All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 129

No accidents

The sailors who lost the captain soon chose the latter between desperate struggle and surrender. They didn\'t want to try the consequences of cutting with that strange long sword.

Just when Zhang Cheng began to be a little uncontrollable, Blanco also completed the occupation of another ship, jumped over with more than 20 people, wiped the blood on his face, and said seriously: "Sir, I think we must stop hunting the enemy fleet."

"Hmm? What\'s the matter?" Zhang Cheng quickly shook his head and drove those terrible sounds and thoughts out of his mind.

"Here, look." the old mercenary pointed to the burning battlefield not far away. "Stannis used the wreckage of the burned ship to build a floating bridge. He has led the most elite knights to attack the city gate. If we don\'t get back quickly, King\'s landing will fall soon."

Following the direction of his finger, Zhang Cheng immediately found that thousands of soldiers had climbed the wall and fought with the "golden robes" of the urban defense army.

I don\'t know how it happened. The golden robe relying on the terrain advantage actually retreated one after another. In the blink of an eye, it lost a large area of the city wall and was compressed in one independent gatehouse after another. It was divided and surrounded in professional terms.

Maybe it won\'t be completely eliminated for a while, but the situation is obviously extremely unfavorable to the defender.

"Damn it! Didn\'t the intelligence say there were only 20000 troops in Stannis?" Zhang Cheng subconsciously frowned.

Although it is difficult to accurately count the number of soldiers on both sides during the scuffle, it is obvious that the number of attackers has far exceeded 20000. Coupled with the dense reserve team behind, let alone 20000, there are more than 30000 or 40000.

You should know that the terrain of Junlin city is very special. Heishui river is in the South and Heishui Bay is in the East. Stannis led the army to start from Fengxi fort. It must be in the south of Junlin city. If you want to attack the city, you must rely on the navy to transport the soldiers continuously.

But the little devil saw through his plan and made full preparations in advance. He hit the fleet with a wild fire, which not only killed a large number of soldiers loaded on the ship, but also made the transportation efficiency low. He was unable to transport a large number of soldiers to the other side at once.

Similarly, Stannis reacted very quickly. When the fleet was devastated, he immediately ordered people to piece together the wreckage and build a simple floating bridge.

With the help of this floating bridge, the follow-up troops poured directly into the city wall with weak guard strength. In less than an hour or two, they occupied a large area of the peripheral city wall.

"Sir, please make a decision now," Blanco hinted in a low voice.

"Decision? Do you think Lannister lost the battle?" Zhang Cheng took off his helmet and asked back with a smile.

"Isn\'t it? I really can\'t see how your excellency Tyrion can turn the situation around at this level. Maybe it\'s a good choice to give up the periphery of the city and retreat to the Red Fort." the old mercenary commented on his previous combat experience.

Zhang Cheng smiled and shook his head: "of course not. Don\'t forget that Tyrion is just a pawn inserted by his father tywin lannistrian in the south. Think about it carefully. How long has Stannis arrived at King\'s landing? Have you heard his marching route?"

Blanco was obviously not a fool. He quickly realized the implied meaning in the words and tried in an uncertain tone: "what do you mean... Duke tywin is leading the army of Lannister family to ambush nearby, waiting for the best time to pay tribute?"

Instead of directly answering the other party\'s questions, Zhang Cheng suddenly exclaimed: "You know what? In my opinion, there are two kinds of heroes in the world. One is to inspire people in desperate situations so that they will never give up hope. However, they are usually short-lived. They often die under the enemy\'s sword before they have finished their hard work. I admire this kind of hero, but I will never follow suit. As for the second kind of hero, they always appear at the most urgent moment to destroy us Kuorah defeated the enemy, and then welcomed the cheers and praises of the people, and also reaped the greatest benefits. Tell me, what kind of Duke tywin do you think? "

"I think he should be the latter," Blanco thought about the deeds of tywin Lannister and immediately reached his own conclusion.

"That\'s right! Since you know what he is, what are you worried about? Take the prisoners into the cabin and lock them up, inform everyone to be ready for battle, and let\'s start the prelude to the heroic Scripture for tywin lanistra..." said Zhang Cheng, with the corners of his mouth slightly tilted up, and began to take off the armor stained with plasma one by one and replace it with a flint staff that hasn\'t been used for a long time.

Needless to ask, he planned to completely let go and show the mage\'s powerful destructive power in full view of the public.

Under the command of the old mercenaries, the five entangled warships soon separated slowly. Two of them were pierced by the impact angle and left in place to hold the surrendered prisoners, while the other three were simply repaired, hung up Stannis\'s flag again and rushed towards the vicinity of the battlefield.

"Look at our boat!" a sharp eyed Knight shouted at his companion.

However, before others could react, a buzzing sound suddenly came from the air, followed by a dense arrow rain falling from the sky, slapping on the armor and shield, and some directly penetrated the armor and plunged into the fragile flesh and blood.


"No! It\'s an enemy ship!"

"Defensive formation! Defensive formation!"


With loud curses and shouts, Stannis\'s army on the shore began to quickly turn around and gather into a semi arc tight infantry square.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Cheng showed a sinister smile on his face, turned his head and ordered the sailor in charge of operating the catapult: "what are you waiting for, let\'s start."

"Hey, hey! As you wish, my Lord." the sailor smiled grimly and loosened the tight lever.


More than a dozen cans of sealed wildfires were thrown out and slammed on the shield wall, and dark green liquid was scattered everywhere.

Just before the soldiers could figure out what was going on, a burning flame crossed the sky and fell down after it.

Next second


Hundreds of soldiers were devoured on the spot by violent explosions and flames!

Their proud strong armor and shield, far from playing any protective role at the moment, turned into deadly molten iron under the burning flame.

For a moment, all kinds of screams and wails echoed over the battlefield, so that the Stannis soldiers who had fallen into the city couldn\'t help but stop and look at their companions\' tragic death with fear.