All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1227

The huge sealed laboratory is filled with thousands of intelligent lives imprisoned in transparent cans.

A few of them are willing to give everything, but more have to succumb to powerful forces.

But now, these are no longer important, because their lives have entered the countdown.

The only difference is that some will die faster, some will die slower, some will die in great pain, and some will die more comfortably.

As the initiator of the whole huge experiment, Zhang Cheng has long not known how many lives he killed directly or indirectly. Similarly, he does not remember how many cities turned into ashes after giving an order.

But he doesn\'t care!

He only cares about one thing, that is, the meaning of the existence of the dark blue ocean and the real use of the sea water.

With the increasing scale of the experiment and more and more affected areas, in order to maintain its own circulation and stability, the spiritual world has begun to produce things similar to human leukocytes and launch crazy attacks on the location of the laboratory.

Especially recently, two overlords have also joined the attack sequence. If Byron had not made sufficient preparations in advance, all equipment and experimental bodies might have been destroyed.

But even so, Zhang Cheng can feel the hostility and exclusion of the whole world.

Obviously, he has violated some forbidden areas that he is absolutely not allowed to touch.

Listening to the constant cry of pain in his ears, he pinched and burst a jar closest to him without looking back and asked, "how long can the external defense last?"

"No more than ten cycles at most!" a life with human shape but no face bowed down and replied respectfully.

"Ten cycles?" Zhang Cheng subconsciously frowned.

Because the spiritual world has no reference objects such as the sun, moon and stars that can be used to observe the passage of time, a huge Obelisk will be built in most cities.

Every time the top of the Obelisk shines, it is the beginning of a cycle, and then the light will slowly decline, rebound and pick up at the lowest end, and returning to the top again means the end of a cycle.

Because the height of the obelisk is different, the cycle time is also very different.

The Obelisk built outside the laboratory takes one month of earth time to cycle.

In other words, in about ten months at most, the seemingly rock solid defense will completely collapse, which is still on the premise that the attack intensity will not continue to increase.

Maybe ten months is quite a long time for short-lived humans on earth, but for the spiritual world, which is often calculated by hundreds of millions, ten months is just a blink of an eye.

Most of the lives born and raised here do not even have the consciousness of time. Unless they are killed or exhausted, they will never die.

"That\'s right! Ten cycles! In addition, the master asked me to inform you that it\'s best to find the answer he wants within this cycle, otherwise..." the faceless man deliberately paused and didn\'t say the second half of the sentence.

After hearing this, Zhang Cheng not only didn\'t show an angry or angry expression, but just smiled and replied, "ultimatum? I see. According to the plan, send that thing to all the remaining cities for me."


Rao is a faceless man who has long been used to each other\'s cruelty, but he is still slightly frightened by this crazy command.

"Yes! All! Why, do you have any questions?" Zhang Cheng pursed his mouth with a dangerous light in his eyes.

The faceless man quickly shook his head: "no! Of course not! The master\'s order before leaving is unconditional obedience. No matter what your order is, my men and I will implement it 100 percent."

"Very good!" Zhang Cheng nodded with satisfaction. "What are you waiting for? Hurry up. Remember, don\'t let go of any city. Some things can only be obtained by sacrificing endless fresh lives."

"As you wish!"

The faceless man bowed deeply, then turned and quickly disappeared at the exit to the outside world.

About a few minutes later, he came alone, less than two hours away from the experimental site, and didn\'t even go out of the hole * * of the defense circle. He reported respectfully to the shadow standing in the dark: "master, I\'ve completely told him what you mean."

"What\'s his reaction?" the shadow turned and showed a skeleton like body and face.

He is no one else, it is the culprit of all these changes, the first born master of the material universe, Byron.

"He... He asked me to release that thing in all cities," the Faceless Man replied carefully.

"All?!" Byron\'s tone was full of surprise.

Although he didn\'t care about the life and civilization he created by himself, he never expected that such crazy ideas were hidden under the calm surface of the other party.

"Yes! All! With all due respect, he is too bold and dangerous. You should not allow him to carry out such mass destruction and destruction."

In saying these words, the Faceless Man did not hide his fear at all.

you \'re right!

Never knowing what fear is, he felt fear from another intelligent life for the first time.

Unfortunately, instead of adopting it, Byron sneered and asked, "when are you qualified to make decisions for me? Don\'t forget, you\'re just a tool, an executor who doesn\'t know what to think. If you do what he says, I\'ll see what he can do."

"I\'m very sorry. I\'ll go to Mashan."

The faceless man was obviously frightened by the severe tone and fled without a trace after a while.

Watching the servants he created fade away, Byron grinned and muttered in a voice that only he could hear: "One time attack on the city where all intelligent lives gather? You are more courageous than I thought. Seeing this, I will let you do it once. Anyway, I have decided to leave. What will the spiritual world look like in the future? What does it have to do with me? Anyway, as long as the transformed birthplace still exists, intelligent lives will continue to be born Life will replace the original life one day. The world has been branded by me, and no one can erase it. "

The voice just fell!

His body once again turned into dust and disappeared out of thin air, leaving only strange energy fluctuations in his surrounding environment.