All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1204

I don\'t know whether it is a coincidence or the so-called fate.

In short, in a short time, several intruders from the material universe gathered in this unusual city.

At the same time, some special eyes also gathered here.

For a moment, a huge and dangerous vortex has formed around the city.

Of course, as one of the parties, Zhang Chengzheng is moving slowly along the narrow path in the dark lane area, and doesn\'t care about the pair of malicious eyes hiding in the dark corner.

While walking, he muttered to himself, "interesting! Is it intentional or unconscious to set up an illegal zone outside the order?"

The voice just fell!

Several life bodies with relatively low intelligence finally jumped out of the darkness and began to attack madly according to the hunting impulse in their hearts.

In this environment like Shura field, reason has long been swallowed up by the purest strong killing impulse. The only thing you can do every day is to constantly devour the enemy, or one day be swallowed up by the enemy.

Only a few can ensure that they will not be dominated by that terrible primitive impulse and leave with enough soul power before going completely crazy.

Of course, it doesn\'t rule out that some guys are here to constantly devour and grow and evolve in a stronger direction.

After all, it\'s better to stay in the dark lane than aimlessly searching for prey in the wild. At least there\'s no need to worry about not finding prey here, but the disadvantage is that you never know whether you\'re a prey or a hunter next second.

Frequent killing and death make these strange creatures look like pure beasts. They don\'t want to communicate or exchange any information.

We should know that one of the prerequisites for entering the city is to have a certain wisdom.

But now, they actually threw away their most precious things, and gradually degenerated into monsters driven by primitive instincts in constant fighting.

"How sad! Let me help you out."

Zhang Cheng sighed slightly, raised his hand and instantly released a small red light.

Although the light looks so dim, it seems that it may go out at any time.

But the guys who launched the attack, or were preparing to launch the attack, suddenly fell on the ground trembling like natural enemies.

No one dares to resist!

No one tried to escape!

It was as if they had obeyed the arrangement of some mysterious force and honestly welcomed the coming death.

There is no doubt that as a ruthless executioner, Zhang Cheng never showed even a trace of mercy to the enemy. Without saying a word, he tore up all the life near the entrance of the dark lane.

Their mental energy was swallowed up by the faint red light in just a few seconds. The whole process was incredibly fast.

Obviously, the faint red light was nothing else. It was the mysterious organ obtained by dissecting the corpse of the overlord.

Since Zhang Cheng never lacked madness in his bones, he took great risks and temporarily transplanted this organ into his body.

Although it is impossible to fuse because of the huge genetic differences between the two, it is no problem to borrow a little power.

At least one thought is enough to deal with these miscellaneous fish.

Glancing at the empty alleys around him, he was like a calm lake without any waves. He soon turned and continued to move towards the dark alley area.

However, shortly after Zhang Cheng left his front foot, a wooden pole less than 30 cm big suddenly jumped up from the ground, covered his chest and breathed a sigh of relief: "Hoo... It\'s scary! Where did this guy come from? It\'s so terrible! Especially the power he used, completely... Completely like a overlord. No, I have to sell the news and leave the city. God knows what will happen next."

After that, it spread its two thin and long legs and ran wildly. After a while, it rushed into the city center covered by order.


At the same time, in the library on the top of the obelisk, there are two guys who are restless and crazy looking up a large number of materials.

Of course, library is just a name that continues from the earth, and people in this world call it memory bank.

Just like its name, it collects countless memory fragments after the death of life.

With the help of a simple device, anyone can find the memory they want and find the answer to the problem.

But it\'s too big here, and I don\'t know how long it has been going through. The memories bumped into special containers are like bookshelves, which are placed on huge shelves by categories.

The starters who haven\'t rested for a long time now look very tired. Their upper and lower eyelids are fighting, as if they may fall down and fall asleep at any time.

We should know that even in the spiritual world, sleep is also a very important means of recovery.

It can stabilize the control of a living body over its own spiritual power.

If you don\'t rest for a long time, the natural divergence speed of spiritual power will become faster, and eventually lead to the collapse and death of subjective consciousness.

"Damn it! There is too much useless garbage in these materials! At this speed, not to mention a few days, it may not be completed in decades." after the initiator threw down a memory, he couldn\'t help holding his forehead and complained.

Most importantly, these memories are biological memories, so they are mixed with a large number of parts that are meaningful to the dead creatures themselves, but meaningless to the searcher.

"Relax. If you\'re tired, go and have a rest. By the way, go to the dark lane to get some prey. It\'s time to pay taxes again soon. With our residual mental strength, it\'s not enough for the next time."

"Ah, OK. You go on. I\'ll try to hunt more this time and bring out your share." the initiator stood up and shook the dust that didn\'t exist on his body, stepped away and disappeared at the corner of the stairs.

Compared with reading hundreds of millions of memories, he is obviously more willing to kill and alleviate the depression and boredom in his heart in this way.

But he didn\'t know that the entrance of the dark lane he used to haunt was empty at the moment.

Zhang Cheng, the initiator, has come to the most dangerous and frightening center known as the dark lane area.

The creatures living here can be roughly divided into two categories, one is slaves and food wearing special shackles, and the other is powerful people who are high above and exude amazing power.