All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 117

In the dark castle cellar, a bald fat man in a gorgeous silk robe was sitting at his desk, quickly flipping through one note after another filled with small letters of flies, and then throwing the note into the nearby brazier to burn it.

He is no one else, but Wallis, known as the "eight clawed spider".

As a man who makes a living by collecting and selling information, he has a keen sense of danger. He often detects the danger before it comes, and then makes corresponding countermeasures.

It was with this that he survived countless court struggles.

No matter who becomes king or prime minister, he is still the unshakable intelligence director in the Royal Parliament.

But today, Wallis was a little uneasy for some reason. He always felt that he had ignored some important things. Therefore, he hid alone in the cellar and tried to find some clues from the latest intelligence collected by "little bird".

Just as he finished reading the last note and was about to throw it into the brazier, there was a sudden noise of footsteps in the corridor outside.

Before he knew what had happened, the closed door was hit violently.

Bang! Bang! Bang!


The wooden door bolt persisted for three times and immediately broke into two sections. The door flew out directly and knocked the cabinets, tables and other furnishings in pieces.

"Good afternoon, Lord Wallis."

With a mocking greeting, Zhang Cheng stepped into the room, watched the skinhead fat man who was not far away, and made a gesture to the guards behind him.

The latter repaired the door with great speed without saying a word, and then disappeared at the end of the narrow and dark corridor.

After seeing these irrelevant people leave, Zhang Cheng slowly came to the table, grabbed a note from each other, glanced at it, smiled and said sarcastically: "if I\'m not wrong, this is the intelligence collected by the proud little birds? Tut Tut, it\'s really vicious to use the underage children to do such a dangerous thing."

"Sir Mason Aspen, did you break in so rudely as to make a mockery of me?" Wallis asked coldly.

Zhang Cheng raised his mouth slightly and quickly waved his hand: "No, no, no, please don\'t get me wrong. I\'m not satirizing you. On the contrary, I\'m praising your wisdom. Think about it, if you don\'t have such a vicious heart, how can you betray your loyal master again and again? How can you successfully avoid one death after another? And now you can still hide in the dark, secretly carry out a plan, or even It can also affect danilis targaryan on the other side of the ocean. As a player of the power game, you are so excellent that people can\'t help but want to applaud. "

"Sorry! I don\'t understand what you\'re talking about! Goodbye!" Wallis was obviously a little flustered and tried to escape the young man who frightened him as soon as possible.

After all, the great destructive power of conspiracy lies in that it is difficult to be found. Once the conspiracy is exposed to the sun, the only people who can die are those who secretly plan the conspiracy.

"Wait! Did I allow you to leave?" Zhang Cheng brushed out the magic sword, the soul detaining Messenger, and put it on the other party\'s throat.

The strong evil smell from the sword immediately made the "eight clawed spider" retreat for several steps.

A psychologist once said that the more a person hates someone or something, the deeper his subconscious fear of the person and thing.

If the person that the "hound" hates and fears is his cruel brother and flame, what Wallis hates and fears is the incomprehensible supernatural force - magic.

Aware of the strong rejection of the dead eunuch, Zhang Cheng immediately waved a long sword.


A green translucent figure appeared out of thin air in the room

He has no legs, his lower body is completely a fuzzy fluorescence, and his upper body is human. His scarlet eyes are shining with naked malice, as if he could rush up and swallow life at any time.

There is no doubt that this evil ghost is the prisoner who died under the sword not long ago.

Now his soul has fallen into the abyss in the double fight of pain and torture, and has become a ghost through and through.

Due to the emergence of the dead, the temperature in the room began to decrease rapidly. In just a few seconds, a layer of white frost grew on the ground and walls.

"Damn it! What the hell is this? You... What are you doing?"

Wallis felt as if he had returned to his childhood and that terrible night. His face was full of fear and helplessness.

"What to do? Of course, it\'s to solve the little misunderstanding between us. You won\'t forget that you encouraged his majesty Geoffrey to kill me with the help of Sandor krigon\'s hand during the martial arts contest." after that, Zhang Cheng nodded to the dead servant around him.

The ghost who got permission showed a cruel smile and rushed straight up with open arms.

"Ah ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The moment he touched the skin, which was completely composed of negative energy, Wallis couldn\'t help but scream in pain. His body began to age rapidly. In less than half a minute, there were a lot of wrinkles on his forehead, corners of his eyes and cheeks, and countless age spots on his originally smooth skin.

Generally speaking, he suddenly changed from a middle-aged man to an old man.

What\'s more terrible is that the extreme pain of the loss of vitality deeply stimulates every neuron. If he can choose, he wants to faint immediately or be killed directly.

Unfortunately, he has no choice now.

"How does it feel to be on the verge of death, Lord Wallis? Don\'t worry, I didn\'t say it was a misunderstanding, so I won\'t kill you, but I will slowly eliminate the misunderstanding. As for how long it will take, it depends on whether you cooperate." Zhang Cheng poured himself a glass of wine, raised his head and drank it.

"Misunderstanding? You can really use words! Come on, what do I need to do to resolve this misunderstanding?" Wallis asked, panting up from the ground.

"It\'s very simple. We need to talk about your prejudice against magic first, and then talk about your tangorian family restoration plan. Finally, I hope we can reach a consensus and do what we want without interfering with each other. In the process, you\'d better not play any tricks. You know that I\'m not a player who fully abides by the rules, and I also have the ability to play in the game Turn over the table when you want to. "

"No problem. Where shall we start?"

"Let\'s start with the tragic experience of your childhood."
