All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 131

The deadly ice cone did not last long. When the arcane energy was exhausted, the dark clouds shrouded over the battlefield finally dispersed slowly, leaving only a white body covered by frost.

At the moment, whether Stannis on the offensive side or the golden robes on the defensive side, they all held their breath and looked at the incredible wonders in front of them. They didn\'t come back for a long time.

In the noisy battlefield, there was no sound except the sound of the river and the groans of the wounded, as if everyone had been frozen.

Feeling the magic of the emptiness in his body, Zhang Cheng threw away the tarnished Rune Stone, leaned on the fire stone staff and asked in a half joking tone: "how\'s it going? Am I doing well?"

"It\'s not bad! Your performance just now is like a god! Sorry, I don\'t know what to say now. After tonight\'s battle, you will soon become the hottest legend among the seven countries. No matter who sits on the iron throne in the future, you will be given the highest courtesy." Blanco replied incoherently.

Because he was too excited, his slightly old face showed a black and red color.

As an old mercenary, no one knows better than him how terrible this large-scale and ultra long-range coverage attack is, especially when the battle is deadlocked, one blow can often determine who is the winner and who is the loser.

"Hehe, really? This is exactly what I want." Zhang Cheng smiled mysteriously, put his hand into his pocket and touched the only two bottles of well water inside.

Obviously, the reason why he chose this time to show his strongest side without reservation is completely out of helplessness.

Just like some creatures in nature will choose to let their body expand rapidly like a balloon when they are in danger, so as to scare away those natural enemies.

Although Zhang Cheng hasn\'t encountered any real danger yet, in order to avoid possible trouble and let those stupid guys be honest, he chose to show his strength at an appropriate time.

In this way, anyone who wants to do something secretly in the future must consider whether it is worth provoking a dangerous figure with a powerful supernatural force for no reason.

At the same time, he can also absorb more interests after the war by virtue of his performance and personal strength.

"My Lord! I don\'t know if I\'m lucky enough to be loyal to you! I swear! I\'m willing to give you everything! Even my life!" a trembling mercenary took the initiative to step forward and knelt down on one knee to salute respectfully.

"I\'d love to!"

"I\'d love to!"


In the blink of an eye, the deck was full of countless people kneeling.

Perhaps, as Gustav Le Pen, a famous French social psychologist, described, many times, people are stupid, short-sighted and irrational.

Especially for things and phenomena that they simply can\'t understand, they either slander desperately or worship inexplicably.

Looking at those eyes full of fanaticism, Zhang Cheng\'s mouth crossed a radian that is not easy to be separated.

Just as he was about to say something, a rumbling sound suddenly came from the distance, followed by countless Knights charging from the rear of Stannis camp. In just a few minutes, he leveled the camp and dispersed the soldiers who had not had time to cross the river to join the battle.


Tywin Lannister, the "old lion" who has been hiding in the dark waiting for opportunities, finally couldn\'t help it

With the roar of killing, Stannis\'s army, which had been fighting hard all night, almost collapsed. In addition, a man similar to lanli appeared on the battlefield, which immediately made the Lords of the storm lose their sense of resistance.

When the sun rises from the horizon again, the battle in and outside the city will come to an end.

Stannis baratheon, who claimed to have 100000 troops (actually only 60000 or 70000), almost lost all his troops, and finally led less than 5000 people to flee the battlefield.

"Are you sir Mason Aspen?" as soon as the war was over, old tywin couldn\'t wait to find Zhang Cheng.

"Yes, it\'s me, Duke." Zhang Cheng smiled and leaned over.

After a simple greeting, the two people looked at each other without saying a word. After a full minute, a very rare smile appeared on old tywin\'s serious face: "I have to admit that your performance is far beyond my expectation. I believe you should understand what I mean, right?"

"Of course, your excellency. I can understand the reaction of most ordinary people after seeing the power of magic with their own eyes. But you are tywin Lannister, shouldn\'t you be like ordinary people?" Zhang Cheng winked knowingly.

"No! Of course not! On the contrary, I value your power, especially in this time of war. Oh, by the way, if I remember correctly, you seem to be engaged to ero Tyrell?" old tywin suddenly changed the subject for some reason.

Although it was not clear what the other party\'s purpose was, Zhang Cheng nodded: "yes, we originally planned to hold a wedding after the martial arts competition. Unfortunately, King Robert\'s death disrupted all this."

Tywin stared at his two pale green eyes as if he wanted to see through the psychological activities of the young people in front of him. After about two or three minutes, he proposed: "with all due respect, erro tiller is just a trivial collateral branch and doesn\'t deserve you at all. If you don\'t mind, can I arrange a better marriage partner for you?"

"Oh? Why do you suddenly care about my marriage? Is it......" Zhang Cheng deliberately dragged a long tone and his face was full of playful expressions.

Needless to ask, Lannister chose to form an alliance with Tyrell for the time being, but the alliance was not stable. Both sides were on guard against each other and made all kinds of small moves.

As a master of powerful supernatural forces, he will naturally become one of the goals for both sides to compete and win over.

"Don\'t pretend to be silly, young man, you should understand what I mean. We don\'t have much time. You must give me an accurate answer before entering the city to hold a pre imperial meeting." tywin urged seriously.

While saying these words, he even turned and glanced at lolas, the "hundred flower Knight" not far away, and his brother garland, who disguised himself as lanli.

Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders in disapproval: "Duke, if you are testing my attitude, I can assure you very clearly that as long as you are still alive, I will always stand on Lannister\'s side. However, I will never regret about Errol Tiller\'s marriage, because it is related to my ambition and plan..."