All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 111

After reaching an agreement with joffrey, Zhang Cheng quickly returned to the research of hiding in his room every day to study how to hatch dragon eggs, and occasionally took some time to maintain the ambiguous atmosphere created with ero tiller.

In fact, with the passage of time, he has begun to feel that the air is slowly filled with an unknown energy.

Although it is very, very thin, for a mage who is extremely eager to absorb energy, even a little will be as conspicuous as a torch in the dark.

However, feeling belongs to feeling, but they can\'t really use these mysterious energies. They are not as pure and powerful as arcane energy, nor have high plasticity and variability as the energy on the magical earth. They just don\'t resonate with anything like inert gas.

In order to find out the reason, Zhang Cheng wasted another bottle of precious well water. With the help of magic power, he forcibly collected more than 100 ml of gas-liquid mixture completely composed of inert energy.

Looking at the grayish white in the test tube, he couldn\'t help frowning and muttering, "I didn\'t get there... I remember that melisandra and Miri maz dur in the plot didn\'t encounter too many difficulties when they cast their spells. Is it not time? Or what am I missing?"

While he was thinking hard, a hasty knock on the door interrupted everything.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Who? Didn\'t I say no one was allowed to disturb?" Zhang Cheng asked in a very unhappy tone.

"Sir, I\'m very sorry to disturb you so late, but some guests who don\'t want to reveal their identity claim to be your friends and need to meet you right away." the voice of housekeeper Delhi came through the crack in the door.

"Guests unwilling to reveal their identity?" Zhang Cheng suddenly had a bad feeling, quickly hid the test tube in his hand and opened the door.

I saw Delhi standing at the door with three people in cloaks. Although he couldn\'t see clearly because of the dark light, he still keenly smelled a familiar smell.

"Ero, is that you?"

"Yes, Lord Mason."

With the familiar voice, the shortest man took off his hood and showed the face of a beautiful girl.

At the same time, the other two took off their hoods and showed their true colors.

They\'re no one else. It\'s lanli and Loras.

Although Cheng Cheng had guessed what had happened, he still pretended to be unbelievable: "Your Excellency, sir Loras, why did you visit late at night? And with Miss ello?"

"I\'m very sorry, sir Mason, something serious has happened. My brother King Robert had an accident while hunting, and I\'m afraid he will die soon. And I\'ve got the exact news that joffrey, torman and missella are not his own flesh and blood, but the bastards of Queen cersei\'s adultery with the regicide. Now! She\'s trying to let her illegitimate son usurp the throne As a member of baratheon! I will never allow this to happen! "Lanli became more and more excited, and finally even began to roar in a low voice.

"What? How could this be possible?" Zhang Cheng flashed an imperceptible sneer on his face, followed by a exclamation.

"I guarantee with my own reputation that Lord Langley is telling the truth, even the prime minister, Duke ed stark, knows this. But he is too honest to join hands with us, so we can only escape from the king\'s landing as soon as possible, and then summon the vassals to attack the Lannister family." Loras also joined in.

"So... What do you need me to do?" Zhang Cheng asked in an uncertain tone.

"It\'s very simple. I hope you can help take care of ERO. She can\'t ride her horse continuously. In addition, I hope you can help pay attention to the trend of King\'s landing city. If you have any important information, please send it to this place." Loras took out a prepared note.

Zhang Cheng took it and glanced at it. He immediately threw it into the nearby brazier and nodded seriously: "please don\'t worry. Miss ello was originally my fiancee. No one can hurt her as long as I\'m still alive."

"In that case, I\'m relieved. We\'re still anxious to leave Junlin, so we don\'t bother much." after saying that, Loras pulled Lan Li and quickly disappeared into the boundless night.

Seeing the two leave, Zhang Cheng immediately ordered the housekeeper waiting aside: "go and prepare a guest room for Miss ero. Remember, it must be kept confidential and no one should know that she lives with us. Do you understand?"

"I see!" Delhi leaned slightly and walked quickly in the direction of the guest room.

After the housekeeper opened, there were only lonely men and women at the door of the room. Because no one meant to speak first, the scene fell into an embarrassing silence.

Finally, Errol tiller took a deep breath and said in a rather helpless tone, "I\'m sorry, sir, I\'ve caused you trouble."

Zhang Cheng smiled, shook his head, stretched out his right hand, touched the girl\'s cheek and replied, "don\'t say that. You\'re my fiancee. As the champion of the martial arts competition, if I can\'t even protect my fiancee, what\'s the point of living. Don\'t think about it. Have a good rest for one night and leave the rest to me."


Ero\'s face flushed slightly, and she let her big hand swim around her cheeks and sensitive earlobes without any resistance.

If you were an ordinary man, I\'m afraid you would have started to use your hands and feet in this situation and cheated the girl into bed as soon as possible to complete the "home run".

But Zhang Cheng is not an ordinary man. His heart has long been filled with the desire for strength. When he teased the girl to a little shortness of breath, he resolutely stopped his further behavior. After giving a sleeping kiss, he returned to his room quietly.

"Robert is dead... The prelude to chaos has opened... Danilis on the other side of the sea is about to hatch three young dragons... I don\'t have much time to prepare..."

While talking to himself, Zhang Cheng put away the dragon eggs, put on his humble civilian clothes and went straight to Jun Lincheng dungeon.

There is no doubt that he plans to follow danilis\'s method and try to hatch the young dragons with burning and blood sacrifice. He doesn\'t care how painful it is for a person to be burned alive.

Let alone a few prisoners in their cells, even if they need to sacrifice blood to a city of hundreds of thousands of people, he will not hesitate at all.

In the pursuit of power, the most taboo is hesitation. Finally, the more you think, the more complex you think. Forget that persistence and concentration are the key to the summit.