All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1072

"Master, this is the data just sent back. Please have a look."

At the top of the magic tower, Allen presented a silver white metal disc with both hands and a relaxed freehand expression on his face.

As for the reason, it\'s very simple.

One of his annoying opponents, Kerwin, is now in bad luck. He not only dare not attack the rest of the Kingdom, but also guard against that kind of destructive strategic weapons. He is as embarrassed as a mouse caught in a bellows.

Judging from the recent trend, the tyrant has wanted to find a new direction of attack and give up the original plan of annexing the Kingdom and coronating it as king.

no way out!

Now the queen of the Kingdom, Victoria, is no longer the lovely little sheep that people can knead by themselves. Instead, she is a female tiger who opens her mouth and devours fresh blood.

He has changed from the dominant side that firmly occupies the offensive initiative to the weak side that needs to be wary of defense.

What\'s more terrible is that he still doesn\'t understand what his loyal master is thinking.

Are you ready to replace yourself and kill the donkey?

Or just want to give yourself a severe warning and tell yourself that some places have crossed the line?

Unfortunately, Kelvin did not have the means to obtain relevant information, nor did he dare to make any test. The whole person was like a frightened bird trembling.

After tasting the taste of supreme power and his eyes full of awe and fear, he can no longer go back to the past and be satisfied with being a small Lord at the junction of civilization and barbarism.

Zhang Cheng is undoubtedly very aware of the psychological activities of the youth at this moment. He took over the disc and asked with a smile: "you seem to be in a good mood recently, don\'t you?"

"Of course! Master! Thanks to your wisdom and foresight. All the plans are implemented very smoothly, and my work is much easier. I have more time to spend in the library to read and understand the profound magic knowledge." Allen touched his chest with one hand and bowed deeply.

"Yes, on the surface, it seems that the plan is indeed going very smoothly, incredibly smoothly." Zhang chengruo nodded thoughtfully.

I don\'t know why. Recently, he always feels that something important is about to happen and is closely related to himself.

Although he is notoriously bad at this, he will gain some sensing ability after becoming the master.

This is the reward of the universe for its favorite children and the grace of life standing at the apex of life evolution.

No master will ignore his own induction, no matter how vague and difficult it is to interpret.

Allen didn\'t know that his master\'s mind had already jumped out of the planet and into the deep and boundless outer space. He bowed his head and asked carefully: "Master, the underground relic has been almost completed. I don\'t know when you plan to decorate it to ensure that it will be filled with monsters, treasures and puzzles like a real ancient relic."

"Don\'t worry, my loyal servant. Those adventurers are still on the road, and I have plenty of time to arrange slowly. In addition, you will never think of what kind of surprise I left to them in the deepest part of the maze." after saying that, Zhang Cheng drew a beautiful arc around the corner of his mouth, which looked cruel and evil.

"Oh? What is it?" there was a strong curiosity in Allen\'s eyes.

"Hehe, the reason why surprise is a surprise is that the most important thing is to maintain a sense of mystery and expectation. If you know in advance, it will not be a surprise. Well, go ahead and do your work now. Don\'t disturb me these days. I have many ideas and need to take practical action."

After that, Zhang Cheng waved and put the disc on a support.


The metal disc began to release a light, which formed countless complex symbols.

There is no doubt that these symbols are encrypted data. There can never be a second person who can read them except myself.

Allen just stood in place and glanced at it. He found that he didn\'t even know a symbol. He only sighed and walked alone in the direction of the library.

It is estimated that in his inherent concept, if there are words and symbols he does not know, it must be that he has not studied hard and deeply enough. He does not know that there are things in the universe, which can not be made up only by learning. Sometimes it is the difference in the essence of life.

In a few minutes or so, the light on the disk gradually became dim.

Zhang Cheng broke down the disc and returned to the throne, dragged his chin and muttered in a voice that only he could hear: "interesting! Unexpectedly, my real advantage rules are so strange that they can be hidden as a card..."

"What card?"

With the familiar voice, Gru suddenly appeared out of thin air, and his tone revealed undisguised fatigue.

Although he looks like a large beetle and can\'t distinguish the expression on his face, the weakness of his body and soul can\'t be fake.

"What\'s the matter with you? Have you fought with other masters?" Zhang Cheng touched his chin and asked with interest.

Gru shook his head without thinking: "no, it\'s not a battle. I recently made a series of super space-time trips with a very large span and made some necessary preparations. Oh, by the way, you asked me to take a word. He will appear in another life form in two days. You\'d better be careful."

"What do you mean? Did you see him?"

As soon as he heard of the initiator, Zhang Cheng\'s face suddenly became serious, and his eyes were full of the meaning of examination.

"Yes, I saw him, a crazy and terrible guy like you. According to my guess, he may be conducting some taboo experiments to become the most powerful master of the whole universe. And you are the most important step in his whole plan." Gru didn\'t try to hide anything and said what he knew.

"What taboo experiment?"

"Sorry, I can\'t say, otherwise you will do the same thing. Remember, the universe is much larger than you think, and there are countless secrets hidden. Some of them are understandable, but others can\'t be understood and controlled even by the master. They are like uncertain factors. Each trigger may lead to irrelevance After all, I suggest you join the chaos camp and form an alliance with the other nine masters to protect yourself. As long as you are alive, his ambition will never succeed... "