All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1061

Three days passed in a flash. When Vilia appeared in front of Zhang Cheng again, she had faded the delicate smell of greenhouse flowers and replaced it with fatigue and maturity.

you \'re right!

In just three days, the cruel reality and choice forced the young girl who was originally in the best stage of her life to grow up rapidly.

Because she knows that if she can\'t meet the requirements put forward by the other party, she may not die, but the family and kingdom will come to an end.

Nothing can resist the millions of terrible monsters in the underground maze, and no army can fight it to the death.

After thinking about this, the princess took a deep breath, learned the humble appearance of servants saluting herself, bent down and bowed deeply: "thank you for your kindness and forgive my rudeness and ignorance last time. I have considered it clearly and am willing to accept any conditions you offer, as long as it can make the Kingdom and my father survive."

"Oh? Are you sure it\'s any condition!" Zhang Cheng looked at each other up and down and asked in a rather playful way.

Because the indigenous people on this planet are very similar to the human beings on earth, especially the facial features and body, are full of the combination of strength and beauty, which makes him inadvertently recall the previous days.

You know, with the longer and longer life span, memories begin to pile up like books in the library. Some of them fall on thick dust, while others will be touched by some scenes or characters like flashback pictures.

"That\'s right! No matter what you want and what you do, I will not hesitate to cooperate with you. But there is one condition, that is, I want to have a position no less than Kelvin." Vilia replied with a serious face.

"Very good! At least I\'m quite satisfied with your attitude." as he said, Zhang Cheng stood up from the chair he had been doing for several days, stretched out his hand, squeezed the princess\'s chin and looked at her light blue pupils. "You know what? In fact, I don\'t care about the grudge between you and Kelvin, nor do I care whether you want to kill him. To be exact, as long as you complete the task I assigned, even if one of you destroys the other, it has nothing to do with me. But one thing is, if someone destroys my plan and experiment, I guarantee that this person will bear more than death And 10000 times more pain. "

"You mean... I can do what I want to do most at an appropriate time?" Victoria was undoubtedly very keen and caught the point at once.

Zhang Cheng smiled and nodded: "Yes! Generally speaking, I don\'t interfere with the servants\' personal grievances, and I\'m not interested in paying attention to those trivial things. You can understand that I\'m an isolated observer, and all I do is to collect experimental data. Well, that\'s all. Now I\'ll give you some knowledge that can change fate and make the Kingdom more prosperous Incomparably powerful taboo knowledge. Of course, the premise is that you have to kill your father and become a well deserved ruler of the country. "

The voice just fell!

He directly instilled into the princess\'s brain a part of the advanced technology that has surpassed the world for at least a thousand years.


Just like the feeling of tens of thousands of root tips needling into the brain, VILLIA screamed and fell to the ground with a plop. Her whole body twitched uncontrollably, and her nose, tears and saliva flowed uncontrollably, quickly forming a small pool of mixed liquid on the ground.


This tingling comes and goes quickly.

When the girl gradually regained consciousness, she suddenly found that countless knowledge she couldn\'t imagine or even understand were all stored in her mind.




Most importantly, this knowledge can be used to make powerful weapons!

With them, the kingdom can even sweep all the surrounding countries and become an unprecedented continental overlord.

Just as Victoria was still ecstatic about the extra memory in her mind, isolt, who had always stood silent, suddenly coughed and whispered, "Your Highness, you\'d better get up and wash and change into clean clothes."

"Wash? Clothes?" Virginia looked down at the ground subconsciously, and her pale face turned red. "Damn! Excuse me for a moment."

Without saying a word, she ran straight to the room leading to the lower bathroom with her wet skirt, for fear that she would be laughed at if she stayed.

After seeing the shadow of the princess\'s passing away, she asked in a rather uncertain tone: "master, what have you given her?"

"Nothing. How to make some interesting gadgets. You know? I\'ve always liked to see the original order broken. Chaos, destruction and killing fill every inch of the land. The beauty of chaos is unmatched by anything else." Zhang Cheng returned to his seat and held his chin in his right hand, with a chilling light in his eyes.

Needless to ask, he doesn\'t know when he became a rule breaker and beneficiary, and he also enjoyed the process.

In his eyes, only when the contradiction is intensified to the extreme can life and soul burst into the brightest glory.

All goodness, evil, ambition, desire, courage and sacrifice will be amplified without exception, showing the most real self in the heart, rather than the hypocritical and cowardly masks under the constraints of order.

Perhaps this unparalleled sense of reality is the picture that Zhang Cheng most wants to see.

After all, as a master who is almost above all intelligent lives, he no longer has so much desire for power and transcendence. Instead, he is a precipitation, an understanding of rules from the depths of his soul.

"Although I can\'t understand your wisdom that is higher than the mountain and deeper than the sea, I am willing to follow you forever, even if I destroy the world." isolt endured his fear and hurriedly knelt down to show his loyalty.

He could feel that the object of his loyalty was definitely not joking, especially the amazing momentum inadvertently sent out, which was almost breathless.

"Hehe, no, I don\'t need your oath of allegiance. What I want is action. Well, next, the princess will give you to help her complete the coup and ascend the throne. In addition, I\'ll send a warning to Kelvin, at least to let him understand that his ridiculous little moves have always been under my watch." Zhang Cheng casually ordered.

"Your will is my command!" isorte saluted again and then disappeared at the corner of the corridor.