Next time I show up again, the darentes will usher in the final judgment."

With these words, the boy did not hesitate to open a portal and went straight in.

Luke bowed with a smile to the casters who were much stronger than himself, and then disappeared.

After the two disappeared completely, a congressman took a deep breath and said in a heavy tone, "we\'re careless!"

"You\'re right! We\'re careless! To be exact, we underestimated the growth rate and great potential of an advanced life." another congressman echoed helplessly.

It can be seen that they were all looking for a chance to win the two boys at the same time.

Unfortunately, the strength shown by the two boys has far exceeded expectations, so that they dare not risk greater damage and launch a fierce fight to the death.

After all, thousands of years have passed since the last fierce war broke out on the home planet, and most people have long forgotten what war looks like.

Staring at the devastation in the city center, the speaker could not help but subconsciously clench his fist and clench his teeth and ordered: "go! Release information immediately and inform the parent star to officially enter the highest alert state."

"What? Are you crazy? Since the establishment of the parliament, the home star has been on alert only three times, and this is the first time at the highest level. Moreover, although the two boys have certain strength, they are far from threatening the whole home star." the congressman who spoke first just now strongly objected.

"No! I\'m not crazy! But you don\'t realize the seriousness of the problem! Don\'t forget, they are higher beings than us. If you haven\'t figured it out, you might as well think about the dark blue solution stored in the mysterious crystal. It doesn\'t need much, just a few drops can make us doomed. So don\'t talk nonsense and do what I tell you right away. In addition, By the way, let the shadow guard come to me and say that our civilization is under great threat. "

The speaker did not argue or bargain with anyone at all, and directly used his power to issue orders.

Because he knew that the greatest danger of the two boys was not how much damage they could cause, but that they were on the mother planet protected by heavy magic, like a sharp sword with cold light, which could fall at any time.

Only by issuing the highest alert, taking back the spread forces and protecting those densely populated important cities can we ensure that the people will not fall into a wide range of panic and eventually lead to the collapse of order.

In short, these actions are not for the two boys, but for the people who do not know, so that they still believe that Parliament has the ability to maintain and protect the safety of the home planet.

As for the disastrous ruins under our feet, it was just an accident, and there will be no similar situation in the future.

"I see! I\'ll do it right away." the congressman seemed to think of something and nodded seriously.

The remaining members joined the guard from all directions and began to clean up those annoying magical plants.

After more than ten hours of hard work, these targeted vines were finally uprooted, sealed and transported to special institutions for research.

At the same time, the speaker secretly received all members of the shadow guard in the only well preserved parliament in the ruins.

"What happened?" the leader of the shadow guard frowned and whispered.

"We\'re in trouble! A big trouble!" the speaker said the story without a hint of concealment.

When he finished describing all the contents and began to drink water, the leader of the shadow guard sneered and said sarcastically, "trying to control higher life and seize power you can\'t control? I really don\'t know what\'s in your head. Do you forget the fatal mistakes our ancestors made in the distant past?"

"You are wrong! It is precisely because of understanding that we will find ways to remove the almost eternal curse in the blood. I believe you should be most aware of the erosion of mind and consciousness when that force begins to flow in the blood vessels. The parliament needs your help, and the whole civilization needs your help..."