All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1279

The action of the deformer is always hidden and rapid!

Without alerting any guards, they easily found their own kind, followed by successfully capturing it with the help of some simple magic props and taking it to an extremely hidden room.

No mercy or mercy!

There is no so-called racial identity!

The deformers began to abuse and torture the same kind completely by treating the enemy, and even took pleasure in it.

Selfish, cold, cruel, ruthless

As they can easily integrate into all intelligent races without being discovered, they don\'t care about the fate of the so-called whole race. Even if they are left alone, they can still live very well.

The only thing that can make the deformer learn to obey is power, absolutely powerful and unmatched power.

There is no doubt that the magical civilization founded by the darentes has such power, so after torturing for about two hours, the leader of the shapeshifter appeared in front of the boy with his dying kind.

He grabbed the prisoner\'s hair, slammed his head against the hard stone pillar, and then opened his mouth and said, "this guy was a member of the last expedition. However, he didn\'t betray. He just chose to escape the battle."

"A deserter?" the boy held his chin and his eyes were full of examination.

You should know that if you escape in battle, you will be sentenced to death according to the rules of the expeditionary army.

In the eyes of darente people who advocate military conquest, running away is an unbearable humiliation. Especially on the battlefield, any guy who tries to escape will face punishment afterwards, and this punishment is the extremely painful death.

Never forgive!

Never forgive!

Only death is the only ending!

Of course, between the selfishness of the deformer and the fact that the last expedition collapsed overnight, running away doesn\'t seem to be a big deal.

At least for boys, running away to save their lives is nothing to be surprised about.

"No! I\'m not a deserter! I just want to find out what happened that night," the bruised deformer quickly apologized.

"Shut up! Running away is running away! No matter how you explain, you can\'t cover up this fact." the leader of the shapeshifter scolded fiercely.

Just as he swung his fist and wanted to teach the guy a lesson, the boy suddenly raised his right hand and stopped, "wait! You said you wanted to find out what happened that night, so what useful information have you found over the years?"

"Yes! Of course!" the transfiguration struggled to get up from the ground and replied with great speed: "governor parossa, he personally participated in the action that night. Moreover, in his bedroom, there is a secret room invisible to the naked eye, hiding some amazing secrets."

"Oh, governor parossa is one of the participants!"

Hearing this, the boy showed a bright color when his pupils were inside.

He was still worried about where to find a breakthrough, but now he had a clue at once.

"Yes! He is not only one of the participants, but also one of Wang\'s most loyal followers. If you want to get information, you can\'t be wrong to start with him." the deformer nodded desperately and explained.

"Interesting! Do you have any way to get into the governor\'s bedroom?" the boy asked, looking into the prisoner\'s eyes.

The shapeshifter hesitated obviously, then raised his head and suggested carefully, "Madam governor, she is the only person who can enter the bedroom except palosa."

"You mean... Replace her?" the boy\'s face smiled.

Although it seems to outsiders that they have just had an extremely close relationship, in fact, he just performed an illusion and sat aside to enjoy the governor\'s wife\'s flying.

If he really needs to let the deformer "eat" this gorgeous woman, he will never hesitate.

"That\'s right! Otherwise anyone who gets close to the bedroom will immediately trigger an alarm. Whatever palosa is busy with, he will send it back at the first time." the transfiguration directly replied in the affirmative.

"Well, are you sure you can handle it?" the boy turned and asked the deformer leader standing aside.

The latter stretched out his tongue and licked his lips, and responded excitedly: "give it to me! I\'m hungry and thirsty. I want to taste the fear and despair that the woman exuded before she died."

"In that case... Then you\'re useless!"

With the last word blurted out, the boy raised his hand, released a dazzling arc, and slammed the deformer who had few good skin on his body.

After the violent convulsion, the prisoner fell straight to the ground and swallowed his last breath. His frightened eyes seemed to ask why he wanted to kill me.

At the last moment before his death, he didn\'t understand why he would die if he said what he knew.

In contrast, the leader of the shapeshifter was much calmer, pointed to the body with a strong burnt smell and asked, "do you need me to deal with it?"

"Of course! Please clean it up. I don\'t want to arouse anyone\'s vigilance. In addition, be careful, the magic power in this world is not bad, especially in detection, lethality and destruction." the boy reminded without looking back.

"I\'ll be careful!"


At the same time, governor parossa, who returned to his residence, was standing in the secret room hidden in his bedroom, searching through a pile of thick dust.

About ten minutes later, he picked up a gadget like a bracelet, sneered and muttered to himself, "ah! I found it! Zhenzhi wrist guard! Next, I just need to collect some blood from those damn deformers. No matter who they are disguised, I can clearly see them as they are. This time, I won\'t make the previous mistake."

After that, he put the wrist guard directly on his left hand, turned around, passed through the wall that could not be distinguished by the naked eye, and returned to the bedroom alone.

"Honey, you\'re talking to yourself alone again. Aren\'t you going to rest tonight?" the governor\'s wife turned over on the bed and joked in a very lazy voice.

"Rest? No! From now on, I have no time to rest. Go to bed first. I have some very important things to do right away."

Parossa glanced at her charming and sexy wife, and a cold, piercing chill burst out of her pupils.

It is estimated that in his eyes, the so-called wife is just a tool to hide people\'s eyes and ears, not a partner to spend the rest of his life with himself