All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1129

"Incredible! Basic order has been restored here."

Walking on the slightly chaotic streets of the city, Zhang Cheng looked at the reactions of the pedestrians around him with great interest, especially those with incomparably satisfied smiles on their faces.

There is no doubt that a month and a half has passed since the dark church launched an armed riot and announced the establishment of a * * * * country.

As "stop! Who are you? Why have I never seen you before?" the man frowned and asked loudly.

You should know that since the city was occupied by the church, neighboring countries and other cities have immediately adopted an economic blockade in order to suppress this dangerous organization, ordering their own businessmen not to do business in the areas occupied by the church, let alone transport strategic materials such as salt, food, weapons, metal and armor, The number of businessmen and tourists has suddenly shrunk to a single digit, and few fresh faces can be seen.

In short, it is to minimize the war potential of the dark church through economic blockade. If you can, you\'d better put food in short supply.

Unfortunately, this sinister plan obviously failed to produce the desired effect.

After all, in this relatively backward world, except for a few super large urban agglomerations, most small and medium-sized cities rely on farmland in their surrounding areas to support citizens who are not engaged in agricultural activities. Otherwise, the loss caused by transportation alone is a lot of money.

Since the food supply system is relatively independent, the effect of economic sealing is limited to the shortage of cloth, iron products and some special tools, which has not had a great impact on the lives of ordinary people.

"Hmm? Are you asking me?" Zhang Cheng stopped, looked up and looked at each other with interest.

"That\'s right! It\'s you! Answer my question, where are you from and what\'s the purpose of coming to this city?" the man subconsciously pressed his hand on the hilt of the sword and made a threatening attack.

Needless to ask, he probably regarded Zhang Cheng as a spy for intelligence or a spy for sabotage.

"Hehe, you are very vigilant and think I will do something bad for the church, right?" Zhang Cheng not only didn\'t get angry, but couldn\'t help laughing.

It was almost like the Dragon met a dog barking at him. It felt more interesting than offensive.

"Damn it! You are indeed a spy sent by the enemy!" the man seemed a little angry and immediately blew the whistle to send an alarm.

When the shrill scream echoed in the streets, after a while, more than 20 men wearing the same badge rushed over with weapons.

Without saying a word, they sealed the whole alley completely, leaving no room for anyone to go in and out.

After finishing all this, the first guy gasped and asked, "what happened?"

"Captain! I found a spy sent by the enemy!" the man pointed to Zhang Cheng standing still and replied quickly.

"Spy?!" the chief guy was stunned at first, and then asked in a noncommittal tone: "what about the evidence? You say he is a spy. There must be evidence? The church is not those nobles who wantonly trample on the laws and rules. We must not convict a person casually before we have the evidence."

"I... I have no evidence." the man shook his head helplessly, but immediately forced to defend: "but he just admitted that he wanted to be bad for the church."

"Hey! Don\'t plant it. I\'ve never said such a thing." Zhang Cheng raised his eyebrows slightly and directly interrupted the other party\'s attempt to forcibly convict himself.

You know, he has always been the only one who framed him. Today, he was calculated by an unknown little man for the first time in history.

Men obviously don\'t know how dangerous this seemingly harmless young man is.

Unwilling to fail, he turned his eyes and immediately said: "Captain, he is not a native, but an outsider. Think about it, how many outsiders we have captured recently have been sent by hostile noble lords? For the sake of the great God of darkness, we must protect the city and the believers living in it. Sometimes we can change a little and take him back for interrogation. If it\'s not true Wouldn\'t it be better to release the spy again? "

"Well... What you said seems to be reasonable. Sir, please come with us first. I promise that as long as you make it clear, you will be free again soon." the man known as the captain undoubtedly accepted his suggestion,

In any case, the most important thing is to ensure the safety and stability of the city.

As long as the city is stable, more and more people will believe in the God of darkness, and the church will grow rapidly, forming an irresistible storm.

As for whether it will offend a strange passenger, it doesn\'t matter at all.

In the face of religion, personal will is always the most insignificant thing. Some crazy believers will be hostile to all groups different from their own beliefs and swear to kill them all.

"Want to catch me? Sorry, I\'m afraid you don\'t have such ability. Forget it. For the sake of that woman\'s hard work for me, I won\'t bother with you fools first."

The voice just fell!

Zhang Cheng suddenly ejected a large piece of crystal powder from the palm!

In less than a second, anyone who has touched the crystal powder can\'t help opening his mouth and yawning. In about half a minute, he fell to the ground and fell asleep.

"Hum! Fooled idiots, I hope you won\'t choose suicide on the day when your faith collapses."

Glancing at the believers in deep sleep, he disdained his lips and strode towards the building with huge statues.