All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1332

The shadow guard, as its name implies, is a group of troops that have never been made public and are hiding in the shadow.

But this army is different from any darente army.

It does not have a huge number. There are only seven people, including commanders, and there are no well-known brilliant achievements. Even the names of its members are a mystery.

According to the darente law, the shadow guard would choose to implement it only if all members of the Supreme Council signed their names on the order.

To some extent, they are the last guardians of darente civilization, the crystallization of the highest knowledge and technology of the whole civilization, and the final weapon used to destroy powerful enemies.

Normally, unless the enemy attacks the home star, the Council will not easily mobilize the shadow guard.

With a complex and heavy heart, a parliamentary envoy came to the oldest palace with a scroll of glittering magic light and carefully placed it on the stone platform lighting the ancient torch.

you \'re right!

It\'s ancient!

You know, thousands of years ago, darente people have popularized magic lamps that rely on energy for lighting, so torches, braziers, torches and other things can only be seen in some ancient books.

Just as the special envoy finished his task and wanted to turn around and leave, he suddenly found that his body could not move for some reason.

Not only is the body out of control, but also the eyes can\'t blink. The whole person is like a lifelike sculpture.

Before he knew what had happened, a dark shadow jumped out of the flame and asked in an ancient language that most modern darentes couldn\'t understand: "tell me... Who... Sent you..."

I don\'t know if it\'s because I haven\'t talked for a long time. The voice sounds intermittent. Every syllable is so clear and echos in my mind.

"I... I am the special envoy of the Supreme Council and was ordered to give an order to the commander of the shadow guard," the special envoy stammered.

"Parliamentary envoy? Have we been attacked by powerful enemies again?" murmured the shadow, grabbing the scroll again and again and slowly opening it.


The magic marks symbolizing identity and power began to shine, which looked as dazzling as the sun in the night.

"It\'s indeed the order of the Supreme Council. But I\'m a little surprised. Is this boy really so important that he needs our hand?" the shadow threw the scroll into the fire and burned it without looking back.

"Of course it\'s important! According to the report given by the research department, the boys of these two unknown races have 100 times, 1000 times, or even 10000 times stronger magic affinity than us darentes, as well as their inherent ability to learn terror. If we can integrate their blood, maybe we can take that crucial step and form a real sense of immortality. The most important thing is that the one who was adopted by us as a child carries an unknown dark blue liquid, which can freeze everything including time, space and material. Members of Parliament agree that he is the key to the future of the whole civilization... "

In order to make the other party understand the importance of the task, the special envoy had to describe it in a slightly exaggerated tone.

When he came here, he already knew that the members of the shadow guard were old guys who had lived for a long time. Even from the beginning of civilization, the commander of the shadow guard had existed.

The long isolation from the world has made these old guys with terrorist forces lose their interest in the outside world, so every time they give orders, they must have a period of adaptation to ensure that they can integrate into the new era.

"Oh? A better race than us! It sounds a little incredible! But it doesn\'t matter. Anyway, the other party is still a child. It\'s not too difficult to deal with. Give me two months, and I\'ll bring them back in two months."

Come on, the shadow waved his hand gently.


The special envoy found himself wrapped in some black unknown substance.

Just a second later

His eyes blossomed and he found that he had left the ancient building and returned to the quiet scene of the parliament.

"Well, has the shadow guard accepted the order?" an old man asked impatiently.

"Yes, sir, one of them has taken the order issued by the parliament." the special envoy quickly bowed down and gave a positive reply.

"Well, then I can rest assured. I just don\'t know who they will send this time."

"No matter who is sent, the two boys can\'t cope."


Just as the darente supreme authority relaxed again, Luke was following the boy eagerly to learn a lot of profound magic knowledge.

In just a week or so, he got rid of the original fragmented magic system and began to use energy in a more reasonable and efficient way to cast more powerful and destructive spells.

He felt the energy stored in his body expanding in a geometric way, and his heart was full of excitement.

Nothing is more enjoyable than the growing power.

However, this good mood did not last long and was destroyed by a group of sudden darente casters.

"Are they your men?" Luke asked, staring at the picture passed back from the magic mirror.

"Of course! They are all members of my expeditionary army. It seems that your study will come to an end." the boy nodded with a gloomy face.

"So you\'re going back with them?" Luke asked again.

"Otherwise? Kill them all and let the whole expedition realize that I have betrayed them? No! I\'m not so stupid. I\'m going to start a war in the world and delay it as long as possible."

When the boy said these words, he was as cold as ice from the polar region. He didn\'t care how many lives the war would kill.

"Well, I hope the war will last longer. Besides, you don\'t seem to have told me your name? I can\'t call you" brother "alone?" Luke joked in a half joking tone.

"Name? Hehe, I don\'t have a name. According to the darente tradition, I don\'t deserve a name without glory, so none of them named me. Normally, when I led the expedition back in triumph, they will name me a loud name with ordinary or commemorative significance according to my achievements..."