All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1239

Just after Byron jumped into the dark blue water with a pure soul attitude, the man with glasses and Gru then felt nervous and looked around.

When they felt the amazing power left around them and the strange image of the dark blue sea, the former immediately held his glasses and said in a non emotional tone: "this madman really made a choice without hesitation. Should I say that he really deserves to be the original master?"

"What?! you mean, he... He abandoned everything for the almost non-existent possibility?" Gru almost shouted in surprise.

As a master, he has lived for a long time and seen many talented talents, but he never thought that anyone would be willing to take such a huge risk just to win the chance to surpass the limit.

You know, according to the results of previous data analysis, the probability of surviving through the dark blue ocean in the state of soul is negligible.

After all, a soul must retain the most basic self-consciousness in order to be a living soul.

If everything is erased, it is a piece of white paper. Like other white papers, it can\'t distinguish the difference at all.

Such a result will never be accepted by any normal life, which is even more terrible than death.

But now, there is a madman willing to pay all costs to challenge and try, and this madman is also the famous Byron, the first born master of the material universe. Even if he comes to the spiritual world, he can become the genius of the creator.

Is he stupid?

The answer is obviously no!

The man wearing glasses obviously noticed the reaction of his allies around him, smiled and nodded: "That\'s right! Now his soul is estimated to be attached to the isolation belt. After countless years of baptism, he will return to the material universe. If he can retain a little memory or subjective consciousness at that time, he can become the first life to break the boundary, or even carry out genesis."

"Genesis?!" Gru\'s pupils contracted violently.

"Yes! As the name suggests, it is to reshape the known space, including the material universe, the collapsed spiritual world, as well as the dark blue ocean and the mysterious isolation belt." the man touched his chin and showed an expression of excitement and expectation on his face.

"I don\'t understand! How does he need to do this?" Gru said cautiously.

"It\'s very simple! Since the dark blue ocean can be seen from the spiritual world, it can also be seen in the physical universe in theory. But when opening the connection point between the two worlds, a large number of spiritual forces cover up this point. Imagine that he, who has two different forces at the same time, can control the souls in those isolation belts, so as to control the whole world The dark blue ocean breaks the separation between spirit and material. What do you think will happen next? "The man with glasses put forward a hypothesis.

Gru was shocked and speechless. After a long time, he replied with a bitter smile: "Broken barriers will break everything! Parallel universes, dimensions and celestial bodies will be destroyed and replaced by chaos and the establishment of new rules. Countless civilizations will disappear, and even the masters will be brutally eliminated. Nothing can be spared in this disaster."

"No, no, no, please don\'t use the word disaster. This creation is the most important change since the birth of the material universe and the spiritual world. But I\'m not quite sure whether Byron or our equally crazy ally guided and dominated this change." as he said, the man looked up and looked at the other end of the broken world.


At this moment, the tree of chaos has absorbed more than a quarter of the broken spiritual world, including those huge virtual shadows.

However, as the owner of the chaotic tree, Zhang chengmingxian has not made up his mind. He is sitting alone on the edge of the tree world, overlooking the endless dark blue ocean.

Needless to ask, he also broke through the sea level with huge spiritual strength and saw the isolation belt hidden inside and countless blank souls on the isolation belt.

But the problem is that he is not trapped in the spiritual world for a long time like Byron, so that the whole person has been in a state of madness and hysteria for a long time, and he can\'t use himself as a bet to gamble with a winning rate of almost zero.

When Zhang Cheng fell into contradiction and hesitation, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ear: "are you afraid?"

"It\'s you?! you haven\'t disappeared?"

Zhang Cheng suddenly stood up, and the whole person instantly entered a state of nervous tension.

Because this voice was not swallowed by man, it was the initiator swallowed by him not long ago.

"Disappear? No, I\'ve never disappeared. I\'m just integrated with you. I made a brand of consciousness silently a long time ago. Now the brand is in your body and the deepest part of your soul. But don\'t worry, I don\'t have any power to resist now. I just want to remind you where your desperate madness is "If you look ahead, you will lose the initiative and become a sad loser in this competition."

"Do you want me to try that possibility that may not even be one in a hundred billion?" Zhang Cheng frowned and asked.

There is no doubt that he suddenly found that the initiator who should have completely disappeared was still parasitic on himself. He felt very bad. He even felt that this was a time bomb. Maybe he would explode with a bang and create huge trouble for himself.

"Why not? Don\'t you know that the possibility of success is almost the same when promotion is dominant? I know that you always hate failure and think failure is a disgrace and an unforgivable mistake. But sometimes you must take a key step before you can succeed, otherwise you don\'t even have the qualification to fail. Genesis, how huge Great temptation, you can become the dominator and creator of the new world, and can permanently erase the brand left by me. "The tone of the initiator revealed undisguised bewitchment.


"That\'s right! Genesis! This is the result I most want to see! At least before I disappear forever, I can see a new world full of future and hope."

"But I don\'t trust you!"

"You don\'t need to trust me! You just need to trust yourself! Because I am also a part of you. Only when you fail and begin to deny yourself from your heart will I have the opportunity to turn back."