All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1147

"Asshole! You... How dare you?"

Feeling the unprecedented emptiness and fragility in her body, Satara trembled all over her body, and the silver light mass originally wrapped around her body disappeared completely, replaced by a faint blue light that may disappear from light gray at any time.

Needless to ask, he has lost most of his abilities, and even the connection of the main string has been cut off.

But incredibly, he still retains the characteristics of immortality and his sense of rules.

In other words, he has become a waste with empty knowledge and understanding, but no dominant power.

In contrast, Zhang Cheng, who stripped off each other\'s strength, showed a very different strong sense of oppression, as if the surrounding space was constantly collapsing and slowly came out of the trunk of the chaotic tree.

Looking at the desperate expression on the other party\'s face, he sneered and said, "why don\'t I dare? Do you think I\'ll show mercy to the enemy who comes to the door? No, it\'s not my style to be kind and soft. Now, while I haven\'t changed my mind, go away and don\'t let me see it again. You don\'t deserve to be called my opponent."

"You made a mistake! A huge mistake! Dare to trigger taboos! The order Council will not let you go, and the masters will not let you go." Satara\'s eyes revealed a strong color of resentment.

There\'s no way not to resent!

You know, he is just stuck at a very embarrassing node. He can neither recapture his own strength, nor give up his connection with the main string, completely degenerate into a mortal, and then become the master again according to his own experience.

As a saying goes, blocking people\'s money is like killing their parents. Destroying a person\'s potential and future is often much more serious than killing their parents.

Satara has enough reason to hate Zhang Cheng and even spend the rest of her life planning revenge at the cost of her own life.

"Let me go? Idiot, you haven\'t figured out the situation, have you? The real war has begun! From the moment you set foot on this planet, the war between order and chaos will sweep the whole universe. No one can shrink back, and no one can escape. Turn around and look behind you. Where are many pairs of eyes staring at us?"

With that, Zhang Cheng raised his hand and gently hit two snap fingers.


With a crisp sound, a circular crack with a diameter of more than ten meters was torn open, revealing countless pairs of peeping eyes.

"Ah! Ha ha! Look, he found us."

A leader of a chaotic faction burst into laughter without secretly prying into the embarrassment of being found.

"That\'s right! I like him! Especially the secret weapon, which gave us all a great surprise. It turns out that the power of chaos can still be used in this way."

"And that conceited wretch! I don\'t even know that he has been used!"

"The war is about to begin! Shall we leave a mark on this guy as a signal to declare war on order?"


For a moment, all the chaos masters who had been hidden for a long time finally appeared, making no secret of their desire for war.

As Gru mentioned before, the balance lasted so long that many masters began to feel bored and unable to break the situation.

But now, a once-in-a-lifetime good opportunity has finally appeared.

"You... You\'ve been there all the time!" Satara stared at these sudden "old acquaintances".

He always believed that his action was secret enough and could never be known by anyone.

But in fact, from the very beginning, his every move was monitored by the "enemy". The strong sense of frustration and humiliation was almost the same as the loss of power.

"Sorry, Satara, I\'m sorry to inform you that you are out. In fact, you have been used by that guy as a chess piece to test us. It is estimated that now he is hiding in the dark to analyze the threat of that huge tree. So go back and convey the information of war to the order Council. Tell them that it is time to decide the future direction of the universe "It\'s over." Gru went straight out of the crack and issued a battle instruction to his opponent.

Because for the master, most intrigues are of little use, and it is always hard power that can ultimately decide the outcome.

In other words, if a master wants to defeat another master, he must defeat him in terms of absolute power, not by some small means.

Just like Zhang Cheng, although he released many smoke bombs before, he finally crushed Satara with the help of the power of the chaotic tree.

The latter can\'t even resist, so he becomes a complete loser.

"You will regret it! The power of Parliament is beyond everyone\'s imagination!"

Although Satara was a little arrogant, she was not stupid after all. She understood that it was meaningless to continue to stay except humiliation. After putting down a cruel word, she directly ran away on the spot with her little strength left.

The most important thing for him now is to take back the news of the war and ask what\'s going on.

"The guy in the way is gone. Can you give me an explanation now? Especially you, dear Gru."

After seeing off Satara, Zhang Cheng turned his attention to the masters with different shapes for the first time.

It has to be said that the universe is really a magical place. All kinds of intelligent creatures can be born, including one or even an independent celestial body composed of unknown elements.

"I\'m sorry, my friend, I\'m afraid I can\'t explain it to you now. But as a member of the chaotic faction, I\'m honored to fight side by side with a guy like you." Gru bent down and saluted apologetically.

Although he has the shape of a beetle, he bends down and bows, which looks a little funny.

"Fight side by side? With you? I\'m not sure if I want to fight side by side with a group of guys who hide in the dark and never show up." Zhang Cheng said quietly.

Before determining reliability, he would rather have no allies than a group of allies who might stab in the back.

As the saying goes, it is better to lack than to abuse!

He is not like another himself. As long as it is profitable, no matter what organization it is, it can join. Once it has the opportunity, it will disintegrate and annex it from the inside and become its own thing.

Zhang Cheng prefers to create from scratch and firmly believes that what he gets in this way will completely belong to him.

"Hehe, you still seem to be wary. It doesn\'t matter. Soon the war will let you understand that only we are your last resort..."