All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 790

Seeing all the people's eyes converged on him, Yang Ling took the microphone and said with a smile: "Friends of the road, I won't tell you the great truth, just say a few words at will."

"As you all know, the situation is not too severe."

"This is the eve of the great war. It is a magnificent era."

"I know that in this contest with the barbarians and the sea people, many people will fall down, and maybe some people will never see it again after today's departure."

"But you should remember that behind you is civilization, the most precious thing left by our ancestors, and something we need to defend with our lives."

"Most of us here have enjoyed the prosperity of the world, and it is time to contribute to this prosperity."

Seeing everyone's faces showing a firm color, Yang Ling said with a light smile: "of course, although the situation is grim now, it is still under control."

"As some ancestors said just now, your main task is to secretly find out the wild people hidden in our human society. It is not dangerous to say that this is deceptive, but to say that it is dangerous, it is just that."

"I have only two requirements for you. First, don't try to be brave!"

"The worst thing about the barbarians is that they are inborn. You can't compete with them now. Once you find a suspicious target, you just need to report it. Don't worry about anything else."

"Remember, in either case, it's important to save your life!"

When they heard the speech, they all laughed. The ancestor of Alin was still grounded. The friars' cultivation was for long life.

Yang Ling said again: "the second requirement is to practice hard."

"When I talked with several ancestors before, I also said that we should rob others and strengthen ourselves, but the resources we try our best to rob will not be given to those who are greedy for pleasure and do not want to make progress."

"In a word, save yourself and destroy the enemy. Do you understand?"

All the people laughed one after another. The one who can become a monk is not a talent.

It may not be possible for them to fight in the battlefield, but if they do something harmful to others and benefit themselves, they are really good at it

In fact, this is the biggest difference between the Terrans and the barbarians, which is clearly reflected in the individual combat power.

The inborn master of the human race, it is through how much effort, how much intrigue, how much disaster to climb up, each mind calm and extraordinary means.

The barbarians are born with inborn, as if they are flowers in the cradle.

It's not polite to say that the same realm really wants to fight. The Terrans can fight two or three barbarians.

The single round combat effectiveness of the barbarians is not as good as that of the sea people, but the number is huge.

Of course, we can't rule out that there are also savage people in the barbarians, but they should not be too many.

Yang Ling saw that all the people showed a sudden look and said with a smile: "well, just say so much. I hope that a lot of people can see you at the next party. It's better to have a few more inborn Taoist friends."

"I'll accompany you then?"

Everyone was laughing, and Fang Qi said with a loud smile, "old Yang, my granddaughter Yuwei has been harmed by you. If you dare to move my woman again next time, I will sing a song to go too far!"

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Fang Qi couldn't help laughing.

"Ding, you have satisfied people's desire to have a core struggle idea. The wish value is + 1."

"Ding, you have satisfied Fang Qi's wish that the monks would not be too nervous. The wish value is + 1." , the fastest update of the webnovel!