All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1341

The planet of mocha, the home planet of the darentes, is a world heavily protected by countless powerful magic.

To be exact, you can\'t even observe its existence in the universe, nor can you transmit magic through any ultra long distance, or aircraft approach directly.

Because any transporter or aircraft without authorization will be directly connected to the surface of the star emitting hot energy.

A high temperature of more than 8000 degrees Celsius will directly burn the unwelcome intruders without leaving any ashes.

Therefore, to enter the planet Mocha, the first hurdle to pass is to obtain transmission permission, at least temporary permission.

You know, it\'s not easy!

In order to ensure the absolute safety of the home planet, even the darentes themselves have to abide by strict rules. Even the top commander of the expeditionary army has to wait patiently for the reply given by the parliament.

Obviously, the boy\'s behavior is estimated to have long been on the blacklist of the top level of the parliament, so when his application was sent back in less than a day, the other side gave a positive answer.

After all, the other party has done so much and even ordered the shadow guard to bring back these two precious experimental bodies unharmed.

As for whether to carry out more in-depth and complex research after bringing it back, or whether to stay as a breeding machine to inherit the precious blood and integrate it into darente\'s upper class, that is the problem to be discussed in the future.

Unfortunately, these high-level officials did not know that their shadow guard members had failed, and the ambitious boys had begun to turn their attention to the dark lake, the birthplace of the darentes.


In the evening, when the blue stars in the sky were about to fall, two elderly darentes were sitting in the balcony garden on the top floor of the Supreme Council, enjoying the colorful magic brilliance of the city below and discussing countermeasures.

Wearing a purple robe and abnormal yellow pupils, the old man took the lead in saying, "old friend, how did you make the boy take the initiative to return to his mother star?"

"I don\'t know! Maybe he was afraid, maybe he had something else to think about, but anyway, he took the initiative to come back instead of being caught by the shadow guard. With this alone, we can\'t treat him as a prisoner. Anyway, he succeeded in calming a world full of rich resources and solving the problems of world No. 2." The old man in green robes expressed his views meaningfully.

But from his casual attitude, it is not difficult to judge that this is definitely a perfunctory rather than the real idea in his heart.

"You mean..." the old man in purple robe seemed to realize something, pursed his mouth and showed a playful expression.

"I mean, give him what he should give. Whether it\'s a loud name or his due social status. But one thing, he can\'t leave the home star under our feet, let alone the monitoring of Parliament." the old man in green showed his cards directly.

Because just a few days ago, they had established contact with world 93. At the same time, they also knew how crazy, cruel, bloodthirsty and ruthless the seemingly harmless boys had done after leaving the monitoring of Parliament.

Even the darentes who conquered and destroyed countless worlds could not help feeling cold when they saw the tragedy of those indigenous peoples.

Especially the survivors who are kept in captivity as livestock have no future at all, and these poor people worship the culprit as a God.

"What about his arrangement? You know, he has shown a strong desire for control and careful and mature thinking. Even if he stays on the home planet, he may not be honest. Maybe... We should delay for a while and let him taste the taste of failure. That\'s the right choice." the old man in purple put forward different opinions.

"Hahaha! Don\'t be so harsh, my dear friend. You should understand that he is only a child, and a little rebellion is completely tolerated. Don\'t forget that the dark blue liquid under study, once successful, is an immeasurable wealth for the whole civilization. As for the shadow guard, their means are too rough, and they treat me in their heart They are full of resentment. You know? Since 300 years ago, the shadow guard has been complaining about giving too much and getting too little. This is a signal, a very dangerous signal... "

When he said these words, a strong vigilance appeared in the pupil of the old man in green robe.

As one of those in power, he knew very well that the shadow guard was no longer the noble group willing to sacrifice everything for the whole ethnic group at the beginning of its establishment.

With the passage of time, these guys are decaying rapidly, and some are even obsessed with luxury life and begin to yearn for more power.

You should know that this corruption does not refer to strength, but spirit.

Therefore, the shadow guards, who master the same terrorist force, are far more dangerous than their predecessors. If something goes wrong, the tragic war with the gods will be staged again.

This time, the price they need to pay is likely to be much heavier than that in those years.

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll send someone to deal with the shadow guard. Anyway, they are all our compatriots and shouldn\'t do anything special. As for rights, if they want, give them a little. As long as we still have that thing, they don\'t dare to act rashly. The art of politics is compromise and balance. Times are different, you can\'t use it The old standard requires modern people. "The purple robed old man smiled and spread his hand.

"Hum! I hope so. Oh, I almost forgot to ask. I heard that your great granddaughter has begun to accept transformation and intends to integrate the boy\'s blood into her family. Is this true?" the old man in green looked into each other\'s eyes and his tone was full of ridicule.

The old man in purple replied indifferently, "why not? You know, he is the only suspected higher life we have found. I believe you should know what higher life means most."

"Ah! Of course I know! But don\'t forget that the reason why higher life is higher life is that they have incomparable advantages over lower life. Especially in terms of genetics, they are almost crushing. If this happens, do you think darentes will still be darentes after the final integration? Maybe thousands or even tens of thousands of years later, we have become darentes Another race. "

"Hehe, if this happens, I won\'t be worried, but I will be relieved and happy..."