All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1219

"Interference?! damn it! You\'ve been to that place!"

Moloch\'s huge pupil obviously contracted violently, and the whole person became extremely vigilant.

Without even waiting for the body to collapse completely, he abandoned it at the first time and recreated it with the spiritual power that consumed the reserves.

Of course, the price is that nearly one-third of the mental power is completely consumed.

After all, the body is an important carrier of spirit and subjective consciousness. No matter whether you like it or not, there will be no life in this world, and you will casually create a fragile body.

On the contrary, they will try their best to strengthen their bodies, and even use nearly half of their mental strength to maintain a strong body. Otherwise, once they are broken by the enemy and expose their subjective consciousness directly, it will not be as simple as injury.

Seeing that the enemy\'s mental strength decreased rapidly with the naked eye, the man wearing glasses showed a faint smile on his face and nodded meaningfully: "That\'s right! I\'ve been to that place! And I brought back a little dark blue liquid from somewhere. Unfortunately, I was too cautious to bring too much. Otherwise, you would have been a statue at the mercy of others just now."

"Asshole, you don\'t know what you\'re doing, do you? You can\'t control that power at all. It\'s too dangerous to threaten the whole world." Moloch stared at his slowly collapsing body with an undisguised fear on his face.

He clearly recognized the mysterious liquid in the dark blue ocean, and was more aware of the impact and damage these liquids could cause.

In just a few minutes of speaking, all the blood, flesh, viscera and bones sprinkled on the ground turned into jelly and finally slowly condensed into a big lump.

"Ah! I know its danger better than you. Unfortunately, you don\'t seem to give us the right to choose. I believe you should know that we never care what the world will become, just want to find the answer. So when we lose the right to choose, we will do very crazy things." The man with glasses grinned with a crazy twisted expression.

I just don\'t know whether his madness is from the heart or deliberately disguised to strive for a favorable condition for the next intimidation and negotiation.

There is no doubt that Moloch dare not gamble whether the devices that have been transformed into the chest of life carry dark blue liquid.

After repeated hesitation, he chose to shrink back and asked in a cautious tone, "what do you want?"

"It\'s easy! Let my friend go."

The man with glasses is very smart. He knows that the more he is at this time, the more he can\'t get complacent. He put forward the conditions that the other party can\'t refuse at all.

We should know that the initiator does not have much value at present, and even if it is handed in, it will not affect the other party\'s next plan.

not overdo sth.

This is his way of survival and negotiation.

Compared with his ambitious partner, he has relatively no strong personal desire, otherwise he will not share all his research results.


Although Morlock\'s face was full of anger and reluctance, he decided to compromise.

He carefully bypassed the stall on the ground, which had solidified to be harder than any material, and directly tore the initiator off the metal column. He was still on the cold ground of the hall like garbage: "take him! Get out of my city! Never come back!"

"As you wish..."

The man bent down, pretended to bow respectfully, and then ordered the two reformed lives to lift up the initiators, slowly withdraw from the main hall of the Obelisk and disappear at the end of the street.

But interestingly, I don\'t know whether it was intentional or unintentional. He didn\'t take those men away, but left them in the hall.



Moloch was not sure what the other party was going to do. He stood still and stared at the sealed devices on his chest.

About half an hour or so, these transformed lives fell to the ground and lost their ability to move.

"Come on! Go and disassemble those devices and see what\'s inside." Moloch gave orders to the servant immediately.

But when the devices were completely disassembled, his angry roar echoed over the hall again: "no!!!!! No! No! Humble bastard! How dare he!"

It turned out that except for the first explosive device, all the rest were empty shells with nothing inside.

In other words, the man with glasses fooled him from beginning to end with psychological tactics and wisdom.


burning shame and humiliation!

The grumpy Moloch waved his strong arms, tore all the abandoned transformed lives into pieces, and let the spiritual force splash in the air to form a small piece of gorgeous light.

Because he was so angry, he didn\'t notice that some dark blue liquid quickly flowed into the vortex along the gap in the roof.

When he had enough to vent, he turned around, inserted one of his hands into the center of the vortex, and shouted painfully: "open! Open to me! The material universe! You will become the witness of my breaking the limit, and will also be the first target to be conquered."

With the roar of hoarseness, the surging spiritual power is continuously injected into it, and the rotation speed of the vortex becomes faster and faster.



The violent impact was released from the center of the vortex and spread directly to the whole city.

Nothing can remain intact in the face of such terrible destruction!

In the blink of an eye, the whole city was swallowed up by the gushing energy and materials. Not only all residents died, but also the city itself turned into countless particles that could not be distinguished by the naked eye under the impact, leaving no trace of energy.

At the center of the impact, Moloch, who lost one arm, was staring at the dark and deep space at the other end of the vortex, grinning and muttering, "I... I succeeded?! the opposite is the material universe?"

Driven by strong curiosity, he stretched out his other hand and tried to touch the darkness that could not be distinguished by the naked eye.

But before he could touch it, he suddenly found that his feet couldn\'t move. To be exact, he lost consciousness.

Look down!

A large amount of dark blue liquid has eroded to the lower leg and is spreading to the whole body at a very fast speed. Wherever it passes, whether it is muscle, cell, blood vessel or spiritual power, it will fall into terrible stagnation without exception.