All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 10

"Oh? Misunderstanding? Hehe..."

A meaningless sneer appeared on Zhang Cheng\'s face. He looked at each other up and down. At the same time, he quickly searched for the more famous forces in the game, and soon locked two targets.

Obviously, there are no two organizations active in Hillsbrad hills, one is syndicate and the other is ravenhold.

The former is the second alliance and tribal war, because once betrayed the alliance and was exiled by the Alterac nobles.

The goal of these guys is to regain their own territory and status. For this reason, they do not hesitate to take despicable means such as assassination, deception and theft. They even occupy dunhold castle, as well as a large number of farms and sentries.

Before the outbreak of the natural disaster of the dead, their power expanded to include silver pine forest, Hillsbrad hills, Alterac mountains, arahi highland, the valley hinterland on the Bank of lodamir lake, etc. almost all transportation hubs were controlled by this evil organization to form a huge monopoly network.

Perhaps more than ten years later, the ambitious autran nobles can really subvert the rule of the kingdom of Lordaeron by relying on economic means.

But unfortunately, fate made a little joke

Just when they thought their plan was about to succeed, the terrible plague swept the whole northern continent, known as Azeroth, the most powerful kingdom of mankind - Lordaeron was devastated, and countless syndicate controlled places were occupied by the flood of undead, only a small part of the South remained.

As for the so-called subversion plan, it was also postponed indefinitely. At least until the threat of the scourge and the forgotten was solved, the syndicate leaders did not dare to act rashly.

The latter is a very mysterious assassin organization, completely indifferent to race and camp.

As for human beings, elves, undead, trolls and orcs, as long as their strength is recognized, they are qualified to become one of them. Few people know their real purpose. They only know that the organization has been recruiting elite thieves and constantly collecting intelligence from all over the world.

In addition, the main spheres of influence of the two organizations are from Hillsbrad hills to Alterac Valley, so friction and contradictions will inevitably occur, and they will become sworn enemies over time.

Zhang Cheng thinks that these guys are more likely to be syndicates. After all, ravenhold will never attack the passing caravans for money. They are more like mercenaries who collect money to do things than greedy robbers.

The man with a fine moustache stepped back carefully, kept a false smile on his face, and defended in a very cunning tone: "That\'s right! Distinguished mage, I assure you that everything just happened stems from a small intelligence error. If I knew in advance that you live here, I would not send someone to send a gift and greeting first, and then act after getting permission."

"Get permission? Ha ha! Do you think I will allow you to attack a caravan sheltered by me?" Zhang Chengcheng couldn\'t help laughing.

He thought he was shameless sometimes, but compared with the guy in front of him, he didn\'t even deserve to lift shoes for each other.

At least after he failed to take the initiative to attack someone, he could never say the word "misunderstanding", because anyone who is not a fool can clearly distinguish what is "misunderstanding" and what is "deliberate attack".

"Why not? I believe that everything in this world has a price, as long as I can afford a price satisfactory to you. In addition, I\'m afraid the cunning businessman didn\'t tell you that there was a small box of precious arcane crystals hidden in his goods? He only used some cheap food to get your protection. In my opinion, this is essentially a kind of deception Cheat. Since he cheated you from the beginning, why do you continue to protect him? "

Then the man turned and glanced meaningfully at old George with bruises on his face.

The latter opened his mouth to say something, but before he made a sound, he immediately found a sharp dagger hidden in the dark against Jenny\'s slender neck and quickly closed his mouth.

Due to the dim light, Zhang Cheng was not aware of these hidden small actions, but he was not stupid enough to believe a guy who wanted to kill himself a few minutes ago.

He just looked at the enchanting halo of arcane crystal in the box and asked with a smile: "so, what price are you going to buy me? What price are you going to use to redeem your life?"

"What do you think of half a box of arcane crystal? You know, this is the most valuable mineral of Azeroth. A small piece is worth the annual income of a farm. Moreover, for a powerful mage like you, arcane crystal means not only wealth, but also many other things, such as powerful magic items..."

The man with a moustache undoubtedly noticed Zhang Cheng\'s eyes on arcane crystal and immediately offered to exchange terms.

But he doesn\'t know that the reason why Zhang Cheng pays so much attention to arcane crystals is not out of greed. He just wants to see with his own eyes what the mysterious materials used to build top weapons and armor in the game look like.

It has to be said that from a visual point of view, anyone who sees an arcane crystal for the first time will be attracted by the strong halo it emits.

Gold, orange, blue, red, purple, green, silver white

The arcane crystals in the wooden box are like stars hanging in the night sky. Even if they have no practical use, I believe many people will be crazy about the beautiful appearance of this mineral.

At the moment when Zhang Cheng\'s attention was firmly attracted, a cold light suddenly flashed in the dark!

Followed by the next second


The dazzling bright red liquid spewed out a meter away and scattered everywhere!

The man with a fine moustache looked unbelievable, covered the main artery that kept spraying blood, raised his trembling right hand, pointed to the dark shadow close at hand, and seemed to want to say something.

But unfortunately, the blood blocked his throat and trachea, so he could only make a short "drink" sound. After struggling for more than ten seconds, he fell to the ground with a plop, and his two frightened eyes slowly lost their look.

The shadow hidden in the dark, with an assassination technique that ordinary people can\'t capture, easily cut open the neck, including a series of fatal parts such as the throat, trachea and great arteries. It took less than a second from the appearance to the end.

Even he was very cruel and deliberately did not choose to let the target die immediately, but let the target feel the pain of being unable to breathe before he died, as well as the fear of massive loss of blood.

Only psychopaths and madmen who enjoy killing and deprivation of life will choose this way.

With the dark red blood dripping down the gap between the boards, the whole forest cabin fell into a dead silence