All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1002



Everyone in the meeting room showed a strange expression on their faces, and then turned their eyes to the initiator.

But anyone who is not a fool can understand the subtext of the sentence just now, that is "this thing belongs to me and no one can take it away".

We should know that there are clear provisions within the organization that all important things found in external expansion should be returned to the public, and it is up to the vote to decide who to give them to research or custody.

But now, a newcomer is trying to break the rules with the help of his advantages in the professional field, and even establish a mountain within the organization to re-establish his position and advantages.

Needless to say, in most well-organized organizations, this behavior is definitely a naked provocation and an impermissible taboo.

But interestingly, the initiator did not show even a little displeasure. Instead, he nodded with a slight smile: "in that case, you should take care of it first. I hope you will not betray my trust."

"Of course! I\'ve never let people down! I\'m not like some trash. I can only play with my mouth. When I encounter difficulties, I\'ll shrink my head like a tortoise and hide myself in a solid tortoise shell. Zhang Cheng didn\'t save face for these so-called" self of the parallel universe "and sneered.




seek revenge for the smallest grievance!

He proved what kind of person he was with practical actions, and also understood to those who were hostile to him what would happen if he provoked himself.

Obviously, these words offended more than half of the members present.

Especially the commander of the last expedition fleet, his face suddenly became extremely ugly, and the anger in his eyes was almost gushing out.

"Very good! I hope you can do what you say. Now, I declare the meeting over." the initiator didn\'t seem to see the atmosphere full of gunpowder around him, so he stood up and walked out.

Before leaving, he did not forget to wink and motioned Zhang Cheng to follow up.

They walked along the flat corridor one by one for more than ten minutes. The beginner, who could not see his age at all, stopped, turned and said in a slightly playful tone: "I can feel that you are a very special kind, a madman who completely abandons human nature and is swallowed up by darkness in his heart. If you don\'t mind, can you tell me your real purpose of joining the organization?"

"Oh? Why do you ask?" Zhang Cheng didn\'t answer immediately, but tried carefully.

For those who are stronger than himself, he always keeps a little cautious and humble.

Although this is a little suspected of bullying the soft and fearing the hard, in fact, everyone subconsciously has the consciousness of bullying the soft and fearing the hard, but some people show it more obviously and some people show it more obscurely.

"Ha ha! Look! Your reaction just proves my guess. Relax, to some extent, we are all the same kind of people. What do you think I founded the organization for? Conquering the universe? No! Fools do such boring things. What I want is eternity! Eternity in the real sense! Eternity that won\'t die even if the universe is destroyed! Can you understand?" The initiator laughed and told the secret of his heart.

Unfortunately, Zhang Cheng didn\'t believe a word. He just pretended to agree: "understand! Of course understand! There\'s no essential difference in my pursuit of surpassing everything. But I always have a question. Up to now, you don\'t seem to have met a real opponent, have you?"

"Ah! You\'ve noticed! That\'s good! You know, many idiots foolishly think that we are the only one in the whole universe to discover string secrets, so it\'s only a matter of time to conquer the universe. But it\'s really like that we have many enemies, too many to imagine. Moreover, in this unimaginable struggle, our strength is not the strongest. On the contrary, we are the weakest One. "

With that, the initiator took out a sphere composed of countless unknown substances like silk threads from his arms and gently threw it to his head.

Next second

Like being activated, the wire ball disintegrates at a speed that cannot be distinguished by the naked eye, and finally forms a huge three-dimensional image.

To be exact, this is a star map, a star map of the high-dimensional universe.

He pointed to the area marked red and said: "This is the area we control. Next to the blue area is the tameng Empire, a behemoth with a long history and rich experience in superstring war. According to the current situation, it will not be long before we start our first contact, followed by a life and death war. Believe me, you will understand how terrible and dangerous superstring war is when you have seen their power with your own eyes Cruel. "

"So?" Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders and looked indifferent.

Fight an invincible enemy?

i \'m sorry!

This is not what he will do!

If the situation really reaches that level, he doesn\'t mind running away directly, or fighting back and joining the enemy\'s camp.

As for the moving positive feelings such as loyalty, courage, trust and blood, they have long been separated from his soul.

"Do you think you can stay out?" the initiator undoubtedly noticed Zhang Cheng\'s inner thoughts and smiled sarcastically at the corners of his mouth.

"Why, will they chase me to the end of the universe?"

"No! They don\'t need to chase you to the end of the universe! They just need to lock everything around the battlefield. At that time, you won\'t even have a chance to escape. Remember, the failure of superstring war means death, eternal death. There is no forgiveness, no captives, let alone surrender. Both sides bet everything just to stand at the top of the universe. Maybe you don\'t believe what I say now, But the moment you step into the battlefield, you will understand the true meaning of these words. Try to be strong, there is not much time left for you... "

After saying this meaningful sentence, the initiator did not turn back and walked towards the stairs leading to the high floor.

Watching his fading back, Zhang Cheng touched his chin and muttered, "the real superstring war? It sounds really exciting! It seems that I have to seize the time to maximize my strength and ensure that I won\'t become sad cannon fodder."

The voice just fell!

Lao Chen didn\'t know when he suddenly appeared behind him and asked solemnly, "did the initiator tell you the news of the coming war?"

"That\'s right! Why, you are also one of the insiders?" Zhang Cheng nodded and asked.

"Yes! Including you, there are already 20 insiders in the whole organization. Get ready, the cruel war will come soon. For each of us, it is a test, a cruel test."

"Don\'t worry, no matter what happens, I will make sure I can survive."
