All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1327

I have never seen the spectacular picture of darente expeditionary force surging through the portal and then appearing out of thin air. I will never understand the crushing absolute advantage of higher civilization over lower civilization. Similarly, I will not understand why they can rule a world with thousands of indigenous people far more than themselves with only a small number.

For indigenous peoples, the expeditionary army is a symbol of killing, destruction and destruction, but for the remaining darentes trapped in a barren world, the expeditionary army is a Savior from the sky.

Because only with the help of the expeditionary force can the losers who have lost their absolute advantage have the opportunity to recover their disadvantages, press down the rebellious aborigines again, and establish their supreme status and dignity.

To some extent, the darentes have become accustomed to that unparalleled sense of superiority, completely unaware that they have become no different from their most hated enemy, the gods.

They are all the same selfishness and don\'t treat people as people.

Looking at the large army that began to build a magic fortress around the portal in an orderly manner, the top person in charge of the "shelter" finally breathed a sigh of relief, quickly stepped forward two steps and greeted with an extremely humble attitude: "thank you for your timely rescue hand, your excellency commander."

"Where is my brother?" the boy\'s eyes flashed dangerously and went straight to the subject without nonsense.

"I\'m very sorry. I don\'t know where your brother is, but I can confirm that he is in an unknown corner of the world. In addition, there is a very difficult thing for you to deal with right now." the person in charge turned and glanced at the tunnel leading to the underground shelter behind him.

I saw the original dark and deep channel, flashing dazzling violet brilliance from time to time.

This is undoubtedly a unique phenomenon that magical energy is attracted by some force!

The boy obviously knew darrentians to a certain extent. He immediately raised his eyebrows and asked in an uncertain tone, "are some of you about to reach the critical point?"

"As like as two peas, Wells is the only one who has seen your brother survived. He has been obsessed with tracking and monitoring a boy who is almost the same as you.

The person in charge did not say die, but deliberately dragged a long sound, giving people unlimited reverie space.

She was not a fool. When she first saw this high morale expedition, she realized that the other party had completed the complete conquest of world 93.

According to the residual power of the original gods in the world, the expeditionary army can easily extinguish it once and for all by gently moving its fingers.

"Oh? It seems necessary for me to meet him."

The boy glanced meaningfully at the darente woman with some mixed blood characteristics.

He can clearly feel that the other party is carefully using himself to remove dangers and obstacles.

The woman nodded her head without thinking: "yes! Whether it\'s to prevent him from exceeding the critical point and causing unnecessary losses, or to find out the specific whereabouts of your brother, it\'s very necessary to see him."

"You are very smart and know how to be measured. These days, there are few people who are smart and know how to be measured. I hope you don\'t get smart, but you are mistaken by smart, and you accidentally cross the bottom line." the boy reached out his hand and patted each other on the cheek.

Although this is a typical provocation, the woman did not show any anger or unhappiness. Instead, she replied with a smile: "please rest assured that I have to do this. I\'d rather be sent to the prison of my mother star with a series of charges than die at the hands of those dirty and cheap aborigines."

"Really..." the boy shook his head noncommittally.

To tell the truth, he really can\'t understand why darentes who have expanded their sphere of influence to countless worlds have an indescribable attachment to their mother planet.

Almost every darente, including the expeditionary force, doesn\'t like to stay in other worlds for a long time, even if they can dominate the conquered world, enjoy the privileges that their mother planet can\'t enjoy in a lifetime, and abundant resource rationing.

"This is the charm of civilization! I am proud of the brilliant civilization created by our times, so I am deeply attached to everything on the mother planet. What\'s more, look at this barren planet. Do you think anyone will want to stay?" the woman bent down and grabbed a handful of hot gravel and let it slide slowly from her fingers.

"Barren! Desolate! Backward! I hope my dear brother will not be too disappointing."

The boy ignored the female darente because all his attention was attracted by the upcoming meeting.

As a young man who received higher magic education and can freely control the huge resources that ordinary darentes dare not imagine all his life, he can\'t imagine how different the brotherhood growing up on such a deserted planet is from himself.

Will there be a violent conflict between the world outlook, values, expectations and views of the two sides for the future, so that they will eventually become immortal enemies?

Within a few minutes of coming to this world, the boy\'s brain has started to run at high speed, constantly considering all kinds of possibilities.

With an indescribable complex mood, he quickly came to the door of Wells\'s room and gently pushed open the heavy door that had been strengthened by magic at least six times.

"Who is it?"

The skinny guy hiding in the dark corner suddenly stood up, and his eyes revealed a very unhealthy light gray.

Because he has not eaten for a long time, his soul is constantly absorbing the magical energy in the air. At this moment, it is approaching the critical point. Maybe it will detonate in the next second, completely destroying the people and facilities in the "shelter".

"Hello, wells, I heard you\'ve been watching my brother? Tell me where he is now." the boy asked directly.

"Ah! It\'s you! You\'re another boy! How amazing! How incredible! The power you have has surpassed 99% of darrentians, even better than him."

After seeing the true face of the comer, wells was so excited that he couldn\'t help himself. He trembled and came near and tried to touch the skin on the other party\'s face.

Unfortunately, the boy stepped back two steps directly, frowned and scolded, "stop! Don\'t come any closer! Your morbid emotional reaction makes me feel sick, very, very sick..."