All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1070




With the end of the actual test, the whole kingdom, whether the ruling class or the ruled class, fell into a state of confusion.

All kinds of rumors spread all over the streets in just a few days.

Some people say that it is the mages trained by the royal family who have created a powerful strategic magic and intend to use it to recover the lost land.

Others said that this was an ancient artifact hidden by the royal family, and even made up a story to connect the royal family\'s blood with the heroes and gods in the fairy tales, so as to prove that they were born noble and should become the supreme king.

However, for the aristocrats who know some gossip, the nonsense of these bottom people is not worth paying attention to at all.

As the saying goes, there are no airtight walls in the world, especially not long after Vilia ascended the throne, and there was no great cleansing. Many people in the court are still loyal to the old king.

With skilled political skills, the losing nobles soon knew that the earth shaking explosion was actually a weapon, a consumable that could be made with the help of the caster.

After making this clear, including Arsene Wenger V, who is under semi house arrest, can\'t help but start to make some moves. The originally silent heart is like a burning flame.

There is no doubt that he is not willing to withdraw from the political stage as a loser, let alone give up the right of the king.

He craves revenge!

Eager to prove himself again, he is still the great king who has brought decades of prosperity to the Kingdom, rather than a yong king who has lost more than half of his land.


Just when the dark tide surged in the Kingdom capital, isorte quietly left the vortex center, returned to the top of the magic tower, bent down and bowed deeply to the object of his loyalty: "master, I have arranged the stage according to your instructions."

"Oh? So fast!" Zhang Cheng asked carelessly.

"Yes! The plan is much smoother than I thought. As mentioned in a book in the library, mortals can never get rid of greed and desire, even if they clearly know that these two things will have disastrous consequences. As far as I know, at least three forces have secretly tried to win over and buy off the people involved in the production, and when the first war is over, this number will come to an end The quantity will become more and more, and the temptation will become more and more. I don\'t think those apprentices will give up a lot of readily available wealth, power and status for the sake of illusory loyalty. "

When he said these words, isorte\'s tone was full of irony and a little sad at the same time.

Because he is also a member of mortals and can\'t resist temptation, otherwise he won\'t become a powerful servant like a God in front of him.

As a wise man, he knew that from the moment he reached the agreement, he had no chance to get rid of control, except to obey orders honestly.

Feeling the complex psychological activities of the old man, Zhang Cheng nodded expressionless: "You\'re right. But don\'t forget that there are some guys in mortals who can make unexpected choices at special times and occasions. They can refuse the temptation of beauty, ignore huge wealth, give up their high position, just for their strong sense of justice, mission, responsibility, love, family affection and friendship In my opinion, without them in a story, the whole story will become dim. "

"So... Do you want a hero?" isorte subconsciously opened his eyes as if he had seen a ghost.

"Ha ha! That\'s right! A hero! A hero who dares to stand up at the critical moment and save the world with unparalleled courage when everyone is in despair. How can you help me find such a hero?" Zhang Cheng laughed and stood up and took a long sword with exquisite shape and huge magical energy from the shelf.

This sword is so beautiful that on the surface, runes that others simply can\'t understand flicker. Even people who don\'t know how to do it will understand that its value can\'t be measured by money.


A real artifact!

An artifact with self-consciousness!

Isorte opened his mouth in surprise. After a long time, he asked with a bitter smile, "is this your weapon for the hero?"

Zhang Cheng nodded without thinking: "Yes! Since you are a hero, of course you should have a weapon worthy of him. What, am I considerate? Of course, this weapon can\'t be handed over too easily. He needs to go through a series of cruel and dangerous trials. Release the news for me that an ancient relic has been found in the forest, which emits amazing magic energy and may hide its power Huge magic items. "

"Then, a large number of adventurers and various forces will send people for this news, and the one who successfully gets the long sword will become the hero you choose?" isolt seemed to understand what and took the second half of the sentence on his own initiative.

At this time, he finally understood that his master wanted to play a game, a game between the classic brave and the demon king.

But this time, the power of the demon king is beyond imagination, and the brave is only a chess piece, a chess piece manipulated and manipulated, which can not escape the control of the demon king anyway.

"You guessed half right. What I want is not only a game, but also a lot of interesting experiments. Whether it\'s data collection or human nature test. I like to see people\'s expressions when they are full of hope and despair, and I prefer to see the degeneration of their soul or the rise. Well, go ahead and do your job. From today on, you have the same access as Ellens Library rights. "

After that, Zhang Cheng put the long sword back on the shelf, gently waved his hand, and began to think about what kind of relics should be built, what kind of puzzles should be created, and what kind of monsters to prevent to test these "Heroes".

For him, this is a very interesting way to pass the time.

After all, he has an almost endless life span. He always has to find a way to pass the boring time.

"Thank you for your kindness and generosity! I swear, I will never betray you and will not disappoint you." after getting the dream, isorte quickly knelt down excitedly, and his old hands shook constantly.

The endless magic knowledge in the library is the treasure he longed for a long time ago. Now he can finally achieve his wish