All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1058

"Well, that\'s right. Your children are really capable. At this rate, the western continent will be controlled in a few years at most. But I really didn\'t expect that you, as a chaotic faction, would create such a life with the attribute of absolute order. Can you tell me what you thought at the beginning?" Zhang Cheng turned around and raised a question that had been bothering him.

You should know that although the monsters he created can obey the command on the surface, they are still full of madness and chaos in essence.

In other words, the commander can issue basic commands such as attack, retreat and defense, but it is impossible to refine the instructions.

Because the nature of monsters is chaotic, once they enter the combat state, they will no longer pay attention to any orders, but come as they want.

The internal essence of chaos is reflected incisively and vividly at this moment.

Moreover, although Zhang Cheng himself likes to specify some plans, he will still disrupt the original plans from time to time.

In his bones, he is an extremely crazy and self-centered person. Once he becomes crazy, even he will feel afraid later.

Everything shows that chaos is a force that can change the essence of a life from the inside out. A life recognized by it can never be inclined to order.

"Ah! So you found out! I thought how long it would take you to ask this question." Gru joked carelessly. "In fact, you only see the surface of these little things, and don\'t really notice their internal essence, the terrible essence full of killing and destruction."

"Please go on! I\'m listening!" Zhang Cheng held his chin in one hand, and his two eyes showed a very curious light.

In any case, the other party is an old master. In the use and mastery of rules, it should at least be far higher than him at several levels. Of course, if you have the opportunity, you should study hard. Even if it is not suitable for you, it is always good to refer to it.

"Very simple! The order you see now is only an initial stage. When my children expand the number of parasitic groups to a certain extent and the technology reaches the space age, they will start a crazy and irrational expansion mode. They will clean up and annex every encountered civilization through killing and extinction. This disorderly behavior will continue until the end There was the first higher civilization. That is to say, they entered the countdown to self destruction from the beginning. So you think order doesn\'t exist at all, and chaos is their real nature, "Gru explained calmly.

There is no doubt that the life he created draws heavily on the ethnic groups he was born into, and also adds some personal feelings to it.

After all, although the master has abandoned a lot of the past, some things will still remain with the memory, even more unforgettable than when he first experienced it.

Unless you wash away part of your memory and make yourself incomplete, even the most painful part will remain forever.

Zhang Cheng can understand each other and understand that even he himself still can\'t get rid of the habit of being blessed by the human race, such as aesthetic style, and he will feel cordial and familiar when he sees life similar to human shape.

Thinking of this, he suddenly turned the topic and asked with a smile, "what do you think is civilization?"

"Civilization?" Gru obviously didn\'t adapt to such a rapid and sudden topic transfer, and the whole person was stunned.

"That\'s right! Civilization!" Zhang Cheng gave a positive answer without thinking.

"Well... There are many definitions of civilization, some from the perspective of science and technology, some from the perspective of culture and social structure. I don\'t know what you mean?" Gru asked back with interest.

You don\'t have to ask. He began to be interested in this topic.

Zhang Cheng hesitated a little and replied with a smile: "from the perspective of science and technology, it\'s too short and rough for us to discuss. Let\'s discuss it from the perspective of culture and social structure."

Gru nodded thoughtfully: "a good entry point. In my opinion, whether a race enters the stage of civilization mainly depends on whether they have formed a stable social division of labor and power structure. This is not only the symbol of civilization, but also the lowest threshold of civilization. If this is not achieved, then an intelligent race is not worthy of being called civilization."

"It\'s very clear, and I can\'t find a reason to refute it." Zhang Cheng praised with a smile.

It has to be said that the master who stands at the end of the evolution of all life in the universe has seen the rise and fall of too many civilizations, and the key to civilization has been found in one word.

To put it bluntly, civilization is the process of intelligent creatures gradually gathering together to build cities from primitive and wild tribes.

In this process, the way of obtaining food through fishing and hunting will change to farming or nomadism, which will eventually lead to a leap in production division and productivity.

"What about you? What do you think civilization is?" after finishing his point of view, Gru turned his eyes to Zhang Cheng.

The latter was silent for a moment and immediately said in a slightly emotional tone: "I think civilization is a kind of memory, a kind of remembrance and remembrance of the past rooted in a certain race, which is also an indispensable inheritance. See the aborigines on this planet? They are actually very similar to an era of my mother planet. Although they are very primitive, very backward, and even in our view, they are so ignorant and ignorant, it is undeniable that they created But now, because of our arrival, their civilization has left an unprecedented upheaval. No one knows whether this interesting civilization will decline after this war, or take the opportunity to rise and embark on another road. "

"Are you sentimental?"

"No! I\'m just trying to appreciate and feel it with a different identity. After all, I\'m different from you. I\'ve seen the rise and fall of too many races and civilizations. For me, all this is still full of freshness. I can\'t help but want to do some interesting experiments."

"Experiment? Can I know the details?"

As soon as he heard the word experiment, Gru immediately became excited. There were two like tentacles on his head, but it was actually some kind of signal receiver, flashing a faint light.

"Do you think... What will happen if I provide them with some technologies beyond their understanding?" Zhang Cheng grinned with an evil smile.

You know, if technology is promoted step by step in the normal order, it\'s OK, but if you suddenly get too many technologies far beyond the current scientific and technological level, there are usually only two situations, one is to cause huge social unrest and eventually lead to the death of a large number of people, and the other is to launch a crazy war and destroy the whole world