All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1250

Looters, as the name suggests, are a group of special groups that do not work at all and rely solely on violent robbery and looting of health.

On this planet with extremely poor resources, people like them can be seen everywhere. Most of them are dying for survival, but very few are to enjoy the stimulation and pleasure brought by killing, plundering and conquest.

Generally speaking, newly engaged marauders usually die in an operation after only five days, and few of them can last for three months.

However, after three months, when these novices gradually learn combat skills and the complex tactics of the team, they will become very terrible.

No mercy!

No sympathy!

No bottom line!

Not even the most basic self-esteem and shame!

They don\'t mind trying anything that can improve the success rate of looting, whether it\'s seduction or any other means.

Among them, a small number of lucky looters slowly accumulated enough prestige and wealth, finally developed and expanded, established their own strongholds or towns, and then attracted relatively weak groups of looters to settle in, so as to maintain the basic operation by virtue of the slave trade and the sale of stolen goods.

There is no doubt that the town of DARASON is a typical place established by the combination of looters.

At first, it was just a small village, inhabited by a group of ordinary villagers.

But the groundwater resources they have attracted the prying eyes of the looters.

You should know that water resources, especially the continuously available groundwater resources, are absolutely extremely scarce living materials in this world, so there is no accident. All villagers were slaughtered overnight.

In order to ensure that there is no leakage for the time being, be careful, the looters did not leave even one living mouth.

It can be said that the current dalasong town is completely based on blood and corpses. The water source is the basis for their survival, and those businessmen and employers from afar are the prerequisite for the prosperity of the town.

Even in order to protect trade from being affected, the looters united to formulate a series of rules to be observed, including not robbing caravans with special signs.

Does that sound ironic?

A group of guys who made a living by robbery actually began to protect the targets of previous looting.

But unfortunately, this is the naked reality!

It is also for greater interests and better survival.

No gang of marauders in darasson would turn down a generous employer, no matter how excessive his demands were and how dangerous the task was.

As a woman with outstanding appearance and figure, Livni has learned how to use her innate talent to deal with those savage, rude and strong men, and use their male strong desire to achieve unspeakable goals and even provoke fights.

But today, what she has to do is not to lure a stronger man than herself, but to approach a boy whose yuan is much smaller than herself, but more dangerous than all men she has seen before.

She doesn\'t even know whether her extremely skilled flirting skills can be used, and whether her beautiful appearance and figure in the eyes of most people are as attractive to the little guy of this unknown race.




The closer she is to each other, the more nervous she is. Coupled with the hot sunshine and the amazing ambient temperature, the whole person seems to have just been fished out of the water. Almost all of them are ended by sweat. She has to keep pouring water into her mouth to relieve the pressure.

Just as she was drinking the whole pot of water, the one eyed woman at the front of the line suddenly stopped, raised her hand to signal the people behind to keep quiet, raised the strange device on her hand and looked ahead. About two or three minutes later, she said in a slightly excited tone: "aha! We finally caught up with him!"

"What? Catch up!"

Livni\'s pupils contracted suddenly, and quickly took off her white cloak as fast as she could, revealing her long tulle skirt.

"Yes! Catch up! But interestingly, he\'s just alone now, and the canter girl is gone." the one eyed woman explained without looking back.

"What do you mean! Did they separate? Or did something happen that we didn\'t know?" asked another male member of the team frowning.

"I don\'t know! But I know it\'s an opportunity! A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! No one can stand loneliness and walk alone in the vast desert. His heart must yearn for a companion. Livni, tell me are you ready?" said the woman wearing an eye mask, turning to look at the key figure of the operation.

Anyone who has seen the huge meteorite that can destroy the whole town will not feel that violence is a wise choice.

Although violence is what they are best at, it does not mean that they are good for nothing except violence.

On the contrary, deception, camouflage and abduction are all good tricks of senior looters.

In fact, only the lowest level looters will deliberately show a ferocious appearance, trying to show their cruelty and strength, make the looted targets afraid and afraid, and finally achieve the purpose of ending the battle with minimal casualties.

After all, slaves are also a part of income and account for a large proportion.

Some of them are rare and precious, have special talents, and even one can sell amazing wealth that ordinary looters can\'t make in a lifetime.

Livni took a deep breath, forced herself to calm down, and then quickly tore the expensive clothes into pieces. Her face showed her clothes in shock. She whispered, "I\'m ready! Let\'s start! Let\'s play this play well and take this valuable prey before other teams."

"Great! Everybody ready! You can start running! Remember, in order to act like a little, we won\'t keep our hands. Don\'t die."

The voice just fell!

The one eyed woman swung her fist and smashed it hard on Livni\'s left face, which made her beautiful face swell up, and a mouthful of dark red plasma came out of her mouth.


The latter took a breath of blood foam, then threw off his boots and ran frantically barefoot on the hot gravel. His two slender thighs were completely exposed to the air.

Especially the panic in his eyes is just like real, and he doesn\'t forget to look back while running